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Bingo Enormous Name

A member registered Dec 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game is such a gem!

This is soooo cute!
Love it

Cool game! This is a very creative way of having the snails race.

Nice game! Really creative way of overcoming the limitations of 1-button gameplay.
I do feel like the difficulty scales weirdly, though. Like one level would be very simple and obvious and the next would take me 10 mins to solve.

If this jam had rankings you would be 1st. I mean just wow!
The art is great, the music great, the puzzles are great.
My only suggestion would be to maybe make jumping easier.
If I let go while near the edge it wouldn't jump off.

Cool game! It's really hard, but I my reflexes suck so that might be just me lol.
My brother really liked it though, he was actually able to beat it.

Cool game! Its really fun and very well-made.
And the story really is engaging.
Personally though, I don't like the floor tiles.
The colour combination kinda hurts to look at.

Nice game! Its simple and really fun to play.
Loved the silly dialogue and characters.

This game is amazing!!

Its so polished!
The gameplay is addicting!
The art is simple but the postprocessing makes it all pop!

One of the best I've seen in this jam!

This game is hilarious!
I'm a sucker for more comedic and silly games in jams.
The visuals are awesome and the idea is sooo unique.
It does get a little stale after a while, but still very cool!

Nice game!

I love the art. It has a very cool aesthetic.

And the music is bop! It kinda reminded me of Giorno's theme lol.

This game is absolutely awesome!!!
You don't see many text-adventures in jams or in general, honestly.
I love the story and the way you made it so losing the battle is what lets you progress the story and gives you more options. Its a really cool way to implement the limitation.

I'll be waiting to see you add in all the art!

Cool game! The art is so simple yet so beautiful. The idea for the game is a fun twist. The whole game feels pretty polished. Loved it!

Awesome game! The controls are kinda funky, but once I got it I couldn't stop playing. 

This is so cool! the art is simple but the gameplay is so engaging. I got to the boss but nothing really happened for me. Still, really enjoyed this one!

Great game!

I like how you dealt with the limitation. And its cool that after a while the ice breaks underneath them, the fact that the hole stays. The difficulty increases really nicely, but it lets you bounce back pretty easily, which is awesome. And the art is nice too. The game needs some music and sound effects, though.

I also made a game that has penguins and uses that kind ofy, so that was a funny coincidence lol.

I love the visuals of this. The art is extremely well done!
The idea is very cool. I like how you dealt with the limitation. Using the birds to keep the player moving, but not outright making it so they can't stop moving.

Good Job!

Cool game.
Its simple but a fun experience.
I absolutely love the art. Its gorgeous!
And the music is cool too.

Nice Job!

I love how you implemented the limitation. Instead of the player inherently being forced to move, you are incentivised to move so you aren't hit. And I found the difficulty curve perfect.

Great game!

I really like this gameplay. It strikes the balance between challenge and fun.
I especially like the fact it allow you to choose whether it should get harder or not. 
he 3d bird is very well done. I wish it was easier to restart, though.

Well done!

Cool game.
The gameplay is simple to learn and fun to master.
I like how the game is played inside this virtual phone.
The music is also nice. I like that you have a button to turn it on and off.

Well done!

I really like the visuals and atmosphere of this. The 2d tree sprites look so interesting in a 3d environment. And the dim lighting and like crow sounds create this eerie vibe.
But it there isn't really anything to do.
I feel like this could easily be developed into some sort of horror game.

Nice game!
Simple yet fun.

I really enjoyed this.

The audio and sound effects were very immersive. And the puzzles in this were so good.
Though It took me a while to figure out how to break the glass lol.

Really cool!

This game is really cool.

I love how relaxing the tone of this game was.
The art is very good and the music was on point.

Good Job!!!

This is a surprisingly clever take on a classic.

I love how you added an element of exploration to the game. And the fact that the levels randomize after you die means it doesn't get stale and you always have a unique experience.

The art and visuals are awesome! Its so interesting. And the sound effects and nature noises add a lot of immersion to the game.

Very Cool!

Nice game.

I like the art. It has an almost retro feel.
The music and sound effects are really nice too.
And just the fact you included voice lines is awesome!

Great Job!!!

I really love this game.

I like how it's more story focused. It's refreshing since most people went for something more about gameplay.

The levels could have been more interesting. Maybe some side paths, or furniture you'd have to walk around and interact with.

I think the story more than made up for it, though. It felt cute but very real.

And the music was also very nice.

This game is really fun!

The puzzles are just the right kind of tricky.

The text kinda drags on, but I love the humour.

Great Job!

Cool game!

The controls surprised me at first, but once I got a hang of it, it was really nice.

I think this is a good early project. Better then the first few of mine lol.

As a fellow Godot user, I commend you!

Nice game!
I love the idea. Its hilarious!
I like how you need to juggle directing the geese and clicking the objects.

I love this art!

I haven't seen anything like it in a game. It's very nice.
The ambient noise was also really cool and added to the atmosphere of the game.
I feel the jumping/flying could be more forgiving, but its not really an issue.

Oh and I like the ending. It's very cinematic.

I'd really like to see you develop this further.

Nice Game!

I love the concept; it's hilarious!
The art its really well done, and the music was nice too.

The keys you chose weren't the best for me, though.

Still very cool!

I really liked this.

The art and sound effects are really immersive.
And the excellent music is very atmospheric.

Great job!

Why is this so good?!?!!?

The art looks amazing. The sound effects are great. The music fits.
And you incorporated the limitation and theme in such a unique way.

I love this!!!!!

omg thank you so much!!!!
I'm so happy you liked it that much :)

I'm so glad you liked it!

The puzzles where mostly trial and error. I just kinda judged it by eye.

And I have no idea what sounds penguins make,
but my little brother will be happy to know his squeal was convincing!

I like this game!

It's very simple but really fun. It's a pretty unique take on the jam.

I like the bird sprites, they're cute. Getting the skins is a pretty good motivator. Though I'd make them more expensive because I was able to get the rainbow one pretty easily.

But edit the jam submission info.

The limitation is "cant stop moving". The theme is birds.

So under "use of limitation" change it to something like 'fish can't stop moving'.

Interesting idea!

I like the inherent challenge from trying to balance the two goals.
You can generate a lot of power, but you'll be killing a bunch of birds!

I also like the addition of wind. It forces you to spin the blades so you can't just keep still all the time.

It was hard to tell when a bird was exactly killed, which made it feel unfair when I suddenly lost a heart.

Once you get a hang of it, the game is really fun.

Nice game!

The art is really nice. And I love the music and sound effects. It all comes together nicely.
And I like how you mixed the intro with the gameplay.

The meteors disappear before touching the ground. I don't know if that's intentional but it felt kinda weird.

Overall, I like it!