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Foley FlamingoView game page

Make Noise, Bend Time!
Submitted by Shandy Pants Studios โ€” 4 minutes, 25 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall Good#63.7223.722
Overall Bad#93.8333.833

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

If you have implemented the modifier, how have you done so?
You work as a Foley Artist in a theatre, and get money every time you make a sound! So excessive sound design is rewarded!

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rip foley :( but what a beautifully ugly game! had a lot of fun playing it, and it was just janky enough to be difficult without having to tear my hair out to get those lovely flamingcoins! Great idea, excellent execution, and very impressive for a one dude team!
Also, sorry eggcult, but the kazoo for sure came before all life


Thanks so much for playing! ๐Ÿ˜ Glad you enjoyed it!


Wow, what an experience!

Yet another Shandy Pants classic of ugly models, music, singing, and janky movement!

Just from the main menu I knew the game was going to be good, having the timescale based on mouse position was brilliant. And that intro was beautiful!

The UI was nice and clear, I genuinely wish I had the time and skill to make my tutorials as obvious and nice looking as this one. And the scrolling script on the side was nice, and I loved being able to see the scene play out with the players sound effects!

The negatives I encountered are much the same as others have mentioned. I actually didn't know there was a seciton opened on the left hand side, I assumed it was just the right hand side that opened. I did see the sign saying the new area for the right side was open, but nothing for the left. I also found I wasn't able to jump up to the top level of the right hand room, so I could never reach that top bell.

I also found that even though it seemed like certain sounds would play for multiple seconds, the script didn't seem to always recognize them if they started playing before the relevant section. Maybe that was explained and I just missed it?

Overall though I thoroughly enjoyed this game, the cutscenes were brilliant, and I loved the callback to last years entry! Excellent work!


Thanks for playing! ๐Ÿ˜

You'll be happy to know that there isn't a left-hand side section (at least as far as I know!?!) The only side room is to the right.๐Ÿ™‚

I'll have a look at the jump height! I know physics can sometimes be weird in Unity, so it could just be something to with the way I set the jump velocity. Hopefully the spring could still propel you the top though! (and if that didn't get high enough something must have gone  very wrong ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thanks for noting the UI! It's probably the part of the game I  spent the most of time on! (To the point where I didn't even finish the tutorial level until 5 days in ๐Ÿ™ˆ). Actually the instruction screens were just rushed in the last couple of hours of the jam ๐Ÿ˜… (hence why I might have missed key details like how sound effects need to start during the relevant section   ๐Ÿ˜‘)

I'm also very glad you enjoyed the intro! I think it's one of my favourite cutscenes I've made in a game! Hopefully worth spending the entire first day of the jam on!

Thanks so much trying it out! ๐Ÿ˜€


Oh, tbh I only noticed the left hand side stuff because I saw it in another comments map of the game ๐Ÿ˜‚. Good to know I didn't miss anything!

The cutscene was definitely worth spending the day on it!


Very fun game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Thereโ€™s not much I can say about this game which hasnโ€™t already been said by everyone else.

However, I genuinely didnโ€™t realize that there was more to the room below the conveyor belt. I played through the entire game assuming that the conveyor belt was the natural lower border of the playable area, and only found out that there was more when looking at the comments - and then played through the game again with this newfound knowledge. Maybe starting the player on the conveyor belts (to, yโ€™know, convey the fact that theyโ€™re walkable) might be worth considering.

Still, very impressive work, as usual. And that ending broke me.


Thanks for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Oops I didn't consider that could be missed! I've moved the starting position back so now the camera can see both conveyors, which should hopefully signal there's more over there! I think the best solution would probably be a mini map for the ground floor (and side room in later levels!) but that might be a thing for after the jam ๐Ÿ˜…

 Still! Thanks for persevering and replaying! It's greatly appreciated!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

as a sidenote - when I noticed the various instruments being mentioned in the 3rd level, I kinda suspected that I had either missed something like buying more instruments, or that โ€˜not having the instruments stated in the scriptโ€™ was part of the joke.

However, I can confirm that the new starting position seems to convey the presence of stuff beyond the conveyors suitably well :)

(also, the new skip cutscene button is greatly appreciated too ๐Ÿ˜…)


This is a classic Shandy Pants production, starting with a really interesting idea, leaning on some dry British humour, filling a world with weird blobby 3D, and built out enough to have some meat to it. I really liked the idea of playing a foley artist, trying to make the right noises to match up with a script. Despite the issues I ran into, I still had a ton of fun with this, although I did terribly in later levels and I think I got the bad ending.

Unfortunately, it also suffers from poor QoL, just like a classic Shandy Pants production. It has that awful feeling that something is going to break and you're going to have to restart from the beginning. There's a help screen, but I quickly forgot most of it and ended up trying to play through the whole game without using the time dilation thing. I'd love to replay levels, but I don't want to sit through unskippable cutscenes to do it (although there seems to be a nonfunctional "load game" button on the main menu). I found out after that I could have opened a menu to view help with ESC, I think, but I could have sworn I tried that to no avail. 

It wasn't super clear how long I needed to have a sound playing for it to count, but maybe that was explained in the help, too. I wish the camera was further out, but I probably would have been able to get a better feel for the levels if I'd been able to use the portals and time dilation.

I think I've already implied this, but is definitely one of the most interesting uses of the modifier I've seen so far.


Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it! ๐Ÿ˜€
I'd assume you had issues with the pause button since it only worked during gameplay in the initial release ๐Ÿ˜… It was a (very) last minute addition there were a couple of technical limitations with actually putting it everywhere! I've just released a patch now that allows you to pause the game anywhere, including cutscenes (where there is now  a button to skip! ๐ŸŽ‰)

Yeah the sounds count if it's started during the time in which the line is read out. With the exception being the overall noise levels (where it's the sum of every sound currently playing!). I think I could make that slightly clearer, but once again the controls menu was made in the last 5 hours along side the credit sequence, main menu and  pause menu ๐Ÿ˜… probably  should have got round to those earlier next year!

Anyway thanks so much for the feedback! I feel like this might be one of the first games where I might come back to it after the jam. Despite how the game might look, it actually features some of the cleanest and most robust code I've ever written in a jam game (which isn't saying much ๐Ÿ™ˆ) but hopefully a lot of things  can be easily extended and refined if I did indeed want to!

Thanks for playing! Have a good flaming-evening! ๐Ÿฆฉ


It took me 5 seconds to forget all of the controls, i eventually discovered that they are displayed in the pause menu:D The entire concept of the game is really cool, i especially like the scene where you can hear all of the sound effects played over again

Throughout the game i thought it was a very well made game by 4 or so people, with everyone doing their part well. Until the credits came up and apparently this is made by just one person?? What the hell dude, how? :D This is extremely well made!


Haha glad the pause menu came into good use! Glad you enjoyed the experience!  ๐Ÿ˜€


The way you implement this year's modifier is so meta! Instead of adding all the excessive sound design by yourself, you made the player add all the excessive sound design to the shows.

Kinda wish that my clients could communicate better with me, though. At least give me the script before starting the show...

Also, with so many different sound effects, each with their unique usage, I kinda wish there was a mini map to tell me what is where...
...which is why I made one!

I didn't make one for the second room though because I'm lazy :p


That's such a cool map! Thanks so much for making it! And thanks for playing ๐Ÿ˜


This is a beautiful fever dream


A true chaotic masterpiece of a game! I really enjoyed it. I absolutely failed levels 3 and 4, but it was so much fun


Absolutely hilarious!