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Foxy Boom BoxyView game page

Foxy the Hip Hop star uses her Boom Box to defeat giant insect invaders!
Submitted by MatthewKing — 26 minutes, 3 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Originality & Innovation#143.8623.862
Fun & Game Design#513.2073.207

Ranked from 58 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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good graphics but i stak on the start


i ran into a few issues...the opening newscast cut scene was not even close to synced with the audio(i gave the game a second play and did not make it full screen and it was closer but it still seemed a bit off)...

 later...i was killed because the character wanted to explain she picked up one of her tapes while the radio was charging -what i mean is, while she is talking, the bugs were killing her ...the audio levels for the dialogue were all over the place -'ready to boom' was much louder than the opening narration on the first dumpster...there is no incentive to kill all the bugs...apart from the voice nothing says this is a girl fox...being sent back to the start is very, very punishing  ...the keys you have chosen are spread out, zxc asd qwe sdf are - are all within reach, you are forcing the player to look away from the screen

those are all my for the positives

characters stand out well with the environment, they could have more detail, but keeping them simple like this adds to the flash style games - like really, it looks and plays like a flash game - in a good way...i can tell there was alot of time and effort put into the voice acting, just equalize those levels a little better...the camera zooms looked good, but let me control foxy while she is talking(mentioned above getting killed), that or let me start kicking miss ant after the third tape...which reminds me, the audio tapes could be checkpoints, since they seem to be scattered in that way...

the negatives look bigger  than the positives because of the explanations and solutions, do not be discouraged, the game has lots of potential that a 9 day jam does not usually allow



very good work, very polished voice work I really liked the introduction, and very good artistic concept


A nice game ! It's a bit challenging to have to destroy everything with the boom since we can't see the loading progress to know how long we still have to wait to make a boom...

PS : The kick didn't seem to work.


Love the concept and characters, well done! Who knew fighting bugs with a boombox could be so fun :D

Submitted (1 edit)

bro this game is absolute fire the time you put in to this game was visible from the start also the voice acting was great but my favorite part is the gameplay  the theme was taken to another level bro amazing just amazing .pleas check out  my game i need the feedback


I played it through, I was really impressed with that level of polish and high quality voice acting! That opening was awesome, it could have been straight from Bojack Horseman  :D Graphically, it's top-notch. This is one of the most original takes on the theme I've seen, too!

I found a way to cheese the game, but it will be an easy fix: when there are no enemies visible on screen, you can double press Q quickly to turn ON then OFF your speaker. The music won't play at all and the bugs stay asleep, but the timer to "I can boom" doesn't stop, so after a second or so, you can boom.  From that, you just have to walk to the next rock (all the insects are still asleep) and boom it. You can repeat this until you finish the game. Just deleting the "I can boom" timer whenever the boombox is switched OFF should fix it. 

I love your ending credit, that song is great, and the shout-out to GDevelop and your experience with it are heartwarming. Your game must have been a tremendous amount of work between the visuals, cutscenes, voice acting and coding, hats off to you two! Is this your first published game?


Really well detail. I will say that the web versions of Gdevelop take a second to load the audio. I wish there was more visual indicators for the boom being able to be used instead of hearing I CAN BOOM very often. Too often, she says it when she says it where it becomes I CAN BOOM I CAM BOOM. Also it's very random and inconsistent when she can get the boom, or how much HP she has, especially with it resetting upon death and lots of blockades that are just there to slow you down. Not sure why the arrows keys are used when Q, B, and K are used. Q, B, and K are very far from each other, so maybe make them closer since using K is very far away from anything else. The graphics and voice acting is great with the music. Keep working on it, it has potential but needs a lot of work to be more fun.


That's all very fair and good feedback, and I agree. Thanks for playing and for your input, it is appreciated!


Very nice job, have you made the voices for this? That must have been histerical :D I can see this as a nice beat-em up if properly polished: you don't kill enemies, but instead you push them off and stagger them. You charge the boombox meter with hits and combos, and once that is full you activate it and eliminate all the bugs and clear the way, proceeding to the next area! That could be a sweet gameloop I'll say :)


Hey Mercurio, yes my wife and I did the voices for the game - thank you! We had a blast recording them :)

What you're saying about turning it into a beat-em-up is really interesting and I need to give that more thought, that could be a good direction. Thank you for playing and for your feedback, it means a lot. And good luck in the jam!


Good one. Nice job ! 


Thanks Misterclap! I appreciate the kind words, and Switcher in the Dark was really cool!


Really good game


Thank you very much Miguel, and thanks for checking out the game!


Very Well done i'm impressed


Thank you for your kind words, and for checking the game out, and good luck in the jam!


Good game! I like the graphics and the mechanics is very original, but there are a few bugs for example, the red enemy can kill you while you are doing the "BOOM" animation but I think they can be fixed easily. Good job!


Oh yes, unfortunately I realize sometimes the attack can still collide with you even after the Boom mechanic, sorry and I will need to work on that! Thank you for playing and for your kind words!


This is a nice introduction to our hero Foxy.

The presentation is simple yet distinct, reminds me of Night in the Woods with a larger head to body ratio. The music is excellent, I really like the two rap songs included.

Obviously the gameplay is rather shallow, but I had my fun avoiding enemy attacks because they so slow. Although as soon as I read there's tech where you can just wall jump over them I played the entire game again XD.

I am looking forward to see your future creations!


I haven't played Night in the Woods, I need to check that out! Thank you for your kind words about the music and intro, and yes I did the same thing with wall jump when I found out lol! Thanks for playing!


Nice presentation, nice graphics, nice intro, BUT too boring and too unfair. Start all over again if an insect touches your hitbox(that isnt very clear)it is something that i cant stand. Btw, amazing presentation.

PS: Could you please play my game and provide some feedback? Thanks


That's totally fair feedback and I agree with you, certainly some changes to be made! Thank you also for your kind words! I will certainly check out RobotOn, thank you!


What an awesome entry.
I really liked the story and the voice acting was impeccable <3
Brilliant lyrics as well!

I played it as easy mode with using only one BOOM.

Since I found out I can jump over the obstacles by wall jumping mechanics and the bugs aren't waking up at all since radio is silent.
I used the only BOOM that is present from the start to kill the queen and then just strolled by to the end hopping over obstacles.

I know this wasn't the way it was meant but little old me just found out a thing as I love to find bugs :D

Brilliant entry!


Hey, hack it away! You taught me something, I didn't realize that you could wall jump in the game. Nice job, and I am able to do it now lol!

Logica is going to stick with me by the way, I am excited to return to it!


The dev version of Logica is already been expanded immensely from the Game Jam version.
So keep checking it after the jam, there will be a lot more even after that.


Cool, I certainly will, thanks!


Gostei bastante da mecânica principal do jogo, não vi nada igual até hoje, gostei tambem do estilo de arte usado!


Thank you for saying that Guilherme! I had to go to Google translate, and I got it and it means a lot!


The music mechanic and booming enemies are quite creative. I was especially impressed by the quality voice acting! Graphics are also very good.


Thank you for playing and for your kind words, it means a lot!


Very nice entry, though I couldn't stay entertained enough to beat the first level.  The gameplay is slowed down by having to play the boombox away from enemies, and the instant death that takes you back to the start of the level is too harsh.

I made it to the boss and was able to dodge the cockroaches while charging up, but the flying insect killed me instantly.

The graphics are interesting and the voice acting is very impressive, I also enjoyed Foxy's song haha


Thanks very much for your feedback and I certainly hear you and agree with everything you said. I appreciate the kind words and the constructive thoughts, thank you!


Oh, wow, that's a lot of job with all the voicing and all! You BOOMED this jam!


Thanks very much for your kind words Sviatoslav!

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