This game is such a gem!
Bingo Enormous Name
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This game is absolutely awesome!!!
You don't see many text-adventures in jams or in general, honestly.
I love the story and the way you made it so losing the battle is what lets you progress the story and gives you more options. Its a really cool way to implement the limitation.
I'll be waiting to see you add in all the art!
Great game!
I like how you dealt with the limitation. And its cool that after a while the ice breaks underneath them, the fact that the hole stays. The difficulty increases really nicely, but it lets you bounce back pretty easily, which is awesome. And the art is nice too. The game needs some music and sound effects, though.
I also made a game that has penguins and uses that kind ofy, so that was a funny coincidence lol.
This is a surprisingly clever take on a classic.
I love how you added an element of exploration to the game. And the fact that the levels randomize after you die means it doesn't get stale and you always have a unique experience.
The art and visuals are awesome! Its so interesting. And the sound effects and nature noises add a lot of immersion to the game.
Very Cool!
I really love this game.
I like how it's more story focused. It's refreshing since most people went for something more about gameplay.
The levels could have been more interesting. Maybe some side paths, or furniture you'd have to walk around and interact with.
I think the story more than made up for it, though. It felt cute but very real.
And the music was also very nice.
I love this art!
I haven't seen anything like it in a game. It's very nice.
The ambient noise was also really cool and added to the atmosphere of the game.
I feel the jumping/flying could be more forgiving, but its not really an issue.
Oh and I like the ending. It's very cinematic.
I'd really like to see you develop this further.
I like this game!
It's very simple but really fun. It's a pretty unique take on the jam.
I like the bird sprites, they're cute. Getting the skins is a pretty good motivator. Though I'd make them more expensive because I was able to get the rainbow one pretty easily.
But edit the jam submission info.
The limitation is "cant stop moving". The theme is birds.
So under "use of limitation" change it to something like 'fish can't stop moving'.
Interesting idea!
I like the inherent challenge from trying to balance the two goals.
You can generate a lot of power, but you'll be killing a bunch of birds!
I also like the addition of wind. It forces you to spin the blades so you can't just keep still all the time.
It was hard to tell when a bird was exactly killed, which made it feel unfair when I suddenly lost a heart.
Once you get a hang of it, the game is really fun.