Hi! Thank you for looking into it. I ended up quite late trying to figure out if it was me of Decker having issues. Went through just about every design pattern I could think of.
Capital Ex
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I'm working on some ideas in Decker. I thought to use a prototype to organize a scene that was getting quite busy. The documentation states that `card` should point to the prototype or contraption a widget belongs to (if it belongs to one). However, this is only true for direct interactions. I was wonder if this was intended design since it wasn't documented?
Example deck of what I'm trying to do: https://gist.github.com/Capital-EX/4bf59ab2e61bb2f6ab2606a87384971e
The bottom slider sets the value of the top slider. This works as expected.
The incerment button retrieves the slider from the contraption, then increases it by 1. In this situation, the bottom slider can no longer see the top slider.
Whoops, forgot to include a link in the description. It's in the jam page and now this comment:
It's an interesting concept, but I feel like the usage of a fixed perspective isn't as strong as it can be. The angle I'm looking at should tie into the game mechanics somehow. Additionally, Some jumps felt far too technical to figure out with the camera restrictions. For example, level 3 required me to enter the blue portal and hit the green. But, I didn't have a way to easily see myself and the portals. Therefor, it felt less like puzzle solving and more like guesswork. I do like the usage of a fixed camera to construct spacial puzzles. However, I think the type of puzzle need some refinement and iterating on.
I like the idea of manipulating a vector field to control the motion of an object, but I think it's a bit too hard to predict how the flower will move. Additionally, the gaps you need to clear need fine grain moves that just weren't available. However, there is a solid idea here. Also, I think it's worth considering it as a mobile game, too.
I wish there was a bit more story to the game. I'm not sure what I was meant to understand. Also, I think tightening up the collisions would be a big plus. However, I really enjoy the idea of exploring a mysterious set of floating islands.
Unrelated to the game, I can't seem to get the tile map editor to run on Windows 10.
While the game was largely luck based, I felt got enough of a feel for the it to finesse my throws to improve my odds. At first, I thought I saw everything, but then I got past 1200m for the first time. That really hooked me in and I ended up getting to 2190m. I really love these long throw games. So, this is an around solid game for me. The music choice was also a good fit for the game. If you all ever think of continuing this project, adding power-ups and upgrades would definitely be the way to go.
It's also possible that the 2020 Jam caught some people by surprise. The jam's start data has been slowly creeping up the year. Additionally, it's likely people are trying to use new tools to score extra points. Using an open source engine adds 3 extra points to your end score. Also, 2020 is just a hectic year.
I think there is a solid core game here. A few things that I think would help improve it would be a more stable camera. Sometimes I would smack a wall and become completely disoriented. Additionally, I think the cursor need some way to indicate the surface is to far away. I definitely look forward to seeing this fleshed out more!