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A member registered Jul 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Great idea! I'll implement a mechanic on the next update that includes knockback. :D

Did the float change feel too sudden for the descent? For the next update, I was thinking maybe something that slows your descent without having to go up.

I love how well the art, music, and gameplay blended together. It was pretty fun. My only recommendation would be to add some crosshairs to make aiming a little easier.

Loved the game. Pretty challenging and enjoyed the concept. My only recommendation would be maybe decreasing the ball of the speed at first so the player can adapt, then increase as the levels increase. Otherwise I enjoyed it and made it to level 9 after a couple tries!

Thanks! I really wanted to capture that feeling of being overwhelmed by the number of obstacles/monsters but still make it manageable and that seemed like the best approach. :D

Just tried again! I enjoyed the challenge and found the controls interesting. So many different aspects to control at once made it have a really high skill ceiling, which I enjoyed. The music was great too! My only recommendation is allow a little more time for recovery so you don't die as easily, the controls provide enough of a challenge so give the player a grace period to correct allows them to really adapt to the controls.

I agree! I'm thinking after ratings are over I want to go back and change the controls so down allows you to descend faster, using your shield prevents burning up, and the floating mechanic is tied to a separate key.

I loved the simple approach to the game. I think some of the audio bits were a little loud, but overall I enjoyed the sound and the gameboy style. Great job!

I was confused by the rules as well. Sometimes I was able to kill the ants, other times not so much, I also couldn't figure out how much life I had and what would cause damage cause I didn't have a UI. All around though the game showed premise and the controls were really smooth. I'd love to see an update to the game.

I really loved the slow pace vibe of the exploration while trying to manage the oxygen resource. It made the decisions on proceeding or waiting for the next air bubble feel more weighted. Great job!

Great job with the exploration concepts. Did you use perlin noise to generate the map? I also enjoyed the effects to added to sprites such as lighting.

Loved the use of a grappling gun to descend. Great use of the theme!

Great job! I enjoyed the controls and the aspect of being able to level between each scene. I only wish I could aim the bullets instead of shooting them straight. :)

That was a really clever game. The ability to dodge using you gun made it a really fun challenge. Great job!

I loved the concept and the simple music. The controls felt smooth as well. The only thing I'd recommend is lowering the side effects a bit, they felt much louder than the music. Also the key pickup didn't really match the ambient music. Excellent job nonetheless!

I really love the old rpg aesthetic of this. I also like how you repurposed one of your other games to fit the game jam, pretty clever! Great job!

Good point! Maybe next time I'll consider a more widspread set of controller inputs for other keyboard types. 

Thanks! Maybe a slightly longer tutorial at first to all people to adapt before throwing everything at you all at once :)

Great game! really enjoyed the controls which felt really intuitive. The music was really fun as well.

Great story! The puzzles were really fun and engaging while listening to the story. You did a good job curating the music for it as well. :) If you have a chance, please give my game a try. I'd love some feedback. :)

Rate Houston... by BrylockDelux for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 -

Would love some feedback on my game! First fully coded game. :)

Rate Houston... by BrylockDelux for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 -

Mine is a deep dive into a gas giant named Ignis Prime! Manage your resources and fend off the perils of the harsh planet as you make your descent!

Rate Houston... by BrylockDelux for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 -

I really enjoyed the atmosphere to this game! Very well done for only a weeks time. :)

I really enjoyed the katana aspect of this downwell variant. I would add that I got stuck from time to time on the sliceable blocks and I really wanted to jump with the space key :)

Fun game with great aesthetics!

Controls provide a unique challenge. I like the lighting mechanics and the art overall. The sound was a bit grating. I'd recommend adjusting sounds down in the future.

I think the concept is there but it lacks challenge. The controls are difficult and the audio is loud. I think with some polishing and maybe some interesting ways that you have to get the ball into the hole, this could be a fun game!

Houston... by BrylockDelux (

I loved everything about this game. The color choices, music and puzzles mixed really well. The effects on the screen were cool but the last levels waviness was a little much and disorienting, I could really see this being a full-fledged game with more levels. Great job!

Thanks! I thought that at first as well and actually turned the overall volume for that audio source down to .10f of its original lol. I'll see if I can find a new one for the next iteration of the game. Thanks for the feedback!

I really liked the concept of a drone that provides your lighting and the character designs are really cool.  Some feedback:

The jittery movement makes it seem like your movement calculations are done in the Update() method instead of FixedUpdate(), or you're mixing it across both methods. If you're applying an movement to a rigid body in Unity, try switching it all to the FixedUpdate method to see if that helps. I had the same problem with mine and spent a day trying to figure it out.

The intro enemies take a lot of damage, maybe make them one shots while players adapt to controls.

All around I'm excited to see the next iteration of this and can't wait to try it out. Great job!

Quite the challenge! I really enjoyed the game and its aesthetic. My only feedback is that I think the mouse aiming was an unnecessary addition, also it would have been cool to have a dash mechanic that would let you move around faster to help dodge the orange blocks.

The retro aspect is great and I enjoyed the balance of having to dive while pressing quick time events. I just wish it had a top score for tracking your progress in the game.

Mechanics were great. Impressive how much you got done in a week, especially hand drawing everything.

Thanks! What was wrong with the laser sound if you don't mind me asking? 

I really liked the mechanics and the falling was challenging. My only recommendation would be to pan out the ortho size of the camera since you're falling so fast, it would give you more time to react to enemies.

I know you said that you ran out of time but you should be proud! All the controls, art, etc are all really smooth and satisfying to us. The platform concept is excellent! The only feedback I'd have is that toggling between modes should be on an more easily mapped key, maybe the space bar?

All around very well done! The typing mechanic to fix the light added a surprising amount of urgency when it would break. Everything from the vibe to game design was fantastic. Great job!

I really liked the concept and enjoyed the platforming approach. My only complaint was that the bounce back cloud was sometimes way to close to you. Perhaps if it was distanced based instead where if you fall for x distance, it sends you back to the check point?

I really liked this concept and enjoyed smashing the monsters with the boulder! I bet some sound effects for the crushing sound would make it even more satisfying. Great job!