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A member registered Apr 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game ruled. Full of charm, I love the background music -- super chill but also a little bit unsettling. Would love to play a longer version of this!

You really pulled off that unsettling feeling of being trapped! Loved how you tackled the limitation in a creative way. You did a great job establishing the atmosphere with the music, sound effects, and lighting. Using a first person perspective camera definitely helps with the fear factor. I think I may be bad at this genre as I wasn't able to kill a spider. Otherwise, awesome job!

Wow, this game was epic! This might be my favorite game of the jam!! This game oozes with charm from the intro crawl, to the sound effects, to the music that plays when the simulation begins. You tackled the theme and limitation perfectly. I laughed that the hero was still petrified in the end. Really amazing job! You both should be proud.

You did a fantastic job of increasing the difficulty in a natural and fun way. I love the minimalist style/color palette that you used because it accentuates the success condition (the confetti) that much more! An awesome game with great design. I wanted to play even more levels! Keep it up!

I love the use of highlights to indicate damage. The mechanics felt clearly communicated and the controls were easy to get the hang of. Awesome job!

This is a fun game! I like the minimalist art style, sound effects, and music. 

Ah! I think I must have made a mistake somewhere when I extracted the game. I re-downloaded and extracted the game in my Downloads folder, ran TetherTroids.exe and it seems to have worked. Thank you!

This game is so charming! The art style is so unique and well done! I like the idea of using the yoyo to propel you forward (feels sort of like  Spider-Man in a way). It took me a bit of time to get used to the momentum, and the parts where you need to move only slightly diagonally but high vertically were a bit tricky, but I think I was able to get it with enough practice.  Overall, very good job!

This game was a lot of fun! It was really cool to sit back and see how each of the towers you've placed are working. I think the towers were different enough that it made the game feel alive. I do agree that the enchanted lanterns were a bit op, but aside from that I think you've done a great job.

I love that you chose squares to represent the enemies. It makes pushing them more satisfying because you see how it affects their rotation and momentum. I think it would be cool if the difficulty changed a little more dramatically and quicker over a period of time. Otherwise, this is an awesome submission. Great job! 

Had so much fun playing this game! I love experimenting with the different angles. The sound effects were very chill and satisfying as well. Great job!

Nice work! You came up with an idea that fit perfectly with the theme and limitation. I think a small addition that would be neat is if there was some kind of anticipation animation before the connections disappear (something like the lines quickly flashing before they disappear). Otherwise, it's extremely impressive that you made this in 8 hours! Very well done!

Nice job! I had fun switching between the two robots and placing the block and magnets to move them around. I think a minor tweak that might help is if the click targets for the magnets and blocks were a bit larger. I was able to get through it once I figured out you can restart a level by pressing R. Otherwise, well done!

I love the cheeky dialogue! Really smart writing and premise. It was delightful a surprise when the squid showed up haha. My reflexes could definitely be better, but I think it would be neat if you could reroute planes by clicking on them and then clicking the diversion point (I found myself not rerouting fast enough with the current way). Other than that, this was an awesome game with a lot of character! Well done

(1 edit)

Hi Sm09! I get this error when trying to run the game:


It might be because I'm running Windows in Parallels on MacOS, so feel free to ignore. However, I imagine some users may not have windows installed on their C drive, so it might still be worth looking into. Hope this helps somewhat!

Edit: Disregard, it looks like it was user error on my part.

It almost felt like I was making some trick shots in basketball. You both did a good job of increasing the difficulty and including elements gradually. I hadn't realized at first that I could interact with a few elements (such as changing the direction of the conveyor belt, or clicking on the portals), so it might be cool if you added some kind of visual indicator of things that are  interactive like hover states or perhaps a subtle flashing border. Besides that, it was a lot of fun to play. Nice job!

This game is so relaxing. It feels so satisfying to see all the roots expand and watch the tree grow. I think it would be really neat if you could scroll up and see how tall the tree has grown. There was a moment where when I misunderstood how the roots expand and misinterpreted the jiggling dotted line as a graphical bug (if you hover over the same point for a long time). I realized that the line follows where the mouse is, and you can even cause it to go around rocks which was a cool discovery!

Lovely game with a beautiful aesthetic. Awesome job all around!

Akimaya! Fantastic job! The art style is so charming, and I love the idea of how this game forces you to multi-task, splitting your attention between the top screen counting sheep and the bottom screen warding away the nightmares. It also is a very clever way of working with the theme and limitation.

Thank you Akimaya!

Thank you so much, Danisaurous! That's kind of you to say and very motivating!

Brilliant way to address the theme and limitation!! I also love how intuitive the mechanics are for the different shapes and how natural it is for the player to understand once new shapes appear. I also appreciate that a noise sfx happens when you try to connect two shapes but a different shape obstructs the line. I think it would be helpful if there was also a visual indication that the move isn't possible (for situations where a player may be playing with their sound off). Outside of that minor nitpick, brilliant job!

Thank you Ferhuce! Yes, agreed, I think the positioning of the arrows could be improved to indicate what's the "call" and what's the "response". Also just more movement and dynamism in general would be a huge improvement for our game (success/fail animations, ui animations, some subtle background animations).  Thank you for the feedback, it's super helpful!

Very well thought regarding the shop after each round. It gives the player a lot of agency in terms of what to prioritize for their builds and how they want to play the game. It's also a very satisfying feeling seeing the ships you deploy out auto targeting the pirates. Well done!!

I personally love the music! Definitely made it more exciting as the levels went on. I also appreciate how the difficulty gradually ramped up with the already connected lines. You did a great job of coming up with a concept that fit both the theme and limitation perfectly. Really cool game, congrats!

Thank you Warface! I definitely think we could have done a better job of educating the player on the basics (even showing the controls briefly would have helped). Really appreciate your helpful feedback!

Thanks KirPow! You're spot on  with the Pokemon inspiration, haha. Thank you for the kind words, we definitely learned a lot especially with everyone's feedback. This is also our first complete game (for both of us on our team), so it's a big win for us just to even finish.

This was an awesome concept. Very creative interpretation of the limitation, and the implementation of the gravity is clear and concise. The game mechanics are also communicated in a very straightforward and minimal way. The sound effect when dying also got me good, lol. Love this game, you did a great job!

I love the aesthetic of this game! I also had a tricky time finding the gray frog. But otherwise, really fun and chill vibe, and a creative way to work around the limitation.  Great job!

Loved that you laughed! I think Jo and I caught ourselves laughing a bit too as we built it because of how random our premise is. Thanks for the feedback, definitely appreciate your thoughts, and thanks for playing!

Thanks NightModeGames! Yeah totally agree about the commands. I also part of the problem is the lack of clarity for when the player is allowed to begin pressing (the "Ready?" "Your turn!" prompts seem a little slow and not clear enough visually).

I appreciate the kind words. Thanks for playing!

Thanks Bump! Jo and I wracked our brain trying to think of something after we saw the limitation. I think this concept happened to be our 10th idea, haha. Glad it fits somewhat. Thanks for playing!

Love the artstyle! Very charming, including the sound effects. I also do like the mechanic of the lighting turning off after a while (thus needing the torch). In terms of gameplay feel, I think it would be neat if the player bounced off of enemies, just to sell the idea that impact was made. Otherwise, nice work!

I love this game!! Super charming, and somehow I get into a zen kind of zone after a while (I sort of get a similar feeling when attempting the 100 super jump challenge in Super Mario RPG). Also fit the theme and limitation very well. Awesome job!

I absolutely love this game! Very addicting to play and replay. The sound effects are so satisfying when you level up and when the blast hits the target. I also feel like the difficulty curve ramped in a natural way. Great job!