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A member registered Jul 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow, that is awesome

That wizard jumpscare at the start was scary. Artstyle is amazing, gameplay is awesome too. Very coo

Nice game, but it really needs music and sound.

I always thought that Matryoshka is something that only Russians know

(1 edit)

I don't think it will work, because you need to gain speed or loose speed to achive a stable orbit, which means you need a way to affect the moon's speed only one time, and then do not affect it anymore. In third level you can do this by affecting moon's speed once at the start. 

A while ago I made a prototype similar to your game, where you need to build you rocket and fly it to the finish while being affected by gravity from planets(kinda like "Bad piggies" and "Angry birds Space" mashup), real life gravity formula do not work well, even KSP uses the "sphere of influence", so cheating with gravity was essential.
Also I can help you with the visuals if you want to release your game(I have some skills in pixel art)

Art style is very nice, animations are very smooth. Second form is kinda usless. I love how giant mechanoid shaking ground when walking, but not shaking ground when jumping.

Also, considering the name, I am pretty sure that you speak Russian.

Оч круто, респект художнику

As a Kerbal Space Program fan, I really like it. Btw, you can achieve stable orbit around black hole in level 3

My laptop commited suicide

I love Unreal Engine

Everything is cool except controls. You need to point your mouse with right hand, then you need to use arrows with left hand(or right hand), and then you need to press space with your left pinky(or left thumb), and then repeat it(sometimes you also press Q and R, which are in opposite side of the keyboard), and sometimes if you aren't fast enough, you can accidentally spawn two balls. Sometimes I feel like I am playing piano. I think it's better to use mousewheel to change the size, LMB to spawn balls, and R for restart.

But in general the game is very nice

Nice concept, but gameplay is a bit annoying because of too much camera movement. Also walking animation affects your collider, so it pushes you out of the walls, which makes your camera go crazy. Also it sometimes pushes you out of the platform or changes the height of your jump for no reason.
But in general the game is nice, this simple style and especially music. Do you have youtube channel or something?

If you are playing not in fullscreen, Itch io crops the edges of the screen for some reason. It also don't want to lauch normally when I change Embeding settings. It works fine only with "Click to fullscreen" mode. If you have any clue how to fix it, please send help.

Also, if you stuck on the first screne, just click on Earth.

I love how you made a nice game with only 1 sprite

I love the idea of changing controls every time you die, but I think it'd be good if game had checkpoints(those pink things dont do anything, maybe this is bug?) Also, I think you should make bg a little bit darker, because now gameplay is blending into background a little bit. Also ground detection don't work sometimes, and you are making small second jump instead of big first jump. But overall it is nice game!

Thanks for the review! It's hard to tell difficulty of the game when you already know everything about it, so I accidentally made it extremely hard. In the second level I used a lot of potato-mines at the start. I think I will make it easier after jam ends

I am fired.

Game is very fast, maybe there should be difficulty slider, or hotkeys. Sound design was perfect. Perfect, down to the last minute details. I love how everyone is just sprinting into emergency exit without paying. It was fun to play

That's amazing how such slow movement, and simple controls create so fast and intense gameplay, very cool. 

Controls are kinda hard, but game is very cool. I can't get it to the end because game closes each time you die, but it seems there is a ton of content I missed. I want to play complete version of this game, if you are going to finish it later.

Very cool

(1 edit)

I can say this game is complete torture for people who's native language is russian. I literally cant understand anything except "tea" and "juice" (If you think about it, this is skill issue), but staring at cup while "Your best nightmare" playing is very fun. I think you should add difficulty slider which slows down sfx.

At first I wanted to use Megalovania x Girono's theme, but it didn't harmonize with gameplay

I should've made it easier...

god danm, those sound effects torture my ears, but this makes game even better. You should've made acapella doom soundtrack and put it as a bg music.

Some minigames are ultra annoying, but it's fun to deal with them. It's literally so bad it's good

I want this game to be finished and released. It's cool, very interesting gameplay, but moving and configuring objects is kinda hard, I thing it'd be better if you use mouse wheel instead of [R] to choose options.

Idea is good, but game just throws random sliders onto your face at the start, and you have no idea how to use them, and what they do. But graphics is really good btw

Wrong island, Loofy!

I collected 3 lobsters, and final cutscene absolutely worth it. Also I want camera zoom upgrade. Game is awesome, my theory is that dad "fucking died" in the end because of colors. This is goat(lobster)

Спасибо, надеюсь у моей игры будет хотя бы 1 секунда экранного времени в видео maxterа

Просто у меня видеокарта встроенная в ноутбук, и не тянет майнкрафт в 60 fps, впринципе по поводу геймплей я могу сказать что чувствовал будто бы ставлю бомбу на б, а не запускаю игру. Впечатления от запуска игры были лучше чем 50 процентов игр на джеме

Игру невозможно скачать(

Я не поленился и скачал игру на андроид. Геймплей... Мог бы быть лучше если бы нажатия по целям срабатывали не через раз

Было бы круто если бы был хотя бы 1 полный уровень, и не было бы кота который бежит по пианино

ставлю этой игре 2 сожженные видеокарты из 5
Было бы больше если бы игра отрендерила больше 2 кадров до того как мой комп сдох



Приколдесно, ничего супер сложного, непонятного и навороченного(как у меня), от этого играть приятно. Графика вроде есть, но свои пули с трудом видно. Возможно в минималистичном стиле игра смотрелась бы лучше, но о вкусах не спорят

Круто, как по мне одна из лучших игр здесь. Если пультом притянуться к финальной платформе, то игра ломается и дает возможность прыгать а не ходить

Очень простая игра, но это не делает ее плохой. Ничего лишнего.

Нужно было сделать капчу с светло серой стеклянной панелью в сундуке(Шарящие шарят, остальным соболезную)

Офигеть я тупой

Игра настолько соответствует теме, что становится страшно

А там есть четыре цифры? Я совместил 3 цифры, а четвертой там не было