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Matt Van Der Westhuizen

A member registered Jun 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Super cool! This would be great with someone to play against!

This game oozes style and I loved the different characters with all the bad jokes.

Nice work - looks and sounds good and everything works!

It was a bit too frantic for me to enjoy. Frantic can be fun, but then there needs to be a reason or maybe some ways for the player to make some decisions to try to manage the chaos somehow.

I enjoyed this so much! I racked up nearly 100 deliveries before realizing that I can't crash and that there's too many houses to ever finish delivering to all of them..

So little time, so many games left to review... I'll try to come back after the deadline if there is time. :-)

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Thanks for the feedback! That's a valid criticism. I've never really looked into using alternative fonts in PICO-8, I think it's possible, but I have no idea how... It would be a good idea to look into it, as I guess I am now working on two text heavy games.

Fantastic entry! Looks great, sounds great and plays great. The puzzle mechanic was quite fun once I figured it out.

Does the game just loop back to the start when you win? Just wanna make sure I didn't miss anything...

The theme connection was a bit thin for me - I guess sleep is essential?

This was one of the few entries that I felt wasn't harmed by diversifiers but perhaps made better by them, so kudos for that!

Wow, this was amazing - it looked and sounded great! Well done!

I couldn't find my parents though... It just seemed like stamina ran out way too fast. I would've preferred a little meter showing it - as it wasn't clear from just the light level - the game over was very abrupt and unexpected. I guess we have the Clear View diversifier to thank for that...

Very pretty and the music was great, but I couldn't figure out how to do anything.

The walking controls also seemed to be inverted? Down to move up and up to move down?!

Unfortunately I also don't have a mouse cursor, so can't give this a play...

Sorry to hear you had technical issues just before the submission time! Glad you could manage to submit something in spite of that.

It's a cool little prototype nonetheless and I'd be interested to see what it could turn into. The idea reminded me a little bit of Comic Bakery (yes, I'm old :P).

Thanks for the feedback!

I was a bit worried that maybe 30 days is too long of a grind. I had planned to put in some random events at the end of each day, but ran out of time for that, that might help - especially if they tell a bit of a story. I think what I have is not intrinsically fun enough - it needs some form external motivation for the player to keep going.

Lovely entry! I really enjoyed how your complex monologues in the dialogue selections got translated into "Meow!"!!

This was awesome - definitely my favorite of everything I've played so far this jam! Perfectly captures the angst of going to the supermarket in Germany during the epidemic.

I found the punch a bit weak, so I mostly just tried to avoid the enemies. Could do a run in about 1 minute after some practice.

Thanks, glad you liked it! :)

Version 1.2 was literally unplayable for me (slingshot kept losing items and hitting the target was impossible). I found the link for 1.4 though, so was finally able to play a bit on that.

This was a great idea! I loved the main menu screen and music! Struggled a bit to make out what some of the items were in game and as many mentioned the slingshot was a bit tough to control, but a great effort for a jam entry!

Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Sounds like I have some balance fixing to do! :'D

This was a great toy and I definitely would've loved more levels! Very juicy and satisfying to play with!

My only criticism is that I don't see any connection with the theme.

An interesting little walking simulator and a great entry - well done!

On my first run I sacrificed language first, so I had to play it twice on account of having no idea what's going on at the end...

The game was in general very well polished! Also very immersive, with a few exceptions: sacrificing language still leaves text headings over the doors and I sacrificed animals at one point but then one door later there was a bird singing again (probably just a little bug).

It seems to me that the diversifier maybe made for a worse player experience, as that is probably what forced all the choices to have almost purely cosmetic effects? A static order of choices with obstacles that you need to be overcome in different ways depending on the choices you made earlier would've extended the otherwise great immersion into the gameplay and would've made for a much more interesting 2nd playthrough. I realize that that's probably way too much scope for a game jam though! ;-)

The AC joke was fantastic! If it I hadn't already seen it in the stream on Sunday it would've totally been worth climbing the tower 3 times!

A great little puzzle game, well done! I scored 36.

Loved the different characters having different objects to pack... and was layout of the spaces inside the suitcase random? That's quite clever for replayability.

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Nicely done - this was a very interesting game! Gravity is essential indeed.

The concept of the universe ending if we don't pretend that gravity is still working didn't make much sense to me, but the mechanic was very cool.

I can just imagine an interactive story mission in something like GTA where the character goes "Wait, that's not how it happened!" whenever the player deviates too much from the ghost car - with lots of near-hits, slow-motion and explosions thrown in when the player does manage to follow the character's pre-recorded path.

A great exploration of what is essential to a game! Very well polished and I'm very impressed that two people managed to make many-games-in-one in one weekend.

The spring jump mechanic was interesting, if a bit frustrating at times. For example when I started sliding in a direction I didn't want to go in after landing on an angled surface. I think I fell off the synchronization tower down to the floor 3 times and had to make my way back to the top... and it didn't really do anything did it?

Putting together a working FPS in a jam timeframe never fails to impress me! I've tried that, it's hard... This had some nice touches of polish, like the animation when picking up oil / power. The factory disappearing as time passed was also very cool! 

One feedback for the mechanic of throwing drones with balls - it's almost impossibly hard without an aiming mechanism of some sort. A simple reticle in the middle of the screen would help a lot, but since this is a robot an estimated trajectory line might even make sense. Also once you throw and miss it's usually very hard to find a ball again - might've been nice to make that a collectible as well (like ammo).

I scored 7720 - no idea if that's good or bad, but the game left me wanting to find out what happens to the young robot next.

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Amazing for a first game jam entry! All of the elements (art, sound, music and game feel) really worked together very well.

The ice cube feels very slippery to move around, which feels great and the random rotation on some jumps was cute - the rotation just drove me insane on that last level where I had to do the jump up between two blocks twice.

The mechanic of leaving a block behind when melting worked very well as a mechanic - it just didn't make any sense thematically - if I melt there should be a puddle?! Maybe if I was a little CPU running around and overheated I would leave a block behind... :P 

The goldfish is very cute indeed! A very nicely polished entry! :)

I got as far as the green (grassy) levels before getting frustrated and giving up. I struggled a bit with controlling the character's horizontal movement precisely so succeeding often felt more like luck than skill. Tapping the controls for fine adjustments didn't seem to do much. Maybe you used physics based movement, so the friction prevents movement until you get some momentum?

The gravity inversion mechanic reminded me of a game called VVVVVV from 2010:

Thanks for playing it - glad you liked it!

You are right, it is a bit challenging to understand - I should definitely have saved some time for adding a tutorial.

Nice clicker! I tried to trigger the pandemic just before running out of trees to maximize my money, but then I just got the message about destroying destroying the planet... so I still don't know if one can get rich from making toilet paper. :'( ;-)

This is the 2nd H.E.R.O. remake I've played this jam and I must say yours felt much more faithful to the original, so job well done!

Liked the music and loved the panicked scientist animation!

Only negative comment is that it is hard as hell! Gave up on level 2 after getting very close to the end and then dying to the laser.

Excellent idea! I'll probably go to town on the stats system once I finish rewriting the crew system.

Glad you liked it! :)

Very well done! Cool theme song! I managed to get 8 pizzas delivered with only 1 fail on my 2nd try.

Only thing that could've made it better would've been if the unhappy customers threw the pizza back at me, but it was pretty hilarious as it is too.

Awesome game - loved it! Would love to play against a human...

I think this would be brilliant with 4 or more players on controllers each controlling a wizard / wizards (like console football games).

A very unique entry! Well done.

I suspect I accidentally skipped over a sentence of dialogue once or twice even though I only clicked once, but other than that no problems.

Cool - it worked  great for that. It might be a tad too powerful for running with indefinitely - got to around 20 000 score once I figured I could just hold it nearly indefinitely! ':D

Perhaps it should slip from your grip after a few seconds or have some other drawback...

Very nice entry! :D

The catch and throw-back mechanic was quite innovative. Was the ability to hold on to a can for slow motion intentional? Even if not it made it quite strategic to try and catch and hold until one of the aerial bison was about to strike, then throw it.

Good effort and I loved the music!

I think I spent too many childhood hours playing H.E.R.O. on the MSX, so your version just felt slightly off to me - the mechanics are similar, but there's just too many differences for it to evoke quite the same feeling as the original.

Cool, glad some of it was useful! :)

Good luck with your exams and your post jam version!

Well done - you've really made something beautiful! Sharing your feelings is hard, but thanks, the feelings show through in the result.

Only complaint is that it only barely qualifies as a game, but then I recently made a rock simulator for #1GAM ( - so I guess I can't protest too much.

Loved that song! Would pay to get it on my phone...

I made it through day 1, but stopped receiving instructions after that?

Thanks for the kind words! :)

Just left you a rating and some comments as well.

A good effort! Kudos on getting such nicely polished mobile interface out in a jam time-frame! We tried doing a Unity UI driven mobile game the weekend after this jam for Ludum Dare 40 and ended up giving up about 2/3s in (UI wasn't the killer problem, but it did take an extremely large amount of our time in that jam).

I agree with other reviewers' comments against the count-down timer... for a puzzle game it would be nicer to have a bit of time to think. Perhaps a better system in this case might be to rather give the player as much time as they want, but give them a star rating from 1 - 3 stars for each level based on how long they took (for eg. in 10 seconds = 3*, within 25s = 2*, longer than that = 1*)? That might also give some incentive to go back and replay old puzzles to get 3 stars.

I also found the difficulty curve a bit weird - it was easy going until I got to Swing (which I still haven't solved after 3 tries), then easy again on the larger ones, because they all seemed to use the same preset pattern for laying out the tiles.