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A member registered Apr 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I'm already testing some more camera options because that's the most frequently mentioned pain point right now

Felt a bit lost while playing because I didn't know what the health is and how the damage impacts gameplay. Also I couldn't tell a difference between the three available options through the mouse wheel. Also projectiles fired by enemies disappear mid-air when you kill the enemy. Movement felt very good though, very mech-like and heavy. Sound was also decent but damage to yourself could use a bit more impact I feel like or some more indicators. 

I'm very bad at it but the style is great and the music feels very nostalgic somehow. Great stuff

Thanks for the video! Really interesting to see someone else than me play and hear their thoughts

Really solid. The VFX look great, driving is very arcadey but feels good/controllable. The only thing I didn't like were the Stinger Missiles as it is not entirely clear how to dodge them and you can only hear them approach when they come from behind. Also +1 on some indicator for RMB to aim at the start. You figure it out quickly but could cause unnecessary headaches for non-gamers potentially

Thanks! I'll upload a downloadable version. I'm also looking into more movement options, thanks for the suggestion!

Ey thanks for playing! The gatling gun needs some time to spool up, maybe that's why it didn't shoot?  Or it's a bug, then I'll look into it ^^ . 
Shrimp vs. Crab it is then ;)

Thanks! And no, probably not.  I had that in earlier versions though but keeping aiming & free movement separate felt better in the end. Thanks for playing!