You can find the source-code on github (OneTwo on Github). Obviously, being a Godot project, some things (like some signal connection, alignment, basic animations,..) are done directly in Godot's scenes (the .tscn files) and not in C#-scripts. (The game was made for a game-jam with a deadline, so the code is not super-clean! XD)
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Really nice platformer game! Did you use Godot (Godot user here)? I liked the fact that you included a story/meaning to the game, it's not only "go from point A to point B of a level" but there also is a task! The movement works great (a bit floaty, it fits a low-gravity planet, maybe not earth) and the game runs smoothly, and nice title screen! I also appreciated the how-to-play section with the little cute object instead of writing the word, it's a nice and convenient touch! The levels are quite big that, in a task-based game I think is really good! Maybe sometimes I felt a little lost in the level, going blindly (maybe also because you see only a little part of it, I mean only some platforms or even no platform other than the one standing on) but this can also be used to encourage exploration and makes the learning curve/understanding of the map-layout stepper (that could be also good)! With some polishing, some more little animation, and maybe adding a little more variety can be a really good and fun platformer game! Nice job!
Thanks! I appreciated the feedback!
Deselection is something I thought about... indeed I could add that but I need to think a little more if deselection breaks the memory component of the game and if so: do I should punish with an extra move (especially if you want to deselect a block with no other adjacent selectable blocks around it, it could be that you want to deselect because misremembering color, so I need to reward the one that remembered correctly instead)? Idem (same) for the move-around-selected ability (for now I can move after selection but then the block auto-deselects): in fact, if you selected that block it's pretty obvious the color of that block (especially with few selectable blocks remaining); on the other hand if you don't know where you want to go with that block and so you think for a bit before movement the color information could be something not trivial to keep in mind and auto-deselection prevent to let you think in between moves with extra color info... (These can be both allowed without issue in a timed version of the puzzle)
I will think about these things! Anyways, thanks a lot for the interesting (as evidenced by the fact that they made me really think about them) feedback!
Nice game! I really like the unique theme, the game is simple, clean, and polished! I also appreciated the color palette and all the small details like: you can move immediately no useless menus (XD), volume controls, the texts appearing to explain stuff (also the one if you go in the incorrect direction at the start!), and multiple different sound effects!
Thanks! Much appreciated the feedback!
So for 2.: Could it be that there was still a pair of yellow besides what you were trying to match? If so you must match all the pairs of hidden blocks of that specific color (there are 2 pairs plus 1 hidden plus hidden bottom/base block) before you can match the remaining one with the corresponding block, that's the rule... I explain all the rules in the ?-section (you can click the slow blinking to change rules), but anyways I should explain the rules better and more direct (maybe I will add a skippable tutorial as an intro if it's the first time someone plays the game). If it's not the case I need to look for some bugs!
For 1.: That's interesting, this one seems not to be related to the infamous rules XD... never happened to me... I stop swapping the ability of a block (meaning press and drag in a direction, between two activated blocks or between one activated and one deactivated) only when that block is animating, so maybe I messed up there!
Thanks again for the feedback!
Nice game, cool concept! Clean and crispy vector art!
I playtested for a little bit, the game works and runs great, I'm only a little pedantic when playtesting games (I playtest games as I do for mine that now has a long list of known issues XD) this is what I noticed (apart from that 8 point goal stuff, maybe you already also noticed these):
- in the tutorial section: there is "poin" instead of "point"
- I would normalize the speed of the diagonal movement (diagonal movement is faster than horizontal-vertical one, I suspect you add two movements without normalizing the resulting vector)
- the player flickers a little bit when it reaches max speed
- approach the crystals on the bottom from the top (ending near the bottom border between two crystals, and to work you need to go down with a little bit of the player collision box intersecting a side of the crystal) and then try to move left and right: that movement is restricted (seem by collision boxes of the crystal )
- Sometimes I got a point (and a crystal started shooting) but I don't know why (doing nothing), it happened with bottom crystals while I was testing point 3. (maybe an enemy spawned inside a crystal?)
Anyways, great job!
Another Godot user, nice! Really nice game: polished, sprites are cute, great concept and base mechanics, as someone already said controls can feel a bit slippery/floaty but I got used to them pretty quick, I really like the color palette and the geometric/minimalistic background that fits very well with the music, the parallax background and it runs smooth!
I playtested for a little bit (to find something that could be useful for you) this is what I noticed (maybe you already know about them):
- you are on a moving platform and you are not moving concerning the moving platform, you shrunk -> (probably because of the different inertia you gave to big and small states) you are thrown forward (in the direction of the platform movement), I would expect that if I'm I got zero momentum respect something shrinking does not change that
- I was able to do the following (I think it could break some levels, for example, I used it in level 2) a combination of jump and un-shrunk in constrained space:
Anyways, super great job, really enjoyed it!
Thanks a lot! Really appreciated the feedback (as you saw in my comment on your game I love to express my little observations XD so I love also some things pointed out to me too! XD, I think it's really useful)
- Yes, I noticed too (only yesterday XD) that there is no point (it can be also a little annoying) in locking the settings/help button during the win state
- For now that is intended, but I need to reflect a little more on: if I want or not to punish the fact you had to select and THEN SWAP the block (that counts already 2 moves, so in total would be 3 with the last select-match) instead of swap (swapping two hidden blocks) and THEN SELECT to match directly (1 move for swap and 1 for the select match so 2 total move). Punishment arises from the fact you used more information, in the second case you may already know (remember/deduced or estimated) the color of that block (don't need to select it). Anyways I might tweak a bit some rules (especially if I will add some new game mode)
Thanks again for the valuable feedback!
I think this is definitely my favorite game from the jam!
It looks and sounds clean and polished, fits the minimalistic them, runs smooth, has a lot of small details, it got a problem-solving aspect, the skill and speedrun aspect, cool and unique gameplay concepts (like the warping), and the different game mechanics are cleverly presented to you!
During my playthrough, I did not encounter any issues! Just to say something in addition to the praises (XD) I point out the only tiny ones (the first literally tiny, at 1-2 pixel scale XD): 1) the text "STX: ..." has like 1-2 pixel cut from the top (the fact that I'm writing this makes it clear how well this game was made); 2) (this is can be intended and most probable you already noticed) the player-block can snap in a quite strange way on the activated/inactivated platforms if player-block is crossing the platform in the activation moment (the snap stood out because everything else is so smooth)
Really nice job! Keep up the great work!
Great job! Really nice fun game! A lot of attention to detail! I especially appreciated the coherence of the different animations, the level layout switching, camera shaking, the small curvature you gave to the level layout, the fact that the game paused when the window game is not focused, and, of course, the base concept! It runs smoothly!
I playtested for a little bit and I was not able to find relevant bugs or issues. The only things I noticed are the following (based on the attention to detail you put in the game I think it's probable you already noticed them): 1) I found it a bit strange that the last path line reaming on the screen after the ball gets reset (on you died state); 2) in a level layout, a block barrier was super close to the level outline, I hid in the small corner formed with the level outline, in that spot the enemies (apart from red balls) could not reach me, then when a red ball killed me the ball-health got stuck at the big-black-ball animation state (after restart everything returned to normal, though I don't know if that layout and the animation issued was correlated); 3) the path line flickering bothered me a little bit (I think this can be a little bit hard to make it always smooth)
Super great job! One of my favorites!
Nice concept and nice minimalist look! Mondrian is always a great reference for a minimalistic/geometric look, also my game was a little inspired by the geometric abstraction movement! As other users already commented, the movement seems a little buggy but the two of the main parts of the game (concept and look) are already great!
Really nice and unique concept! Nice to see other Godot users XD!
I think I need some polishing (other than the 4 blocks around the bunny bug) : the position of the bunny flickers for like one frame when you click the play button in the menu control; a save-system of the high score would be nice; the pathfinding flickers between different possible solutions during the bunny movement if the path is not too constrained (when you hit start you already calculated the optimal path, you could store that and use it directly)
Anyways, nice job!
Thank you a lot for the feedback! Could the inconsistency be caused by the following?
I think I did not explain/show very well the rules of the game (there is a the ? section to help about the rules, there you can click the little arrows around the text to switch rules explanation, maybe I should make it easier to use it), the rules concerning that match with a base block are:
- You can match a block of the base row only after matching all the pairs of that specific color (of the other hidden block) (so it can be matched only the remaining one)
- The match of the remaining one with base corresponding base color cannot be done diagonally (if so there would be always 50% to match a remaining block with a base block, regardless of the block position)
But maybe the problem is caused by some kind of strange bug... anyways I think the rules are a bit too complex and poorly explained...I will fix it/them!
Thank you again for the precious feedback!
Indeed the mazes shift! I think this can be a great base concept/mechanics to expand on, and you have already done a lot of work! Movements feel good and smooth! ( I think that the only bit to be polished about movement is the bouncy stuff that happens if you continue to move against a wall) With some sound, polishing and more complex levels could be a really nice puzzle game!
Nice little game! Controls feel nice (maybe a bit too responsive, but only my preference, I mean a really quick tap on the arrow key causes a big dislocation), and the level layout was nice. Furthermore, I appreciated you did your own art/music! The game runs smoothly!
One super small observation. The Z-Index (I used Godot too, nice!) of the UI element relative to the barriers in some areas of the game: the white outline of barriers is rendered over the black outline of the health bar and something similar happens with the gems counter (my I would put UI element in a separate CanvasLayer with higher layer number)
Nice job, keep up the good work!