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A member registered Aug 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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the answer is found in the maze program, look around and you'll know when you find it

really fun game! I especially liked the waterfall idea

It was a little hard to control, but I think that adds to the charm/fun of it all

The level design kind of encouraged a camping strategy and the movement was a little clunky at times but overall I really enjoyed this game!

Simple but engaging gameplay, great graphics, all around a pretty enjoyable experience! My main recommendation would be polishing up level design a bit. If a gap between two statically placed enemies can be traveled through, it should be incredibly clear. There were a couple times where I got stuck for a second because i didn't realize i could make it through a gap, and was looking for another way around. Awesome game though!

honestly really liked the audio, but some visual indicators for when the player/boss was hit would be nice. It would also be cool if you added a bit more variety to the boss fight since it got a bit stale (though i understand you were pretty pressed for time)

great job!

We did have some ideas to encourage the player to play riskier but were just too busy the last day and couldn't find time to implement it

I figured as much lol but for just trying it out i only had myself, still a fun experience!

I know what was happen but yet at the same time was so delightfully confused in the best of ways i think 10/10 would deliver more eggs (also the wave forming mechanic was super cool!)

Loved the puzzles, and i think the stamina system is a great way to encourage players to really think about what they want to do. I think I found a small glitch though, I had zero stamina, moved into the final cookie and both won and lost. It spawned me back on the same level, but then when I moved i got teleported to the next level. Not really a huge issue though, just a small little bug I found that's probably pretty easy to overlook

The game felt a little too easy (could just hold F and spam the rolling pin to easily defeat all the vegetables) and the movement felt a little unpolished/like the levels didn't really fit the movement (if you have a high jump, make the jumps the player must make high, if you have a short jump make the jumps the player must make short, fast movement = more space, slower movement = less space, etc.) and while that's not an exact blueprint I think its generally a good rule of thumb to make the distances the player must travel match the movement well.

I will say, however, I liked the story a lot and it was still a very enjoyable playthrough going through and trying to find all the different endings, great game!!

The movement was a little buggy, not sure if I was supposed to be able to climb walls or not and I didn't know if I could try to kill enemies or not (tried to do what mario does and jump on their heads before realizing that didn't work) so a little clarification on things like that would've been nice, but overall a fun experience (i found the love!!)

I really liked the visuals with this game but the gameplay was a little lacking though, and it felt like there wasn't much challenge since pretty much every time I got hit was because the monster thing just spawned directly on top of me (or right in front of me while I was walking)

Great job though!!

I actually really enjoyed the typing mechanic with this game, but it did have some drawbacks. Sometimes i'd type to share something, make a small typing error, and then spend a few seconds trying to figure out why it wasn't working/retyping the whole thing. Some form of auto complete/command suggestion/buttons to do commands would definitely help this game shine even more than it already does. I think this was a really interesting take on the limitation, awesome job!

Definitely a challenging playthrough solo but still an enjoyable experience! Reminds me a lot of overcooked, though I think the controls could use some refining/a little more clarification because I struggled sometimes to get things to work and also struggled a bit figuring out how to make certain dishes

A fun little game, though the inability to go down meant I would sometimes get stuck in situations that were literally impossible to get out off and I just had to accept my fate

Also not totally sure how it fits the limitation, but it was a fun playthrough!

A fun game with a cool atmosphere and nice story to wrap everything together! The little thing that points you in the direction of important things did throw me off a bit though, because it kept pointing me to epsilon but every time i talked with them they just said the same thing so it kinda just kept pointing me in the wrong direction. Otherwise, great game!

I loved all the little characters and the puzzles were pretty engaging! My main complaint would just be not that the camera is too fast, but that it doesn't feel super responsive (like when i stop moving my mouse it keeps moving for like half a second) but other than that awesome job!

thanks for the feedback! We had some ideas for how we could encourage the player to make riskier cuts but were just too pressed for time to implement them

thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

I'm really glad you enjoyed it! We haven't gotten any complaints from customers so far...

i love the art and really the concept overall! Kinda reminds me of pixel piracy and overcooked. I honestly don't really have any comments. The only thing I can really think of is having the ability to swap was dessert you're holding. I picked up the wrong dessert and had to deliver dessert to a person who had tons of time left, causing me to fail since I ran out of time for the order I meant to pick up. However, that's such a small issue and really just me nitpicking. This game is great!

The arms just glitch out every time I run the game. Am I doing something wrong?

super simple game but yet still pretty fun to play! I like all the sound effects and how simple everything really is. Impressive you made it in 2.5 hours! I did get a little confused when like 20 customers would all pop up at once and then all go away when I sold one drink though

I love all the art, effects, music, etc! It all comes together really nice. My main concern is that it was pretty hard to know who still needed to be fed and if i had actually hit someone or not. There might've been a visual indicator but if there was I missed it totally. The audio is also very glitchy when reloading. Other than that though great game!!

i love how they bounce around and literally explode, got a score of 53! That said, I was a bit confused why they were exploding, it felt like each time I made one explode there was a different condition surrounding their explosion. Perhaps a tutorial or explanation of game mechanics could help make things a bit clearer?

I'm a bit confused as to what I should be doing? There's no tutorial or controls or anything and the movement is a lil janky. I like the main character and lil rat though, they're cute!

the movement feels a little jank considering how close the jumps are compared to the move speed and jump height, its also hard to look up since the camera clips into the ground, and i was a bit confused as to what i should be doing. All things considered, though, this was seriously an impressive project! Pulling together an entire functioning multiplayer game is no easy task, let alone in just a few short days under high pressure conditions. Serious props to your team for pulling this off, impressive work!!!

honestly really enjoyed this game. Such a simple concept but executed beautifully. The use of colors (red & blue, brown & white) is so simple but a really great way to distinguish distinct characters and their cake matches. I also really enjoyed the way you teach the player, introducing new concepts one at a time in an isolated environment where the player can figure out what they need to do without feeling overwhelmed (i.e. introducing multiple people to feed in a super simple blank environment with clear visual distinctions.) The puzzles were also fairly good. My only real comment here is that the teaching of new mechanics could've been taught a bit better in later levels

I really enjoyed this game! My main comment would be that the controls mixed with the camera system can sometimes make for difficult gameplay. I'd say either give the player more visual aids (i.e. lookahead, a minimap, etc.) or make the controls a little bit less slippery since even though i could see the threat it wasn't always enough time to notice, react, and redirect movement. Other than that, fantastic game!

i couldn't figure out how to do anything, i spawned in and was stuck in a desk, i could only look around and couldn't move, i tried interacting with and clicking every object, but nothing happened

this game was pretty fun, and was a lot more puzzle-y than i was expecting (of course that's not a bad thing)

Also i assumed the only way to scroll was with the middle scroll wheel (as is typically the case) and so i spent probably over 10 minutes just painstakingly scrolling through Kate's messages because not only was it slow but it would occasionally stop and i'd have to move my mouse to a new spot so i could keep scrolling. Only after i reached the top of her messages did i realize you could left click and drag. Either make it more obvious that you can do that, or fix up the middle scroll wheel so its much faster. Other than that though, great game!

this game starts of simple, but soon you kinda realize you have to really manage your bees and it gets more chaotic as you get more bees and thus need to be constantly replacing flowers

Overall, amazing game, though i did have some lag issues (maybe it was just me though)

yeah a lot of people seem to be struggling with it, look at ????.txt and examine the most recent stop code

Visually, this game is amazing. It feels amazing to play, and the story is simple but gives a clear goal to the player

The bosses are difficult, but when you get the hang of their patterns its really fun!

a nice little horror game, but hiding under the bed seems to be pretty ineffective as it can still find you anyways, and the scares feel very lackluster since it is dead silent

also how does this fit the limitation of "multiple applications?" i'm a bit confused

This game was easy to understand, but has strong elements of strategy or forward thinking, absolutely a winning combination! The art looks amazing, the sounds all sound really good and feel like they fit, and it just generally feels nice to play, awesome job!

lmao this game was released like 5 years ago, and it doesn't even fit the limitation, do better smh

really cool concept but the puzzles are too difficult so it kind of just felt like i was being told to look stuff up, i did really enjoy the b64 puzzle though!

loved the art, a bit confusing at first but once i got the hang of it its really fun! for the life of me though i couldn't get the sandwiches from the trash can, it always just said "making sandwiches"

nice fun little game with an cool idle element to it, but the text is a bit hard to read at least on the webgl version and i had no idea my plants were taking over until the game told me i failed, maybe make that a bit clearer, maybe with like a tutorial? awesome game though, loved it!