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A member registered Jul 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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The Gravitation Sucker-Blower was super cool. I found myself walking around and sucking up objects for fun.

I had a blast playing this game! However, I did run into some issues with the shuriken. I thought I could just swing my hand across the screen, but it didn't always work. If I could master the shuriken mechanic and keep the running going, I could totally see myself getting hooked on this game for hours.

A simple concept but actually quite fun and satisfying. It can become quite a workout game when the packages start piling up. I think the grabbing system could use some improvement. It felt a bit awkward when the package was positioned in the middle of my hand, I felt like it made my throws clumsy :)  The drones were cool and it was really satisfying to see them catch the packages, even when my throws weren't perfectly accurate.

I just love games that experiment with the locomotion system so I really enjoyed this one!

I was expecting motion sickness but it was actually very satisfying and enjoyable to jump around by clenching your fists and pushing your arms down. I think this concept could be even more engaging if integrated with an arm swing mechanic for regular locomotion instead of relying solely on a joystick. Overall, I think it's a cool idea with the potential to become a full-fledged game