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A member registered May 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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I loved the idea,  also it was a nice touch that you set the exe files icon as well.  Only real feedback I have would be the length/difficulty but this was a short jam so I understand.

Great game! I loved the art. Movement felt a little slow but overall I enjoyed it

Great! Thank you very much. I agree that the dice kinda lost its purpose. The best strategy is still to shoot as fast as you can lol

Oh, sorry that is super unfortunate.

The only idea I have would be to turn your OS mouse sensitivity down.

Thank you for the feedback

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So I know this jam isn't rated or judged, however,  will there still be a section at the end to play other submissions and comment on them? Will there be streamers playing games?

Thank you

I got permission from the host in discord as it was only a balance update. I know there was a lot of confusion as some other people were asking the same thing so I played it safe.

Yeah NPC. Like 2 or 3 basic AI that constantly fought each other and any players that joined. It would keep the game active even when there aren't any humans online.

Controls were kinda difficult but I suck at these games so that's on me.  Very polished! I loved the different enemy types, they were very thought out and not unbalanced. Also nice tough that you can damage the earth as well (if that was intended lol), completely counters all spamming strategies although I will say I often got into a battle with the enemies on who would finish the earth off. If I'm going down, it's going to be on my terms XD

Awesome that you included 2 game types under the same idea. Kinda difficult though (especially turrets lol). 

Great game nonetheless!

Really good Art and Music. Apparently my Math minor didn't help me because I sucked lol. +1 on WebGL not working. Unique take on the theme, I rarely see any typing/math games so this was a refreshing one. 

Good work


Fixed bug from AsFunAsFun's stream where health bars stopped spawning after playing more than once 

Small balance update as I noted some comments saying it was too easy. 

  • Time between enemy spawns reduced 
    • Old: 12 seconds 
    • New: 11 seconds
  •  Amount of enemies that spawn increased 
    • Old: 1 + (score / 10) 
    • New: 1 + (score / 5)
  • Added diminishing returns on overload 
    • Dark
      • Old: 1 + enemy_count+ (20 / enemy_count) 
      • New: 2 + (20 * (1 - (enemy_count / (enemy_count + 3))))
    • Divine
      • Old: enemy_count + (25 / enemy_count) - 1
      • New: 30 * (1 - (enemy_count / enemy_count + 4))))

Should be significantly more difficult now. However, it's still a ramping difficulty. Now it get's harder ~10 points rather than having to wait until ~100 points for a challenge.

Fun game with an interesting take on the theme.  Art and overall layout of the UI feels nice and is my type of minimalist. Honestly, the UI blew me away with how clean it was. Overall great game. If I had to pick something for criticism I'd say the game started to feel slow/repetitive after a while.

+1 on the powerups

Really fun! Amazing job making it multiplayer I couldn't even attempt that. Sensitivity was kinda overtuned. Sometimes it felt like I was playing Getting Over It v2.0 whenever I fell but that could also be because I suck I platformers lol. Nice touch adding the ability to jump with both the Up arrow and spacebar.  

+1 on the bot idea. Multiplayer sorta a double edged sword.

Note: Weird issue where the game appeared on two of my monitors however I could only click on and control the one that didn't move. Most likely this is an issue with my setup but thought I'd put it here.

Great game!

Thanks for the feedback! I actually built the dodge alongside the movement (before the whole idea came together). I didn't want the work to go to waste so I just left it in. Although the dodge comes out faster than the block I agree it is pretty useless since blocking has no limit.  

I might look into adding some more enemies types. Like a ranged enemy that shoots slow moving projectile but can't be blocked.

Thanks again!

Yeah, I had trouble nailing the movement. Thanks for your feedback. About difficulty, it gets extremely difficult ~100 point mark. I might change that as  it takes some time to build up.

This is how the spawning mechanic works: 

Every 12 seconds, the games spawns 1 + (score / 10) enemies. So when you have 100 points it spawns 11 enemies every 12 seconds. This sorta balances it out and prevents infinite scores. So even though you can block infinitely eventually you will get overrun. Even if you play perfectly, swinging your sword once when surrounded by 100 enemies will increase your dark magic bar by  5 * 100 which is enough to fill the dark magic bar 10 times instantly and deal 100% of your hp. It's supposed to be easy to start but gets harder the more points.

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback. I was planning on adding a dodge cooldown and a limited block but ran out of time lol. 

This is how the spawning mechanic works: 

Every 12 seconds, the games spawns 1 + (score / 10) enemies. So when you have 100 points it spawns 11 enemies every 12 seconds. This sorta balances it out and prevents infinite scores. So even though you can block infinitely eventually you will get overrun. Even if you play perfectly, swinging your sword once when surrounded by 100 enemies will increase your dark magic bar by  5 * 100 which is enough to fill the dark magic bar 10 times instantly and deal 100% of your hp. It's supposed to be easy to start but gets harder the more points.

I might update the balancing to make it more difficult faster as I understand not everyone wants to play the game  for 10 minutes lol.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Thank you!

Thank you!

(1 edit)


Just have a couple questions about the jam:

1) Is it ranked/rated? Are there prices or just friendly competition.

2) Will these games be streamed/featured throughout the jam

Thanks in advance

Oh, I think that is fine personally (I'm not in charge of the jam so take that lightly). I don't think every aspect of the game has to scream cure as long as it's implemented somewhere.

I'm not 100% sure but I assume, as long as it fits the theme in someway (AI example given), it doesn't have to be related to diabetes. My thought process when it comes  to game jams is: If you remove the theme elements from your game...would the game still be playable. If the answer is yes then you might want to rethink a little. I'm not saying it's a bad idea as you can interpret the theme in anyway, however, just my 2 cents if you want to be scored highly in the theme category.

Best of luck

I'm curious about this as well as I'm also planning on using unity

Oh yeah! That does sound like a great multiplayer idea. I've dabbled in networking a little, however, this could be a room-based client/server game which would save me the trouble of creating an authenticated server as the players would create it themselves.

This is such a great idea and it's super versatile as well. You could've made it a browser window moving on a virtual desktop trying to avoid the viruses lol. I couldn't tell if it got harder or not. Super random note that doesn't effect gameplay: I have a feeling the slimes should've been the random bouncers and the fireballs the homing ones  as visually the fireballs looked more scary and dangerous whereas the slimes were the ones I avoided. Great game!

(1 edit)

This can be used for some many things. Like a language learning game for example. I agree that this game is super hard. Not so much for the same reasons. I've been coding for a while and have a decent wpm so those words weren't too hard...the problem was it kept locking me out from typing at random intervals. I have a feeling this was my browsers fault but I thought I'd let you know. The shop was a great idea and makes it sort of like a rouge lite. You could add a difficulty curve that scales with how accurate you are or even just spacing out the mines more vertically to give the player more time to type would make a ton of difference. Overall it's a very fun game and I enjoyed it. That UI was cool looking as well.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I originally had the dodge on a 1 second cooldown but bumped it up to 2 seconds after it became too easy. Most of the problems I've ran into (other than balancing) are solely due to the horrible and buggy AI that I threw together at 4am lol. It works by running up to you and attacking with a 2 second delay inbetween. Every 3 or 4 seconds it checks if it was hit recently then dodges. This loop allows for an experienced player to just spam a 1 second dodge a specific, but versatile, interval to remain invincible. I also thought of making the right mouse button a block or special attack but I ran out of time. 

(1 edit)

Yeah I agree with all the points mentioned. I was kinda rushed but I wanted to make it like a set-bonus (2/5/10/etc)  as well as adding a block/special attack to right mouse button. I got a good idea to improve this game. Instead of making  each fight against the player you have  it as a dungeon crawler style with more upgrade choices and many possible combinations  (like Hades). And then every x rooms you fight the main "enemy" that was doing the same thing as you in a parallel dungeon. The winner get's to pick the item and the loser gets the other one...maybe even a choice to swap items you don't want or to steal from opponent. I would definitely have to rewrite the Ai (if you can even call it that lol) but seems like a direction I could go.

(1 edit)

I'm glad though lol. It was way easy for me and if I'd get a lucky roll (specifically a few fire then full lightning) I'd just one shot my way to infinity. To combat this I lowered damage and increased armor effectiveness. You might not have noticed but after round 15 the enemy attack starts to increase by 2 each round to prevent lucky rolls giving an infinite score.  

Hope you liked it.


In the intro you mentioned the 3 archetypes as melee, ranged, and magic. I'm just double checking we can use magic as ranged since you categorized it as it's own archetype.


Thank you. I thought I looked through the FAQ. Must've missed it.

See title.

Thank you for clarification.

Thanks :)


I'm aware assets are allowed assuming we give appropriate credit. Does this include paid assets as well or only free. Only because I have a lot of animation assets from the Unity assets store that weren't free.

Thanks for your help

Thank you :)

Yeah, that bug stumped me and I couldn't figure out what caused it. The only way around it is waiting 3 seconds without moving/attacking to sheath the sword but that is mostly suicide. I created a stats menu with TAB key, however, it bugged out and wouldn't let players open it. I already submitted the fixed version to the judges. Thanks for you feed back.

Thanks :)