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A member registered Oct 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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I also have trouble understanding how to actually play, but spend some time exploring the UI.

I like playing maging-type of games, so the cryosleep sounds interesting. would love to try again if there is a post jam update.


The NVDA integration was possible thanks to  NightBlade, who is also the host of this game jam.

I'm glad you had fun! thanks for playing.

I really like the music and the voice sound effects.

My only complain will probably be the VHS / CRT monitor effect on the main screen, it can make the text difficult to read.

Great use of sound and narration. I also had trouble finding some events, having the debug mode to toggle the visual representation was a nice touch and I really like the grid system.

Great game overall despite the tts issues. I really like all the dayMons design, and the the fact that there is a description of the shape and colors  is really cool. 

Thanks for the feedback, the footsteps audio definitely needs some improvements. I'll try to fix this on a post-jam update.

I personally found it difficult to navigate, but I'm not use to play any audio games, I get confuse when there is a lot of repetitive sounds, so I can't really give any feedback on the gameplay.

I was surprise at the fact that there is lost of options to make accessibility and navigation more flexible. I'm sure with more time and experimenting with all the options I will be able to have a better navigation experience.

The fact that you can control the volume of each different sound is also really cool, I haven't seen that  in any other game so far.

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The sounds and voice are great and it really brings an immersive experience.

As other comments already said it needs more sound cues or improve existing ones to make more easy to find and locate the raindrops.

Probably irrelevant for this jam but the grass effect looks really cool.

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I like the sounds used, they work really well together and probably irrelevant for this jam but it has a nice hand-drawn art style.

The only issue I encounter was trying to find the direction of the seagulls, but even if I was lost for a few seconds is just so relaxing to navigate and move the boat.

Nice concept, needs more improvements to be more fun but works well as a core mechanic.

Same as the other reviews the ten seconds is really not  enough,  maybe a having a way to gain additional time like a combo system can add more engage and playing time value.

Fantastic game, It has great accessibility, the UI is so easy to navigate  and the  game mechanics are fun.


I like it, Is kind of addictive if you like classical music.

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Simple but fun, really good use of the sound effects. The fact that this is also accessible on mobile is also really cool.

I like how this game combines different types of card games ( I love card games ) and probably not relevant for this jam but I like the visuals.

Nice game, very simple and easy to learn controls and the intro narration and tutorial are excellent.

I also like the sounds you used for the game everything blends really well and create a good immersive atmosphere. The visual cues were a nice touch.

I'm don't really play rythm games, so I can't really comment on the difficulty curve,  but I think is ok for the jam timing constrains.

Also I think I used the same sound for the enemy attack in my game, I had to check twice I didn't leave my game open while I was playing your game.

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Hi thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you had fun playing the game.

 In the readme it says A and D to move, but it seems I can't really move backwards.

That's definitely a bug, you should be able to move left or right as long as you have endurance. I'll look into it.

Even at max endurance, monsters still seem faster than me.

Yes they are really fast, there is no real balance between the enemy difficulty and the upgrades, is just something I added last minute. So it needs more testing and tweaking to make it more fair but challenging.

Maybe a "speed" upgrade so the player can move faster.

Thank you very much for participating! I really hope you come back again next year too. :) We're glad to have you.

I learned a lot this jam, looking forward for the next one.

I know is maybe too late, but  I finally have something playable. It only works on windows.

Kind of late, but finally have something playable.

Update: Removed the web build because is broken and my current version of godot has a lot of bugs and missing features when exporting to web. I hope I can have a playable build this weekend.

Hi sorry for the inconvenience, I don't have a playable build yet, just uploaded this really quick when I was creating the project page. I hope to have something playable this weekend.

I'll probably just remove the web build for now.

Nice concept. Adding more objectives ( things to fix) will definitely make this more fun to play.

I think this will work great as a local multiplayer.

Wow nice! Really fun mechanics well done!

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Nice and fun! Good job implementing the "Sound of y'all" wildcard. The sounds and music add a more funny vibe to to the game and they are enjoyable to hear.

Also the fact that you have to stay on the "dark water" areas it makes the gameplay more interesting and challenging than just evading the ships.

Nice game. The environment design looks really cool and the controls feel smooth.

Also I just learned about "boids", really interesting mechanics.

Thanks for playing!

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Really interesting concept. Simple but fun.

I really like the color palette option. Was this feature intended for accessibility or is just to have a more customizable experience for the game? Or maybe both ?

Thanks for the feedback! There is a mix of bugs and unclear rules that make certain cards confusing.  I agree that the current "color" system was a very bad idea regarding accessibility. Unfortunately we ran out of time so we had to find a quick way to distinguish card types ( groups ).

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Fantastic concept! Great job with the "worldbuilding". Also the art and music is really cool.

A minor suggestion: Maybe add a mini map or some sort of radar to let the player know there is "bubble" closer ?

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Nice and funny concept.
A minor suggestion will be to adjust the camera perspective, sometimes the bigger ships looks like they are floating.

Nice game. I like the nostalgic vibe and style.
BTW the old man has an impressive mustache. I wonder what's the story of that character ?

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Nice game. Although crafting was confusing took me a wile to figure out I just needed to keep collecting resources until the items appear on the left corner.

A minor suggestion let the player place the fire on the game / map.

Interesting concept.  The 3d environment looks really cool.
Will be interesting to see a more variety of fish or other sea creatures. 

The gameplay feels difficult sometimes so I guess you nailed the realistic controls.

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Wow, nice game!  It was really fun to play. Great job on the level design.

Also I like the clam characters, they really add more life and fun to the game.

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Nice and fun. I really like the minimalist art style.

I really enjoyed the game. Although I'm not sure if was just bad luck or is a bug but every time I use the cannon is always a "missed attack".

Edit: So I played again an now the cannon works I guess it was just bad luck.

Thanks for playing and streaming. We will fix this bug after jam. We run out of time so we didn't include any music or audio but this is something we are looking forward to add as well.

Nice game. Although the controls are kind of difficult to manage this makes the gameplay more chaotic but fun.

Thanks we are still trying to figure out a better balance system.

Nice dialogue system. I really was enjoying the story so far. Although I pressed "f" while I was navigating  the ocean and fall from the boat :(

Anyway good job on your first entry. Even with the bugs for a 3D game is really impressive.

Nice and fun! Great job on the harpoon mechanics.