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The Great Tuna EscapeView game page

Play as a rare Bluefin Tuna fish escaping from a diver who's trying to catch you.
Submitted by GnoxNahteDev — 49 minutes, 6 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme Relevance#204.6524.652
Is it Fun to play?#634.0004.000
Music & Sounds#2883.0873.087

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I thought the bags would affect the swimmer as well. Once I lost, I couldn't move anymore. Not sure if this is due to my browser


Thought of doing that but didn’t have enough time for implementing and testing. Might do that after the jam. Thanks for the suggestion!

The bug is from the game, it’s in the description, just need to reload the page.


Liked the movement haha


Thanks! Spent quite some time working on it!


Really cool! I liked the movement a lot, and the background was beautiful. I thought the recharge mechanic was genius, but it wasn't immediately apparent what it was so I spent most of the first few runs trying to hit the bags and getting caught. Once I figured out that you wanted to "near miss" them, I got up to SSS very quickly! I think this system is way more interesting than if you just had to hit targets, and it was very well executed. I also noticed that if you boost away right before you get caught, that's also a 'near miss', and you get extra boost there too. There was  a little bug where trying to "Play Again" after getting caught broke the game, and had to be reloaded. But this was a really fun game to play, excellent work!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the long review!

I got the “near miss” idea from playing YouTube’s Fullspeed Racing game. Played it when I was bored and was surprisingly fun! Would recommend that you play it if you like these kinds of mechanics and have access to the game.

I wrote how to earn boosts and the play again bug in the game description… But thanks taking the time to figure it out all on your own, think most players would just quit the game if they can’t find out how to play.

Glad you enjoyed the game and congrats on getting SSS! I’ve seen a few people play and most of them got up to 6000+(SS). I’ll release a new build after the jam with small improvements, including fixing the “Play again” bug.


Pretty fun! The movement and mechanics feel very polished.


Thanks! Spent quite a lot of time polishing them!


Game is great, looks polished!


Thanks for playing!


It’s quite fun to move around, and it’s responsive and interesting. I liked it. For some reason, I thought that the bags were collectibles. Oops!


Hmm, I’ve watched a few people play and they said the same thing. I’m not sure how to clarify it though. I’ve put it in the description and put a gif showing me dodging the bags. Maybe when results are over I’ll put a image on screen that tell players to dodge them.

Thanks for playing and the feedback!


I think it’s just the nature of the players’ mind and their need to collect overrides the obvious plastic bag in the ocean as bad. I’m pretty sure most people learned to avoid the first Goomba by crashing into it.


True, I guess it should be ok then. Most of the players will probably figure it out in a few tries anyway. Thanks for the insight!


Very addictive. could only get around 6050 :/ but always room for improvement! love the mechanics and the dodging close to the diver/bags. reminds me of deltarune ticking in a more action setting. ver ywell done!


Thanks! 6050 is quite good! I only got > 7500 because I practised a lot as I’m the dev. Maybe I should lower the overall grades after the results are out.


The sensation of speed are just so good well done, the idea of having to slalom between obstacles is really good. Overall the game is realy good well play :D


Love the replay-ability! Definitely enjoyed the mechanics it was very satisfying to get that speed up and I LOVED the sfx it was very spooky to hear the snorkel and put some good pressure to hurry up and dodge those bags. If you were to add anything I think a SUPER NEAR MISS would be very cool! Lots of fun! 


Thanks for playing! Was interesting seeing you play, and seeing the progress you made :)


The game is really fun, getting near misses to increase boos is a great mechanic, the paralaxing background looks great, and the art over all is good too, I would have liked to hear more sounds and maybe some music, but the sound you do have sounds good! great work!


Thanks! Wasn’t able to work on the jam the whole week so I added the SFX last min. Might add more after the results are over.


Very fun and replayable. Add more items, maybe even upgrades. Grow to a larger fish etc. 


Thanks! Maybe in the future after the results are over.


I like the fact that the plastic bags slow you (like they were harming yourself), it's well ambiented. Also the pixel art looks great


Good job! Initially I thought it was just another infinite runner, but the chase behind you and trying to move out of the way kept it quite entertaining! I think there needs to be less bags (No need to be SOOOOOO realistic :P) but overall, really really fun mate!


Thanks! Maybe I should add difficulty modes. For me more bags = more boosts and more risk. But since I’m the dev and got more practice, I should probably reduce the bags for others.


Nice game. I like it 👍


Thanks! Played yours too, interesting platformer :)


Great job mate! Loved the fluidity and fast paced movement!

Did get a couple of Soft locks on restarts, but a refresh fixed it asap


Thanks! Yup I know about the restart bug... I've put a note in the game description. I'll probably fix it and release another build after the results are out.

Usually I would play other people's game but sadly I'm not good with horror. Thanks for the review though.


Audi is really good, movement is Hella clean and the idea is reallly nice, anw Check my game out when you cam :)


Thanks! Spent quite some time on the movement. I've also played yours.


Movement is perfect!


Thanks! Spent some time on it! I played your other game too. Felt like it was one of the more fun ones among the ones I played.


Good Game! The camera movement is so good!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! Yup, spent quite some time fiddling with the cameras. Btw I played your game too! I really liked the visuals!


Addictive gameplay. The movements are fluid and pleasant. Maybe I was missing a little music


Thanks! Spent quite some time fine tuning the movement. Almost forgot to add sound, only added the bubbles and diver sfx in the last few hours 😅. Might make a new build after the jam with some music. 
I'll try your game later when I'm free :)


Fun! Movement felt great and loved the art and overall presentation.