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A member registered Dec 12, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing😁

That's my plan.😁

Thank you for playing.

I modified the restart button as per your advice. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for feedback!  The restart button was fixed. The game is getting better thanks to you.

The presentation is very good. It would be nice to add a puzzle related to rotation to the progress of the game.

It is very surprising that it was made with a homemade C engine. The gameplay, which requires the efficient use of two resources, was impressive. cool.

It's a very short game, but the rotation theme is well applied to the game concept. The controls are simple, but getting a high score takes effort. The sound and graphics fit well with the game concept. Great job!

This is a great use of the rotation theme. The first opening and the camera walking when you defeat the enemy are impressive. It looks like you used a tilemap, but the grid pattern is a bit of a concern. However, I believe that the problem will be resolved later. Overall, it's a very fun game.

Good use of assets. The gameplay is simple but impressive. It would be a great game if we could create content that could keep the game going. The core gameplay is already great.

Gameplay, sound, and graphics are all well implemented. I wonder how the game would change if the player turned according to the direction player landed on the orbit instead of in a fixed direction. The game was very enjoyable.

It is a well-designed platformer game. The assets were used in a balanced way, and the sound effects were also in the right place. I wish that additional mechanisms will be introduced. It was so much fun that it was sad that it was short.

The movement of the character when turning the board is impressive. I agree with the opinion that it should be more speedy. Still, the match-3 puzzle is very well implemented.

It's a classic and solid game. The combination of sound and graphics is very good. I think it would be nice to give it a little more pressure with a time limit or click limit. The level design was great. I had fun.

It's definitely a game that gives you a unique experience. I never thought a game like this would come out. Admire how assets are used.

It's a memory game with great visuals. I like the overall presentation of the game. As you probably know, this game will be more replayable if there is a function to randomly place tiles.  you did a great job.

The idea of rotating the enemy is novel. The controls are a bit difficult, but I think the game itself has a good direction.

The overall gameplay is well structured. The shop, stage selection, and upgrade system are tightly coupled. I was impressed with this replayable game system.

The reaction in space is well incorporated into the gameplay. The game is so well implemented that it can be played over and over again.

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It's a great concept. The overall presentation is well balanced. Personally, I like the concept of climbing the wall, so it would be better if there were more parts and the game could be played at a faster pace. It was fun. This is good work.

It is a game that can be played easily without any special explanation, but it is difficult to do well. It's a little difficult because there are so many things to take care of, but it's a game that makes good use of the theme of "rotation".

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Overall, it's a well-rounded puzzle game. At first, I was simply trying to connect the pipes, but more and more I tried to pop more and more pipes at once. This game is addictive.

It has great graphics combinations and game mechanics. I especially liked the stage where many blocks gradually disappeared, revealing hidden parts of the map.

Presentation is great. The gameplay takes a bit of getting used to, but it's well worth it. Efforts to incorporate themes into the game are also evident.

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The overall combination of graphics and sound is excellent. The change of the platform position according to the play makes the play colorful.

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You can see the attention to detail in the title playable characters and platform objects. The game controls went smoothly and well.

That's a great idea. The graphics are unique, and the sound was utilized in the right place. I think the controller mapping is done properly.

It's simple but has great gameplay. And the trace effect that goes with it amplifies the concept of the game. I had fun playing the game.

The elements that can be played from the menu screen are very attractive. The game's graphics are consistently combined. The sound effects are also great.

I like the unique origami-like atmosphere that the graphic gives. I also liked the use of physics.

It has great graphics and controls. In particular, the combination of game control and coin placement stimulates the desire to challenge.

(1 edit)

Realizing that there is a rotation limit, not a time limit, I started playing cautiously. The game was so much fun that I was able to immerse myself in it.

The sound and graphics are well balanced. The unique rhythm makes the game immersive.

The combination of gameplay and sound is good. It has a great sense of rhythm when playing.

The overall use of the assets was good. I think the game system structure is great.

I was amazed at how you used your assets.

It's a great puzzle game. It's easy to play, but you have to be careful for Clear. That part is worth challenging. I wish there were more stages.

Nice presentation.  Graphics, music, and game systems go well together.

Thank you for your play. Your video will be very helpful for me to make games.😊

It's not normal if it doesn't fall off.😥

Thank you for letting me know about the issue.
I can't fix it right now, but I'll fix it after jam is over.