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Brightfield Studios

A member registered Mar 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey BenNBen!

Thank you for your feedback!

I agree! Maybe the gui could "deteriorate", plutter or dim when the control is low. Alarms can maybe go off with "warning!". just not overdo it - there are a lot of sounds already so it all needs balance.

I love the idea of the three drones having personalities. To begin with thtis can be different color schemes / colored eyes and response sounds, but in the long run, maybe they can have different capabilities and you can choose which ones to deploy to accomplish different parts of the mission!

Keep in touch!

Hey Ian!

Thanks for your feedback! Messing around with the sounds, effects and post processing was a lot of fun to try to get a mood going.

We definitely want to add a few tutorial levels, the map you played was a prototype to build features on and we never had time to design any levels before deadline so we just had to go with it. :D

Hey Mik!

Thanks for your kind words!

We completely forgot that the slider was interactable and have added it as an issue to our backlog. 

Hey AJ,

Clever puzzle game and love the art.

The music may be slightly repetitive. 

If you had more time what would you change/add?

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Mik DIonio!

Very cool game. Definetly getting the BABA is YOu vibes you speak of

very cute and clean graphics!

any plans on taking this further?`

Keep up the good work!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey guys! Thanks a lot for all the super useful feedback so far!!

We are getting a lot of pointers on how to improve and what we should think of if we are to port this to mobile and build on it.

We have gotten feedback so far on: 

  • game size (most likely this is due to audio files)
  • difficulty tweaking (cost of having B active, radar spinning speed etc.)
  • camera control to see around the drone and aim better
  • the control slider indicator is unintentionally interactable. it is only meant as an indicator.

More of this! All feedback is welcome! Also we would also like to hear more 

  • about how the tactics of using drones to sweep parts of the map and using the second third drone to rescue it feels?
  • how is the GUI? how can it be improved? (other than slider and art style which will be improved)

>Hey Bluegru!

We are looking into optimizing sizes.

We also think giving the player control over the camera rotation would be cool. It gives more control, but at the same time it also shows off the drone model and the maps better. It is possible to get out of corners, but yea you cant really see where you're heading atm :P This should be addressed.

Regarding sliding. Could you be more specific? is it when is slides along a wall and into a room that its weird or the forward "sliding" movement? Is it the movement itself or that its not animating forward?

Thanks for the feedback.

Hey bl4st!

Thanks for dropping in on the game!

If we decide to take the game further we will definitely work on the difficulty. Shouldn't be too easy either, haha. We are looking into giving the player control over the camera so they can aim better. Would this help you think? Is the radar too small or could it be done in a different way?

We didnt have time to optimize so your prob. right about the audio files. We will have to compress or find other ways to make the game smaller if we are to port it to mobile.

Thanks for all the input!


Yea we didnt have time to optimize so it seems we have some very heavy soundfiles.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks Mushi!

This was the first game Ive played all the way through so far. I think ive rated 30+.

It was a lot of fun, and a big aha moment when i understood parsleys solution and how that is used for the rest of the game,

I understand the out of control lies in the story and a little bit in the actual controls

Only thing was i was going insane from the music and had to turn it down manually. Maybe a mute button or volume slider?

Keep up the good work!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

A lot of fun. Neat control system to make due while thrusters were down,

Relatively immersive with controls and display but i had no chance reading the text top right. Maybe get it down around the ship, make it larger or get it read aloud.

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Good job!

Constructive thoughts:

I want inventory

I want music and sound effects

I want more!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

hey Mushigeo,

Very cute artstyle and well done for a first game jam.

It was a bit monotonous, but a chill timewaster.

If you were to improve I would like more gui, more stuff happening, have background music. More varied moving enemies.

Keep up the good work!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey sampc,

I'm not quite sure how this fits the theme, but anyways :)

I'm guessing the yellow parts between the islands are water or something sicne i loose blue (oxygen or stamina) before i start losing health? This could be made more intuitive with better ux design

Fun smacking drones.

Make some smoother scene transitions.

Well done!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey IanGoGo!

Funny game. I love how everything explodes when I interact with it.

I would like a more clear indication of intoxication before completing the level. I wasn't sure if i was picking up the beer or just throwing them?

Maybe add some post processing to make you seem more and more drunk. Spinning may be a bit overwhelming.

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Unfortunate error with trying to  run the game. Make sure you set enough time ahead of deadline to address issues like this.

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Unfortunate error with trying to  run the game. Make sure you set enough time ahead of deadline to address issues like this.

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Kaish!

You made a really fun game for the game jam. Unfortunately the version before deadline seems broken, but the post jam version shows what you were planning. With that in mind, i would add some ui elements to the post jam version so i could see number of kills, what kind of level i was at and maybe make something more out of the really neat sigils you made for the bosses. Maybe you have to collect the 4 sigils to free the people. Have a levels map in between where you move towards the boss and once a boss map is completed you see the collection of sigils becomes more and more complete.

Awesome work! Better luck getting it all within 48 hours next time!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Marclandes,

I like the original concept.  Gets quite chaotic in a bit.

These games can be expanded with lots of guns and new aircraft types. Maybe they fly differently or have different specs?

What would you do otherwise if you had the chance to do it again?

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Fun, relaxing, a good use of 48 hours!

I would love to have some projected orbits based on what my inputs have been so i can be a little bit more methodical in my thruster use. But i guess thats why we're a little but out of control :)

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Dreamtale!

Very nice art and fun concept to play with.

Being impatient i would like a faster retry time when i fail. Ability to restart to after all the animations, because restarting the whole game and rewatching everything is a bit tedious.

Other than that nice art, music and use of parallax.

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Melonboii,

Cool concept. The story was a bit long, having to click so much and all the silent moments. I also would like more choices given the focus of the work was dialogue.

However I DO think this is very good for a first jam! Keep working on them game dev skills!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Satsugi!
While B is online, you will be losing control over time. The idea is that you will need to turn it off while you are cruising along. I definitely think it could use some tweaking so that its more scathing to leave it online while not using it.

Good catch! I didnt realize the slider was interactable. We have added this into our backlog.

Hey @N8_Dev,

Thanks for  dropping by and testing out our game!

We have noticed the size issue as well and will optimize the game if we decide to move forward with porting the game to mobile. Next jam we will also be running it in the browser to attempt to get more people to play it. I personally feel less encouraged to try the game if I have to download anything at all :)

Thanks for the feedback, looking forward to trying out your game!

Hey @Spoonsweet,

Thanks for  dropping by and testing out our game!

We have noticed the size issue as well and will optimize the game if we decide to move forward with porting the game to mobile.

When you say mouse guiding, what do you mean? The drone follows the direction that the spinning red radar under the drone is pointing in when you click, but if that's not clear for the player we need to work on our UX. Would it be more intuitive if the command button was the spacebar instead of a mouse click?

Thanks for the feedback!

Hey @AtymTima!

We have noticed the size issue as well and will optimize the game if we decide to move forward with porting the game to mobile.

When you say following the mouse, what do you mean? The drone follows the direction that the spinning red radar under the drone is pointing in when you click, but if that's not clear we need to work on our UX. Would it be more intuitive if the command button was the spacebar instead of a mouse click?

Thanks for the feedback!

Hey @Sushi!

We have noticed that as well and will optimize the game if we decide to move forward with porting the game to mobile.

Thanks for the feedback!

Heyo ArnarSkarnar!

Thanks for dropping in and checking out our game.  You make a good point about size, and I think we are in due order for some optimiziation courses in Unity to make sure we can compress those file sizes! :D 

Kenney is epic.

Cool! And movement between nodes is a nav mesh and agent?

Cool design and art.

Simple and intuitive

Could use some sound fx polish.

Maybe implement levels that go in more directions than forward and up/down? Use the sides?

If you had the time I would love it if you tried my game and rated it. Its called Drone.

(1 edit)

Simple and fun!

I like the idea that the aliens "save" the chickens :D

This game is perfect to port to mobile to make a time waster while on public transit / bathroom :)

If you had the time I would love it if you tried my game and rated it. Its called Drone.

Simple and fun game!

Could have taken the cybertheme all out.

Keep it up!

If you had the time I would love it if you tried my game and rated it. Its called Drone.

Hey Safwan,

I like the concept. Reminds me of SpiritRover by Sebastian Lague for the xkcd game jam.

Like other commenters, speed up the tutorial and give the chance to skip.

If you are improving on this i would improve the art from mvp.

If you had the time I would love it if you tried my game and rated it. Its called Drone.

I loved the control system. Gave me huge Keep talking and Nobody Explodes vibes :D

This could be expanded on. More enemies, more maps etc! Give me score rating etc. And soundtrack.

If you had the time I would love it if you tried my game and rated it. Its called Drone.

(1 edit)

Hey Spoonsweet!

I would like to commend you on great artwork and animation. The controlswitching was a fun challenge aswell. Kudos to Hart for cool music. Definetly will check out.

I think my constructive thought is giving me a sense of urgency to finish the level, I could potentially wait out the lightnings until i get the controls I'm used to. Also add success feedback so i understand i beat the level not just restarted at the beginning.

Keep up the good work!

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey Oinykmoo!

Fun concept and good music choice.

Constructive thoughts: 

- Add a point counter for kills. 

- The concept of not having control over switching between drive and shoot is awesome, but i would usertest a countdown timer indicating when this switches. More predictability but still no control.

- Add obstacles on the map.

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.

Hey musical-spearman!

Fun concept and very difficult! I love the skateboarding cats! 

I think to improve i would improve the assets a bit. add some textures etc.

I would also like to be able to restart? Once ive fallen off the map i cant restart the level. (Maybe i find out how, so then its a UX improvement :) )

If you have time I would love it if you could try my game and give feed back. Its called Drone.