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A member registered May 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I planned on making it a few levels longer but some life stuff came up so I couldn't, but that's just the nature of game jams.

Fun and challenging puzzle game. Art and sound is minimalistic but it works well for this type of game. The game has chaotic themes such as the literal chaos spreading in the levels, but the feel of the gameplay is more slow paced and not overly chaotic. I can't really knock it for that since it still fits the theme well though. Good work!

Fun bullet hell platformer. The graphics and sounds were simple but I think it works for this game. I wish there was a bit more variety, maybe bouncing or curving projectiles would work well, but it's still pretty fun. Good work!

I love the art and the music. The gameplay is fun and very solid and I liked the creative use of the theme. I wish there was a way to turn off the shield once it is on, but that's a minor nitpick. Great work!

Fun idea and good use of the limitation. I found the game way too difficult when I was flying around and avoiding the bullets, so I just game up, moved into the boss, and pointed my mouse at the boss which allowed me to win consistently without really trying, so there's definitely a lot of balancing that is needed. Overall, good work!

I used chaos in a more thematic way as it's about robots who have seconds long lifespans, which would be chaotic in most scenarios. The player also has no control over when the robot shuts down, which ties into chaos as being a lack of order or control. It's definitely a limitation that can be interpreted in many ways and I definitely could have found more ways to make it show up in the gameplay. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks! I ended up having very limited time to make the game so I wasn't able to polish it quite as much as I wanted, but thats how game jams go I guess. I tried to go with more of a short looping timer limitation rather than something more traditional because I had way more ideas for a short cyclical timer than a long one where the game ends when it runs out. It's definitely a more loose implementation of a time limit, but it's the concept I had the most ideas for so I went with it even if it costs me some points in the ratings. Thanks for the feedback!

I love the art and level of polish but I don't really understand how time fits into this game at all. The "Time" stat isn't labeled as such and acts more like a second health pool than any sort of timer. I think a turn based game with a time limit is a super cool concept and I wish this game leaned into that angle more. Maybe you only have a certain number of steps to complete smaller challenge rooms  that focus on the time mechanic more. You could even implement puzzle sections by having areas where time moves backwards or at different rates.  It's still a fun game, and I'm just spitballing ideas here, but I feel as though it would have been better if you focused less on the more common dungeon crawling elements and more on the time and grid based movement. With all of those things in there together, it feels like nothing is overly developed and the game doesn't have a core identity. I am definitely being harsh, and I still enjoyed the game, but I feel like it has a lot more potential that I would love to see in either an expanded version or another game that borrows some of the mechanics with more focus. Great work!

I love the graphics and general concept, but I found the game to be really hard to control. I understand what you were going for, and I even went with a looping timer based time limit in my game, but I found the timer to be a bit confusing with what it actually does, and it seemed like I could stop the timer only sometimes when charging a jump. I know that the point of the controls is to not allow for air movement, but I feel as though allowing for very limited movement in the air would have made the game far less frustrating. Overall, I still liked the game and especially the art. Great job!

This game is super polished and fun! I love the arcade style high score taking approach that was taken. It did take me a second to figure out what I was supposed to do as, like another comment points out, the pipes and collectibles didn't stand out quite as much as I think they should have. Also, I know it's a high score game and made in limited time, but it would have been neat if Martha came to life more the more you watered her. I played a few rounds and every time she seemed like she died at the end of the time limit. On one hand, this makes sense, but I would have had a happier ending if you last longer in the game just to encourage the player to play again more. Overall, great work!

Wow, this is one of the most polished jam games I have ever played! The core gameplay is super fun and feels great. It's simple but it just works, and the premise and ending animation are fantastic. They don't need to be there from a mechanical level but they add so much to the charm and encourage replaying the game to get a better score.  My only nitpick would be that I wish there was some more feedback when you are holding a wire over another wire and before you connect it. A little indication that the wires will connect once you release would add to the game feel, but it's hard to complain when everything is so polished. Great  job!  

I love the art, sound, and general premise. Being able to pick a color was also a super nice touch. I understood the general gameplay but I found that the game started off way too fast for me to keep up with and get acclimated to the gameplay. I would suggest slowing down the speed of the game by a lot at the beginning and having it speed up more over time. Overall, great work!

I love the art, sound, and general aesthetic of the game and it feels great to play. My few notes would be that for most of the game, I found it way too easy to avoid obstacles to the point that it became a bit boring. Maybe adding more obstacles from the start and lowering the health bar would fix this issue. You could also collectibles that increase your score other than just the clocks to encourage the player to move more even if there are no obstacles. Regardless, these are minor complaints and this game was very well done! 

(1 edit)

A solid execution of a simple maze escape game. I would have preferred button movement  instead of mouse movement but the controls work well. The game being played by a streamer is a cool aesthetic but I wish it had a greater impact on the gameplay. I also wish there were some more sound effects and feedback while playing. Overall it's a well made game with a small scope.

The original build of the game was more focused on chaos with robots shutting down after about a second but this was too chaotic and barely allowed for functional level design. I had to retool the concept and used chaos more thematically as the game is about robots with 5 second lifespans, but the element of chaos is not as apparent in the actual gameplay. Also had to deal with some unpleasant life stuff during the jam so I was a bit crunched on time. These are definitely fair criticisms and I would have approached the jam differently but that’s kind of the nature of game jams.

I’m aware of that, it’s an issue that I often encounter when exporting for gamemaker for an in browser build. Currently the only fix I know is refreshing the page but it’s something I’m looking into. Spacdbar added to instructions as well. Thanks!

This is fun. I like how you can change the way the characters control, that was a really nice addition. The platforming controls felt weird. Kind of floaty but also too weighty. Good job!

This is great. I love the art and it feels really polished. Great job!

I love the art and the concept. It feels really hard to control, which seems somewhat intentional, but I didn't find the controls to be much fun. I also wish there was more sound and feedback when hitting an enemy with the ball and chain. Nice job!

I like the simple art and I think it's really impressive that you made everything without an engine. Drago's movement was pretty unpredictable and the second level was especially glitchy but I like what you were able to put together in such a short amount of time!

I didn't see any control explanation in the game or in the description. I really liked the art and intro but I honestly had no idea what was going on. I think you need a better explanation of your game, it's controls, and it's mechanics. It still seems like a cool concept and the art is nice so good job!

Cool idea but I think it needs more explanation. I also walked straight over the pit in the first level and I don't know if that was intentional or not. Nice job!

This is a really fun concept with some nice and simple art. I think the controls feel a bit unnatural but it also seems like that's the point. There were some times where I wasn't targeted for up to 5 waves at a time, so I think the balancing needs some work. I got to level 5 without taking a hit and got hit 3 times right after. Regardless of the balancing issues, this is really nice, good work!

I like the art and the overall concept, grappling hooks are always fun. I found the controls and movement with multiple ships attached to be a bit unwieldy. Maybe It would be better if the ships attached to your ship at a specific angle each time so you could have better aim. I also would increase the firing rate a bit. Still had a fun time though, great job!

Yeah I agree, I'd definitely like to add controller support after the jam but I wasn't able to get it working. I think that would alleviate a lot of the control complaints.

Unfortunately I'm not on windows so I can't play or rate it . Maybe you should take down the web build if that's allowed by the rules and just specify that its for windows. Seems like a cool game though, good job!

This is a really brilliant little puzzle game. The art is fantastic and the puzzles are excellently designed. There is great use of the theme and I enjoyed all of it. My only complaint is that I wish there was more. This idea could easily be expanded into a larger puzzle game, and I'd love to see that happen, perhaps outside of the confines of Pico-8. Amazing work! 

Top notch art and sound for sure, it's clear why this has been rated so much. I really like the puzzle mechanics too. I've seen games have two characters controls be linked before but they usually aren't in the same place together from my experience. I found the controls to be a bit too sluggish for my liking but I will also admit that this may be intentional as this isn't meant to be a fast paced game. I also found some of the puzzles to require more trial and error than thinking, which I'm not sure was intentional. Some puzzles were also frustrating. For example, I did things almost identically for the first level when I played it two times, but died one time and didn't the other. I think the slow movement and large spike hit-boxes are to blame as they require very precise movement which I don't really think this type of game needs to require. All in all, this is really great and I'm really only being so hard on it because of how much potential it shows and how close it is to fully meeting that potential. I hope you can polish it up a bit and make it even better than it already is. Awesome job!

I like the sound, art, puzzles, and mechanics a lot. The controls were a little too sluggish but I still had fun. I didn't like how you had a split second to move to the right in the second level. I am assuming it's to teach the restart mechanic but I don't think that was necessary. Great job!

Cool concept and nice art. I found the movement to be very glitchy and too slow, and I wish the player had more control of the ball's trajectory. Also, some sound would have been nice. The jump was also very floaty and the glitchiest aspect. That makes sense given this is more of a prototype than anything so hopefully that gets worked out if you make it into a full game. Good job!

I like the art and concept but I wish the movement was faster and there was some sound. I also agree with the comment that suggested making it so the people could get caught in bear traps, that would make things more interesting. Nice job!

This is an awesome idea with some great puzzles and nice art that works well with the game. The core mechanic also fits the theme really well. I have two suggestions though. I wish I could use the WASD key or the arrow keys  instead of having to click on the screen. Other than that, I think it would be better if you could disconnect keys that are binded, although this may mess up the current puzzle design.

That's strange, I haven't seen anyone else have that issue, it must be a rare bug. Sorry about that but I'm glad you still liked it.

This is really cool. I definitely think it could use more polish though. I would like to see a health bar for enemies and a way to remove weapons. I also wish there was a more clear end of level screen of some sort as it is kind of jarring to just instantly end up in the next level. Lastly, it always seemed like there was one planned way to use the weapons that was better than any other. It would have been cool if there were multiple viable weapon choices for each level and you could decide to use what you want and experiment. Regardless of any criticism, this is really impressive and fun to play. Great job!

Sounds like a cool concept but I couldn't get the web build to start. I also wish the art icon for the game gave some indication of what it actually looks like rather than a bunch of cool looking colors.

Fun game, but I wish you didn't have to pause and look in the recipe book to see what you need for each drink. It's really fun and fast paced and I like the sound effects. Good job!

Great game. The puzzles and use of the theme are really good. I really like the art and the zooming in effect. My only suggestion would be to make the zoom in effect more distinct for whether you get the two characters too the center or not. I knew when I didn't do it right but I wish there was a bit more feedback from the game. I would've also liked to see some more sound effects. Great job!

I love the art icon for the game but the web browser version doesn't work.

I really enjoyed this. I was a bit confused on what to do at first but I figured it out quickly and had fun. I think a bit of a better explanation of the rules of the game, even in the description, would help out a lot but this is really good!

Wow, this is a really cool concept with great execution and art. My only complaint is that I was able to get the correct configuration in a few levels just by swinging the rocks around wildly to break them apart. Other than that, I love the art and there are some really good and challenging puzzles. Awesome job!