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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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I went back to the game and I figured out what I was doing wrong! I wasn't hitting enter after making a pair. I'm a dummy and didn't realize you needed to do that between pairs haha. I went back and played through it and enjoyed it a lot more. Great game and fun mechanic!

Fun game! It was quite original and I liked the model of the drone. Very well done. It got a little hard sometimes, especially during the harder levels, and I wish there was some sort of checkpoint so that I didn't have to do the whole level over again, but the ideas and assets are solid. Great job!

Even though the instructions said that this was intended for a single-player experience, man, I'm not sure if my brain is capable of doing something like that. I had a really difficult time controlling both characters at the same time and I died way too quickly. I think the idea is great, with the shared health bar and battling together though. I'm just not coordinated enough to do it.

The art was really nice! Great job!

What a fun little puzzle game! I love the aesthetic and it was satisfying trying to get each square to the end. I did find myself finishing off one side and then finishing the other, which might not be what you were going for. I assume you wanted the squares to finish their respective puzzle at the same time, but there were no consequences to me finishing them off one by one. But overall, I liked it. Great job!

Oh yeah, crushing enemies between boxes is great! It felt so good after figuring out how to play efficiently. I think a tutorial would have been nice to fully grasp what is going on, but at the same time, there might not have been time, plus it was fun figuring it out (It just took me a few lives to figure out what to do exactly haha). 

I wish the field of view was wider so I could align shots easier, though. Overall, great job!

Cool idea! It was goofy, yet fun! I understood the physics of throwing the head for the most part. However, I threw the head off screen and then I couldn't restart the level. I wish there was a restart button or something. I like the concept though! Great job!

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Man, I really wanted to play this game all the way through to see where it went, but I just couldn't join more than one pair of boxes. I even tried it on a different browser, not sure what was happening. That might have impaired me truly understanding the mechanic, but the idea of it was more interesting than 90% of the other games I tried.  Great job!

Overall, really great idea with tons of potential! I wish it was a little easier to grab things from the ground, but I guess that is the appeal of the game. You gotta find the balance between going fast enough and your skill level of clicking things accurately. So, maybe I just stink at mouse accuracy. Cool idea though, would like to see a full version of it!

I like the concept; it was very unique! The speed of the balls rolling felt a little slow, but not enough to stop me from finishing the game. Overall, I enjoyed it. Great job!

Wow, using the momentum of the magnetism was pretty fun, albeit a little too quick. Because the attraction was so quick, I never really felt completely in control of what I was doing. But it was crazy and fun enough to hold my attention and get me through all your levels. Great job!

Fun game! I like the mechanic was different than expected and it made me think a little more carefully about how I wanted each character to move. The art was cute and overall a fun little game!

Cool idea! I like how you have the oxygen on the right being consumed, making me feel a little pressure to move fast. The music also was really fun, I never got bored of it. However, the hitboxes were a little unforgiving and because of that, you had to be super accurate with the controls. But, the controls were a little floaty, which made it a little frustrating to play. However, when you complete a level, it feels pretty good. Great job!

Very unique and funny! I like the idea of the game being made as I play it with the developer talking to me in "real time". Even thought the dialogue was funny, I wish I wasn't waiting around not doing anything for a bit. With my experience, I died a little bit after getting the gun (I forgot I could reload) and I wanted to restart to where I was, but instead it restarted me at the beginning. Because of the amount of waiting you do at the beginning, it kind of killed the momentum for me. Otherwise that, I liked what I experienced and if the developer makes a full version, that would be pretty cool!

Very cool! And congrats on finishing it up before the time limit! I played through all the levels and it was pretty fun! My brain kind of hurt, but in a good way, you know? Great job!

Very cool concept and idea! I played through all the levels, and they were pretty fun! Switching between robots and building floors was a little tedious, but not overbearing (perhaps a dedicated floor switching button? And a way to specifically choose a robot? Not sure what to do). Overall, great music, art, and gameplay. Great job! 

Fair enough! I can see why you made that decision

Great game! Good concept, hard yet fun puzzles, music and art are great. One of the best I've tried so far. Wish there was a way to detached the magic beams, perhaps in the order you connect them. That way I don't have to restart the level as much, haha. Anywho, great job!

That was pretty fun! However, the second wave of enemies were impossible to kill while dodging their quickly fired bullets. They started swarming me and I couldn't swing around to use the tethered laser to kill them. If there was a way to lock on to one coil and swing around it, then I could kill more enemies. Or perhaps I just wasn't great at it, I don't know. Great job though!

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Really cool idea, kinda like Tetris and PvZ combined. There were some points where my pieces miraculously fit together forming a wall, and that felt pretty good. Because I didn't know what pieces were coming next I started wishing there was some way for me to plan ahead to create better strategies. 

While playing level 3, I scrambled to create a huge wall and ended up with 3-4 tiles unused. I wanted to use the other pieces that kept appearing, but they didn't fit. So, a couple waves passed without me doing anything. I hoped my wall was good enough but at that point, it was a waiting game until the wall was destroyed. Unfortunately, I couldn't bounce back from that. I wish there was I way I could.

Very cool idea though, great job!

Nice job! I played several rounds and found it was engaging. Easy to understand, hard to master. I liked the sound, the art, and the music gave it a chill vibe, which I enjoyed. I do wish the energy charges were closer, however, because I was moving for quite a while before I found some during a round (also they disappeared after they were off screen, so when I went back for them, they were gone). Also I wish there was some sort of pressure on me to find energy charges faster. I think combining that with more frequent energy charges could make the game a little more refined. I liked it though, great job!

I liked building my own crazy ship with all the guns and ship pieces, that was fun! Seeing a silly looking ship flying in space was more fun than a sleek looking ship. I enjoyed that. However, I do think that there were way too many bullets on screen. To counteract this, I found myself sitting in one place and not dodging because my guns could clear either enough ships before they started firing. Even with all the bullets flying around, I never really needed to move. Wish there was something more to motivate me. I got to about 50K before I died. All in all, great job!

Cool idea! The potential is there. I like that you have different colored spaces for each of the characters to step on, which can create some moments of tension with the separation timer and getting the correct colored character on the tile. But instead of dealing with that tension, I started joining the characters on the same tile and slowly moving whatever character was needed for the next one. Perhaps if there was a consequence for having them on the same tile for too long? I don't know, but I think you are on the right track for something. Great job!  

This looks very polished and well thought out. Difficult, but doable, and it felt good to play. It is also very good to look at. Great job!

Super fun idea and super charming! I wish the police felt more of a threat, they didn't do anything when they passed by/through my line. Also, I circled the map 2-3 times before I finally found dancer #20. Even using the bottle didn't attract them. However, the overall idea and the art style more than make up for that frustration. Great job!

Really cool idea! I know time kinda got to you in the end, but it definitely has potential. Grabbing ships and adding them on to yours is so cool. Would love to see this developed more. Great job!

I liked it! Great fun! The sound effects and design of the world were fun and getting the horses to smooch, therefore healing their relationship, was pretty wholesome. However, I felt like I never felt like I solved the puzzles like intended. It seemed to me like I was brute forcing my solution, rather than thinking laterally and coming up with something interesting. That is mostly splitting hairs (splitting mares?...nope...) however. Good job! 

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I liked the idea of the game. There could have been moments of mad dashing trying to dodge the flies and pinning them on the wall, but it just quite wasn't there. Perhaps with a little more time. I also don't think this quite fits with the theme because there weren't any systems or mechanics in the game that were "joined together". Joining flies on a wall is like DOOM joining bullets to a demon's head. Same thing. Sure there were combo points, but it wasn't enough to encourage me to play differently. Perhaps if there were consequences to joining too many to a nail or the wall, causing a boss fly to appear. There is potential though.

I was reading your description and the idea of it is brilliant and was much better adhering to the theme than 50% of the other games I tried. It is unfortunate  it started to come together during the last hour of the jam right when time was almost up because I wanted to try more of it! If you worked on it a little more, then I think it could be really cool.