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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art is solid but it's a bit all over the place and so you may not get what you need from a "farming & production" pack (more info below).   On top of that, the license is pretty restrictive and covers a ton of edge cases (including wikis for your game) so make sure to read through that before purchasing.

You get 100 icons which is great value, except for the fact that they generally cover 10 different categories of "farming & production".  For example this includes a chicken and an egg, but no other farm animals.  It includes cooked foods without the raw versions.   It has assets for painting, but only 4 of them; a paint brush, paint palette, an empty canvas, and a finished painting.  There's enough to do something within each category, but not enough to create a full feature around that category whether it's farming, cooking, creating art, etc...

Just purchased this pack and love the variety of ingredients + forms of each ingredient (full, sliced, raw, cooked, etc...).  

It would be great if this included cooking utensils in the same style.  I also purchased the modern assets pack and was hoping that might include some pots / pans / etc... but no luck.  Either way, keep up the great work!

Fun game and great use of the 3D features of GDevelop.  I enjoyed shooting the targets a lot but didn't quite understand the ghost element, it seemed more efficient to just never use the radar and instead aim for Red and Yellow targets.  Especially since you sometimes hit the ghost anyway even if you can't see it.

The connection to the theme was pretty loose, as far as I could tell it was just turning on the radar.  Great polish across the board though, with sound effects and other assets tying it all together.

Yeah my take on the theme was both direct and abstract.  You're turning on lights which is directly related, but you're also taking batteries on / off towers and moving them around which is my abstract take on the theme.

Glad you enjoyed the game and the feedback about showing voltages is one I've received a lot, definitely need to look into that improvement after the jam.

Interesting game, but execution needs work.  You could barely tell that the path was being lit up in front of you, far easier to just mash the arrows trying to go blindly in the direction you want to go.  I also encountered a bug where one of the levels that required a key didn't spawn with one which was strange.

The music was a nice touch and changing sizes was a unique take on the jam theme.

Very nice entry, though I couldn't stay entertained enough to beat the first level.  The gameplay is slowed down by having to play the boombox away from enemies, and the instant death that takes you back to the start of the level is too harsh.

I made it to the boss and was able to dodge the cockroaches while charging up, but the flying insect killed me instantly.

The graphics are interesting and the voice acting is very impressive, I also enjoyed Foxy's song haha

Really neat game, I had completely forgotten about these kinds of puzzles and it was fun to try them again.  I would've liked some more levels as it felt a bit short, but I enjoyed all of it.

Great polish throughout, and I was especially impressed by the support for multiple languages.

Ok game, but pretty rough around the edges.  The instructions on the start screen look like a ransom note, and I don't know why you're linking to a youtube channel with no videos.

Background music is always a nice touch, but I feel that this music was darker than necessary.  The concept of "turning on frequency to see the level" is a common approach to the theme for this jams.

Lots of levels though and I enjoyed those I played, so great job!

Neat idea for a game, but execution needs work.  The core mechanic, potion brewing, doesn't seem finished / fleshed out.  I tried making 3 potions, the first I used 3 ingredients without reading that it wouldn't work in the demo.  Then the other 2 potions I believe I made correctly, but I don't know because there was no indication of success / failure and no potions appeared in my inventory.

You're trying to make a stardew valley scale game all at once, but focus on the core mechanics first and then worry about the surrounding features.  The game could also use a slower and more thorough introduction.

Tower of Power is a mobile friendly puzzle game, just click / touch to interact.

Neat game, though a lot of entries in this jam are using the "turn on the lights to reveal parts of the level" as their interpretation of the theme.

I also had a lot of trouble keeping track of my character when landing from a jump due to the powerups looking like you and circling your character after you collect them.

The music was entertaining and the way the character moved felt polished.

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Absolutely incredible!  The music was a great fit and the game was so much fun.  The twist when it went 3d caught me off guard, and the puzzles were very entertaining.

You definitely made use of the theme in so many ways, all the way down to how the game ends after the credits.  The 3D was very impressive given how it's a new feature, and I'm glad to see GDevelop handled it so well in the browser.

This might have been one of my favorites of the jam, simply because of the adventure I went on.  It's got charm and would make a good mobile game, but the bullet sounds are very jarring.  Thanks for the fun time, here's the adventure:

First 100 seconds : Just playing the game

150 Seconds : First death

200 Seconds : I realize the floor is slowly turning to stone and I make it my goal to get the whole board to stone and then quit

250 Seconds : I'm confident Stone doesn't get destroyed by anything but bombs, I am now standing on stone in the center of the map shooting enemies.

275 Seconds : I'm convinced bombs can't spawn near me and I take my hands off the keyboard.  Now I'm only shooting enemies.

300 Seconds : I was wrong, bombs can spawn anywhere.  But I tried to use WASD instead of arrows and so I didn't move in time.  Yet the bomb missed me, and so I continue to stand here unmoving.

350 Seconds : I am now convinced you can stand on stone in the center and you'll never fall.  I've seen a few bombs spawn near me and I never get hit, though there were some close calls so maybe it's just rare to blow up the center tiles.

400 Seconds : I've chosen to jump to my doom.  The floor is mostly stone and dirt, but full stone will take too long.

401 Seconds : I'm now in the void for some reason, not dying.  I had 2 lives left when I jumped, and so my last life is now in the void.  I don't press any buttons for fear of ruining the void.

415 Seconds : The enemies finally caught up to me, coming in the from lower right hand corner (in case that helps with debugging this issue).  I shot them for a bit but eventually gave in.

Final score: 432

Fun game to play for a few rounds and I liked that there were two different modes to try.   If there was a way to  see the leaderboard or there was some other incentive to play more I would have done so, but after a few rounds it gets repetitive.

I also think that something should change every time you hit done, whether it's the object or the required state.  There were a few times I'd press done and nothing would change except the score due to how the next turn got randomly generated, and this makes the game feel unresponsive.  Once I understood what was going on I wasn't confused in the future, but it was definitely slower than a normal round because you pause for a second wondering if your click even went through in the first place.

The music was fun and the game has lots of polish with art, modes, menus, and more.  I did find a bug where if you open the menu after submitting a score, when you close the menu you can no longer play again and your only way back to the start screen is through the options. 

Thanks for the feedback, especially working off what others have said.  I'm currently thinking about different game modes as there seem to be a few different preferences, so hearing everyone's thoughts is very useful.

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Thanks for the feedback, this will definitely help me stay closer to the ToH roots.  The current overheating mechanic is even simpler than +/-, there's just a minimum voltage and you overheat at twice that.  I felt quite restricted by the current system so I look forward to experimenting with this after the jam!

I appreciate the feedback, hearing everyone's different perspectives on hiding the voltages has been very helpful.  I'm weighing a few options right now and look forward to working on this game more after the jam!

Very interesting concept, I liked it a lot.  I also lost a lot, in fact every time.  I like the idea of building your deck from duel to duel, and once you understand the system it's clear a lot of thought went into the game design.  The Recycle phase didn't make sense to me until much later and I'm sure if I played more I'd realize more of the intricacies.

The game has polish in so many aspects, but due to the vast scope and potential the rough edges of the project are more glaring.  There's so much information thrown at you from the beginning and the game would benefit from a softer introduction.  That would also let you remove the legend, which is useful for learning but took some time to fully understand and after that point it was taking up screenspace.

I felt like the art was a bit too in your face, especially when you lose, but it was all solid quality and there was a ton of it which is impressive given how much work besides art was needed for this project.

Great use of the theme and really fun game.  I'd like to see more done with it in the future, it has a Mini Metro vibe and I think more buildings with different power demands / etc... could take this game far.

Nice pick for the music, I let the game sit in the background while my coil charged.  I may have been missing something but the game felt very slow.  Were the power plant and windmill the only things on the map?  I finished by letting the game idle after my capacity was large enough.

This is a really neat idea but it could use some work.  The game played fine and I made it to 4500 feet before I got bored / the rapid beeping was too much.  I would have played more if there was more to do, or maybe the goal shouldn't be so far out.

This isn't working for me, I get a black screen when I try to start the story and I can only load some of the chapters in Chapter select.

Any chapters I can load don't load with all of the controls, sometimes I get a jump button but most times no controls or black screen.

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I liked how you freeze when the lights are on, I played a similar game in the jam where you continued moving while seeing the world and it was very difficult.  It is a bit jarring to see your character disappear though, so maybe the player is always visible or is there as an outline?

I also felt like the movement needed some fine tuning.  Due to the slow acceleration and the slippery floors precise jumps were too difficult.  I either slid off a platform when I wanted to stop, or I couldn't stop moving right otherwise I wouldn't be able to get back up to speed.


I'll definitely check out your game, I do my best to review anyone who reviews me.  There's no reason to ask or post the link though, your game is already linked to your comment.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep sound effects in mind for updating this game + future jams.

I'll definitely check out your game, I do my best to review anyone who reviews me.  There's no reason to ask or post the link though, your game is already linked to your comment.

Thanks for the feedback, this has come up a few times so I'll be sure to look into it after the jam.

Glad you liked the game, I'm looking forward to expanding on the concept in the future.  The music is from Steven Melin, I'll be sure to add a Credits button after the jam when I clean everything up.  In the meantime you can see more of his work at 

Fun game, the music was very unsettling though.

Incredible game, it's a great use of the theme and has tons of polish.  The last two levels were extremely difficult but I managed to get through them, I agree with other's giving feedback about keybinds or something else to help with the more precise movement.

I like how the switch was incorporated into the main menu and the levels introduced the features slowly.  The game has so much character, it's my favorite in the jam by far.

Incredible game, it's a great use of the theme and has tons of polish.  The last two levels were extremely difficult but I managed to get through them, I agree with other's giving feedback about keybinds or something else to help with the more precise movement.

I like how the switch was incorporated into the main menu and the levels introduced the features slowly.  The game has so much character, it's my favorite in the jam by far.

Great game, I enjoyed it so much I beat it twice.  The second time through I speedran using the XAND gate.

I would have liked to see some reason for switches to be off as currently the switches are no different from live wires so by the end of the game switching them on is more of a chore than part of the puzzle. 

I appreciate the feedback, I'll look into improving on those aspects after the jam.  I'm glad you liked the different voltage requirements, I'm looking forward to exploring that idea more alongside 4 towers instead of 3.

Glad you enjoyed it!  The towers each have their own target voltage and will overheat if you go too far over that voltage.  I considered displaying the target values but for now part of the puzzle is figuring it out.  I could change this after the jam when I put some polish on the game.

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Nice use of the theme and great attention to detail!  The feel of the gravity and character movement was great, though I would have liked some Coyote Time to help with the platforming.  I also couldn't use Escape to exit the game, even when I went back to the main menu.

The eyes moving was a great touch!

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Fun game, but I felt like I didn't have much control so it was just luck whether I progressed.  In standard breakout the ball changes directions based on where on the paddle you catch.  I would have played more with this feature, but enjoyed what I saw.  Great humor and I liked the music.

Neat idea but the controls are a bit tough.  If there's only 3 controls, why not 2 or 3 bits so there's less to type.  I really liked the background music.

I liked the idea of this game, all you need to do is stay on the path ;)  I would have preferred higher quality sounds, the rain was especially grating.

The ending was neat, idk if there was a way to win after the Thank You sign or if that was it.

I really liked the concept and I'm glad you're planning to add more levels.  The controls felt clunky and I accidentally shot a few times.  I think the ball should come to a stop faster or maybe shooting should be more like Peggle?

It was a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing a full version, background music would be a great addition as well. 

Neat concept, I think it'd benefit from removing the lives since you restart at the same level anyway.  I'm not a big platformer player, I had a bit of difficulty and the lives made it so I didn't want to try to get further than the second level.

Really great game and nice take on the theme.  As someone who recently moved to Godot from other engines it was really helpful to see some of these behaviors in action.

When I reached the final boss I wanted more, the boss was a fun idea and I think there's still a lot of combinations of extensions you could expand on for new levels without needing to add more extensions.

I'm not sure what changing ExtensiON to ExtensiOFF does on the main menu or if it's just for show.  I was also able to beat some levels in strange ways with the Drag and Drop extension as well as Screen Drag.

I made it to 2500M at my best, this was a fun game and there's a lot of great attention to detail.  I love the bounce when you hit the ground, and the different phrases when you lose are a nice touch.  It would be cool to see a few more features like power ups or a separate score for the coins.