Thank you for this amazing extension ! I was wondering if there was a possibility to add a way to change dynamically the height of the water object to simulate the water going up ? I tried to use the height or Y scale but it only changes the size of the wave and not the entire object. Hope it makes sense !
Have a great day :)
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I understand, no worry and thank you I will look into that (I am no expert either ahah) and I will keep updated here if I can make it work :)
EDIT: I got it launching with Wine indeed ! But I can't get the microphone working... It was so close ! Usually I get a prompt from Mac OS to authorize an app to use microphone but it's not showing here, so I don't know if there is a way to add manually the authorization... Or maybe it's a different issue...
Thank you, Mitchell ! yes I should have made the layers more distincts in term of sounds to help, I guess. I just vibed too much on this ahah. It actually made me realize something important design-wise, I made the musics so I know what to expect when I'm actually playing it. Didn't think about the other players who don't actually know the sounds, lesson learned ... :)
It's a Yes ! I think we went both for the idea of layering musing throughout the game, but I have pretty much 0 gameplay ahah. I think you did amazing, the gamefeel is much better then in your first entry IMO and the visuals suit well the music. (or the contrary ? hmm) Maybe the movement feels a bit slipery but hey, it adds some difficulty and fun ! Well done !
Wow, I'm amazed by all the mechanics you've implemented in this short amount of time ! programming is still a kind of magic for me so that makes you... a wizard. And on top of that, art is really cool, there is a beautiful dialog system, cutscenes, juicy animations ... I'm jealous ! Very well done !
Ahah thank you again for playtesting ESC. ! I must say I really enjoyed watching your replay (😈), this exactly what I expected the players to feel like and you finishing the level was just the cherry on top ! For sure I heard all the feedbacks and will do some changes so it will be more forgiving eheh.
I'm impressed by many mechanics/ visuals in the game ! My main frustration was the controls of the ship which are super heavy, I could see many props in the space I wanted to check but I just didn't have the time to reach them :') I loved the whirlwind prop that catch and project you so I was curious about the others...
Well done !
Wow (too), thank you so much for this positive feedback, it really brings me joy ! And yes you're totally right it definitely needs some difficulty curve, I've been a bit sadic on this one ahah.
Didn't think about making a video so I just uploaded one (It wasn't on the first try, probably on the 10th or so, because YES it's hard who made this ? lol)
Thank you ! I really enjoyed moving around in this space, the spaceship and gravity controls are so satisfying to play with ! And damn this music suits very well, nice pick. My fav character is Terrence, I'm a sucker for dumb puns ahah.
Finally the artstyle is so good, I just thought maybe a bit too much glow but it's just my taste...
Hope it gets to round 2, well done !
Thank you very much for playtesting my game ! and for the feedback.
Like I said in my reply above, your points are valid ! I spent so much time on art and game feel/ platformer mechanics that I couldn't make a better game/level design. I actually am a newbie in coding so it was very challenging to me ! Sorry for the frustration ahah. Also, as it was demanding a single level, I opted for a difficult one with hope that people would hard try it, get tension. I know there are a lot of games submitted and sometimes I found it hard to get engaged in the first seconds of playing. Just my taste ! But with more time and confidence in my coding skills I would have revisited the difficulty for sure.
Again, thank you for playing and leaving a feedback ! (and I loved your game, def one of my favourites <3)
First of all, thank you for playing and taking the time for writing this feedback, it is very helpful to me.
All your points are valids and it helps me to understand better what players expect in this type of game ! Oddly I chose to make an hardcore platformer though I don't even play this genre. As I said I'm more of an artist and it's because of the lore and the idea of being chased by a monster that leaded me to this gameplay.
Indeed I hesitated about the pause after death before retry since it clearly break the flow, same for the music. I should have watched/try super meat boy as reference but actually didn't take the time to. All my time went into the platformer moves / game feel and art, it didn't leave me enough time as I wanted for game and level design.
Very fair point about the guidance through the level, there is actually no way to anticipate the traps when you are falling or in the last parts of the level ahah. I was biased because I built the level so I did know where the traps were. I just thought " Well I suck at this kind of games so if I can do it, people will" ahah.
Again, thank you so much for the feedback, I think I learned a lot from this ! And maybe I will keep workin on it or at least correct some things :)