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Big Cyckos

A member registered Feb 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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I like it, especially the details in the menus, the rainbow splash screen, really cool graphics. It can be tough at times, especially the labirynth one :) ~ Jacko

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Audiovisuals are out of this world. The game is great. The only thing is that for a story-climate driven gameplay dialogues between main characters could’ve been more interesting, but this is just cherrypicking. Appreciate the multiple endings, are there more than three? ~ Jacko

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Nice, although it’s obvious that you’ve ran out of time :) I appreciate the fact that the game progresses differently depending on how it is played. The audiovisuals are good, the gameplay has its issues, but at the core it all cooperates well, and I liked playing it. ~Jacko

best game best game super awesome

Cute little game with simple, yet quite enjoyable gameplay~ The sights and sounds are absolutely charming, and the game is incredibly well polished!


I like the gameplay! Audiovisuals are ok. Wish the camera would move faster so that you could move upwards seeing what will you bump into, but i understand why that it may be designed in such a way.

We talked more about this game in our video for this jam! Check it out!

Really pleasant! I like the graphics, shame that there's no music though. My bunny sure looked funny when he ate too much food :D

This game is in our video about this jam!

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Really liked it! The take on the theme is very original and lends itself to some really neat gameplay, and while the controls/movement might feel kinda janky at first, it can be very satisfying once you get the hang of it! The music is really nice, as well!

I wouldn't suspect that something like that would keep me for any meaningful amount of time, but it did! Weird experience, it doesn't seem like a game at all, but on the other hand, thanks to the phenomenal audiovisuals, it holds you and won't release. Interesting concept.

We also talked about this game in our video about this jam.

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Neat idea and just beautiful models and animation, though sadly no gameplay atm. Would have really liked to see this finished!
Would have also really liked a volume slider, haha.

Incredibly cute!! Love the art and the music! <3

Feels a bit weird at the beginning, but after you get used to the controls and mechanics it quickly becomes really pleasant. I still don't quite understand some of the ways this games work, for example bugs on the plants that you can throw in the bin but they don't affect anything, at least i didn't see they did. I really like the audiovisuals, although they fit more into a relaxing game, while this is fast-paced fight for the life of your plants. Still like it though!

We talked more about this game in this video.

Man, that was hard! Fantastic game, controls on the walljumps are a bit tricky, but still I'm amazed you managed to pull it off! I haven't got a screenshot from the level itself, but i believe those congrats on your final sacrifice wouldn't be there if I haven't finished it. I stopped counting my deaths after 20th or so, very difficult level, but the relief after this final climb - too big to describe :D

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Really like the style and gameplay, wish there was more music. I've found a bug that allowed me to fly, but because of the overall construction of the game i thought it was intentional XD Overall great game, first time i gave 5 stars for gameplay on this jam.

We've talked more about this game in this video!

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I really like the growth mechanic and platforming, good work! Wish it was longer.

We talked about it in our video made for this jam, check it out!

I love everything about this game man, great work. All aspects of this game look as if they were born to meet together in this little masterpiece. If i had to criticize anything with a gun pointed on my head, i would say that the snake minigame is not as intuitive as it could be, but it's a minor problem. 
We've talked more about this game in this video, be sure to check it out :D

Cool fast game, had a lot of fun. Audiovisuals fit the gameplay nicely, and the 1 minute time limit poses a challenge and makes you want to get as many points as possible.  Loved it, and played it much longer than expected :D

We've talked about this game more in the video we made for this jam.

That was really challenging! Still don't know how I managed to finish it :D I like the overall design, shame that there's no music though. I would never suspect i would play a game involving a dog that makes his body longer, also controlling his legs. Would make a great co-op game where one player controlled the back of the dog, and the second player took control of the front :D

I talked more about this game in this video.

Everything is alright, but the game is way too short, there's also no audio. I like the gliding, there's this bug that when you fly into the building on the left then you will fly high like a rocket :D couldn't see the theme in this though.

Oh man, animated intro, tilesets and sprites, nice music, the audiovisuals are top-notch! The gameplay mechanic is interesting, the random level generation brings some problems such as cameleon spawning next to the player or on the exit, but it's still really nice you pulled it off! It adds a desire to explore the game further and further. Where's the "growth" though? Were you supposed to grow to be a "true roach from the west"? Awesome game, just wish it fit the theme more :D

Really smart, definitely haven't seen something like that before! Instead of saying something about the reading order you should color them from brightest to darkest or something like that, this hint wasn't clear. This 10-second loop gets irritating after a while, you could've used the trac from the end as the main track because it's not as repetitive. I like that you made everything yourself though :)

Don't beat yourself up for this Z key, i got used to it really quick and haven't had any problems with that, altough S would obviously be much better choice :D The game is really neat, looks great, and this music loop fits the gameplay. Unfortunately I cannot finish it, it keeps saying that there are remaining enemies altough i'm sure i killed everything. It was nice killing those red squares though :)

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Very good-looking game, and pretty challenging platformer! I don't have a problem with the character sliding on everything like on ice, but it was really irritating on the top of the level, where you had those pinpoint jumps and camera moved so that you could not see if you where falling on platforms. It also lacks music. I've however had a lot of fun with this game, some solid platform gameplay you got there :)

Nice concept, i love the chaotic expanding alien, it's almost as if it was alive right there in my computer :D unfortunately graphics aren't that great and there's no music. Remember about audiovisuals next time, or maybe invite someone to make the game with you, i promise you'll have more fun making it together! The core mechanic is great, i wish there were more levels and ways to manipulate the room in order to stop the alien, but it's understandable given the amount of time to make this game. Hope you will fiddle more with this idea, it has a huge potential :D

Definitely needs more gameplay. Music and graphics are great, but it would be nice to have something other to do than walk around hitting CTRL. Don't really know what jump mechanics are for, since you don't take damage from those little monsters. It looks like an interesting idea though, hope you will add some other gameplay to it!

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Jacko from our team made a video where he reviewed some of the submissions for this jam, and also talked a bit about the event itself.

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Very basic, but the idea at it's core could be a cute little idle game with enough work! It would be nice to see the birds grow and mature over time. :>

Hiya, we'd be delighted if you could give our game a try as well!

Absolutely loved last night's stream btw, keep up the good work, kobold fren. <3

How does this only have 3 ratings??? Absolutely love the mechanic, sights and sounds! Great work!

Heyy, we'd love it if you could give our game a shot as well: c:

Hey, we'd love it if you could try ours, as well!

This game feels professional, the concept is original, visuals are really good, you have put so much effort into these details! There is only one thing that bothers me with this game. In QWOP or Getting over it, or other hard games like Dark Souls or Furi, when you fail, it's ALWAYS your fault. In this game, there were a couple times when I lost because of  game, cactus sticked to the wrong wall or I got stuck in this motherf8970asdh9a8(D(n9as labiryth. But it's understandable, since you had limited time to make everything work. Excluding this few issues that happend to me, everything  was perfectly made, challenges are hard and make you want to beat them, movement is nice - it reminds me of happy wheels :DD also, I really liked the way you move in water.

It could've been a fun little mini-game were it not for how few enemies there are - right now, the game is just way too easy. The shooting mechanics are really well made, it's just a shame there's not that many things you can try them out on. :/

Oof, the aesthetic is really solid and the concept is really good, but the execution is lacking. The controls are just too sluggish, the level design is really barebones, the nice looking sprites just BEG for a few more frames of animation and the lack of sound really gets to you after a while.

tl;dr - solid concept, but it needs some more work.

Man, visuals are pretty underwhelming. It is understandable to not have the most astonishing, beautiful sprites in game you make for a week-long jam, but in this game it gets more problematic, every room feels the same, seeing the same tile repeated over and over in every segment of map makes you confused, this is bad design.

That being said, I can't wait for your non-jam  games, which won't be limited by deadline. The concept you came up with is pure fun, I want more of this. I can't understand how possibly you could come up with so many fresh ideas and put them all in this one game, everything in less than 9 days. Like John said you should definitely explore this mechanic further, you are really good at it :DDD

Man, you know what makes visual novels good, this game is truly gold experience, i love it :DDD

 I added our game public repo to the submission, you should be able to view it, if any problems occur - PM us! :D 

Death animations are simple. We just made some animations of cacti exploding, and then forced Animated Sprite to play them, when enemy health drops to 0:

func attacked(damage, knockback_dir = 0):
    health -= damage
    if health <= 0:
        #sum other code
        is_dead = true

It goes the same for Terrorist. Runner, on the other hand, changes his rotation and velocity to simulate  tripping over:

func _physics_process(delta):
    #runner mechanics
    if is_dead && rotation_degrees < 90: #if runner is dead, and hasn't hit the ground yet, make him rotate
        speed = 30
        rotation_degrees += 5
    if rotation_degrees >= 90: #make runner move slower as he trips over
        if velocity.x > 0:
            velocity.x -= 1
            velocity.x += 1
func attacked(damage, knockback_dir = 0):
    health -= damage
    if health <= 0:
        is_dead = true

The Boss just disables his collision, since he doesn't have any death animation:

func attacked(damage, knockback_dir = 0):
    health -= damage
    if health <= 0:
        is_dead = true