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A member registered Aug 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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i couldn't figure out how to do anything, i spawned in and was stuck in a desk, i could only look around and couldn't move, i tried interacting with and clicking every object, but nothing happened

this game was pretty fun, and was a lot more puzzle-y than i was expecting (of course that's not a bad thing)

Also i assumed the only way to scroll was with the middle scroll wheel (as is typically the case) and so i spent probably over 10 minutes just painstakingly scrolling through Kate's messages because not only was it slow but it would occasionally stop and i'd have to move my mouse to a new spot so i could keep scrolling. Only after i reached the top of her messages did i realize you could left click and drag. Either make it more obvious that you can do that, or fix up the middle scroll wheel so its much faster. Other than that though, great game!

this game starts of simple, but soon you kinda realize you have to really manage your bees and it gets more chaotic as you get more bees and thus need to be constantly replacing flowers

Overall, amazing game, though i did have some lag issues (maybe it was just me though)

yeah a lot of people seem to be struggling with it, look at ????.txt and examine the most recent stop code

Visually, this game is amazing. It feels amazing to play, and the story is simple but gives a clear goal to the player

The bosses are difficult, but when you get the hang of their patterns its really fun!

a nice little horror game, but hiding under the bed seems to be pretty ineffective as it can still find you anyways, and the scares feel very lackluster since it is dead silent

also how does this fit the limitation of "multiple applications?" i'm a bit confused

This game was easy to understand, but has strong elements of strategy or forward thinking, absolutely a winning combination! The art looks amazing, the sounds all sound really good and feel like they fit, and it just generally feels nice to play, awesome job!

lmao this game was released like 5 years ago, and it doesn't even fit the limitation, do better smh

really cool concept but the puzzles are too difficult so it kind of just felt like i was being told to look stuff up, i did really enjoy the b64 puzzle though!

loved the art, a bit confusing at first but once i got the hang of it its really fun! for the life of me though i couldn't get the sandwiches from the trash can, it always just said "making sandwiches"

nice fun little game with an cool idle element to it, but the text is a bit hard to read at least on the webgl version and i had no idea my plants were taking over until the game told me i failed, maybe make that a bit clearer, maybe with like a tutorial? awesome game though, loved it!

this game is so well made! The art is amazing and the gameplay feels great but i did sometimes find myself struggling to interact with the plants and such

Really great game, the art is amazing and the gameplay is simple but works, it also isn't too difficult or too easy, i was able to beat it on the 9th battle, great job!

Game looks nice, feels nice, the shaders look nice, game is simple but still fun, good job!

Loved the art, the sound design is simple but effective, feels and looks overall just really nice

it gets pretty chaotic pretty quickly as you're trying to manage all the patients and doctors, but i feel like your game really leans into that and knows it, great game!

this game is so cool! The puzzles are neat and the editor works great! The camera can be a bit weird at times though, and on the first stage i somehow pushed the cube through the wall, effectively soft locking myself

other than that though this game is great!

Concept seems fun, the music and art are great, but the game is horribly optimized and the movement is slow making the playing experience much worse

the art is amazing, and the music is wonderful, though it would've been nice if the text in the beginning was a bit faster to appear

also a cool suggestions could be like a set of guidelines for who gets to go to heaven or hell, and if you make the wrong decision there's some consequences, it could add a whole new dimension to this game and make it even cooler than it already is!

creative, unique concept, a bit confusing at first though

also sometimes the customers would ask for something like "a body part on the right" and i would do that and still fail

really cool concept, the art is nice, didn't encounter a lot of bugs, but the game is pretty punishing (i.e. you fall just a little bit and have to start over) and the controls also feel a bit slow, great game though!

At first i thought this game was gonna be pretty easy, but it turned out to be much more challenging than initially expected

my biggest complaint is that there aren't enough levels, once i got the hang of it the game was over

visually this game looks great, but i just could not for the life of me figure out what i'm supposed to be doing, even after looking through the linked docs, i couldn't find any specimen

neat concept, and maybe i'm just missing something, but this game is really difficult, like TOO difficult. Even the first round of enemies poses a significant challenge, the controls feel strange, the player sticks to walls, and the enemies are too fast and too close together

with some polishing, you could have a really fun little game, but right now it feels a bit rough around the edges

Very cool, love the art, love the music, love the models, but there does seem to be a weird layering issue with the text at the top middle

Fun bit a little confusing at first, there seemed to be some clipping issues with the windows and the tutorial wasn't working for m

this game is genuinely so good

i love the art, the controls, the overall game feel, the use of the limitation, i could go on and on

that said, there are also some problems

- visual noise: especially as you clear more floors, it gets VERY visually noisy with coins flying at you, turrets shooting, enemy projectiles, muzzle flashes, corpses and enemies every, etc. It would be nice if some of this visual noise was reduced a bit, also some of the monsters would get covered up by or blend in with the corpses which made it hard to see them

- sameness: each level is pretty much exactly the same as the previous one, but with more enemies. This is a game jam game so i won't really knock for you this one since level design takes a while, but if you ever plan on expanding on this game it could be really cool to invest time into things like procedural generation to create more unique levels

- lack of exploration incentive: This kind of builds on the previous one, but there isn't much reason to explore at all. Since all the levels are the same and all the enemies just come to you, there isn't much reason to leave the main room or explore much at all. It would be nice if farther away enemies sort of stayed in their area, and maybe you could add little loot boxes and such around the map that have upgrades, coins, health, and maybe even new eapons

But don't let these critiques make you think this game isn't amazing, i absolutely loved playing this game! I completed tens of floors, got every upgrade, and collected tens of thousands of coins, I'm not sure what it was exactly, but something about this game had me hooked, amazing job!

Really fun, but the difficulty curve is definitely pretty harsh, i also got hurt like almost immediately when starting the second boss

other than that though awesome game!

hi magi

This game was really great! A couple things though, try to keep pixel resolution consistent, and there also seems to be some layering issues with the UI and such, the ammo counter was behind the karma bar and the karma bar would sometimes clip behind the trees and such

(3 edits)

touched the duck. 10/10. I love all the unique combinations of ducks!

that said, i do have a couple of suggestions/comments

- Try to keep pixel size consistent, there's like 3 different resolutions which can make the game feel less cohesive

- There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a character that can jump high or move fast, but if that's the case, utilize it, many of the jumps were very close together and didn't make use of the high jump height of the player. i would say either make the player's jump height much smaller, or space out the jumps more to make full use of the player's movement, as right now it feels like the levels were made for an entirely different character altogether

- try not to switch up the camera like you did on like the 4th level. In the first few levels, the camera was static, but then the camera suddenly switched to a camera that follows the player. Both of these are fine and have their benefits, but i would definitely try to stick with one as it was somewhat surprising when the camera switched up on me

Overall, great game! a lot of my critiques are just nitpicks, the art is great, the concept is unique, i loved playing this game!

this game is really good! the art is fantastic and the gameplay is hard, but not too hard! though i did find an exploit where you can dash into the ceiling and just sit there, not sure if that was intended or not

I really love the art! I also found a pretty broken strategy where you can sit at the top of the screen, and then periodically drop down and collect hearts/candles, maybe you can fix this by having the bats appear at different heights so you can't just sit up there? also it looks like you can go infinitely high up

this game is honestly really good, i love the art, the gameplay is fun, the controls are nice

one thing that would've been nice though is the ability to go in reverse, and maybe instead of doing each individual violation, you could do something like "destruction of public property x20  - $20" or something like that

i think you forgot to include the pck file in your build. When you build a game with an engine like godot  or unity it comes with the executable you play, but then it also comes with other files and dependencies, such as crash handlers and dlls. Make sure when you submit the files for your game you also include those files. What you can do is create a zip file of all the folders and files that came with the build of your game, and then upload that,  the exe alone is not enough to play the game. Good luck!!

i definitely wanted to fix that bug with the cubes but i just didn't have time to

yeah i wanted to add more puzzles but i just didn't have time, i only had the last day of the jam to make this game

This game was really good! Though i will say the double jump kind of just felt like 1 jump since you fall really slow, and i also just ended up mostly rocket jumping. Maybe add some incentive to not just rocket jump every time, like having it do damage to you?

This was really cool! I loved the use of the limitation, very creative

really fun, good concept, good execution, great job!

Really fun and creative, but the enemies became way to fast way too soon into the game