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Master PlumberView game page

Entry for the Kenney Jam 2021 - Theme: Rotation
Submitted by seizar — 3 minutes, 24 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Presentation (visuals)#823.7623.762
Concept (gameplay)#903.5243.524

Ranked from 42 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Pipe dream nice and well polished


It's a classic and solid game. The combination of sound and graphics is very good. I think it would be nice to give it a little more pressure with a time limit or click limit. The level design was great. I had fun.


Classic game ! Super enjoyable and nice polish. I found myself wanting to complete all the levels, until i came to the realisation that the levels were randomly generated, and I might be playing your game for eternity. A very positive experience, well done ! :-)


The joy of procedural generation, infinite content at the expense of personality :) Thank you for playing!


Love your technological stack. It’s a classic concept, but still very fun and relaxing gameplay. I am surprised there weren’t more games in this style. I wanted to throw few suggestions around, but I see you already have them in the description. :) 


Thanks for playing! Glad you appreciated the tech stack, I had some fun trying to make things work the way I wanted! Next time I'd like to try something a bit less static like a platformer


What a classic game, i enjoyed playing it. Im even more amazed that this is not done in a game engine. U earned my respect, Bravo!


Thank you for playing! Eventually I want to move on to developing using a mainstream engine but for now I kinda want to see what I can do with the current setup, also because between work and family it's a bit hard to find the time to study an engine from scratch so I try to use what I already know


A fun little puzzle game. You have used the theme well and the game plays nice. Great job!


Love me a true and true puzzler like this one. Especially one well implemented like this one. Now, I get that the inherit design of the game makes is harder to make the levels more challenging since either the piece can only rotate so much and make a specific connection but still, it was nice to play :D


Very polished, very nice ! 


I thought I was gonna have Bioshock hacking game PTSD, but this one is actually nicely implemented :) The chill soundtrack and nice sound effects definitely helped!


Thanks for playing! The soundtrack is AI generated, I used https://www.aiva.ai/ which someone mentioned on discord and I was surprised at how good the results are!

Submitted (1 edit)

Nice puzzle game!

I was wondering about the algorithm you used to generate levels. Did you use a shortest path finding algo the like Dijkstra's algorithm to find the path with desired length (with random neighbour selection)? And once the path is found, then I guess you can set the pipe style to fit with the path direction and randomize the pipe rotation?

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for playing! I used a simple algorithm that recursively visits all the tiles in random order and uses backtracing to "burn" paths that did not reach the target tile. This way I have no control over the path distance unfortunately but I was planning on controlling the level difficulty by locking a variable number of pipes in the correct position depending on the level. 

Like you said once I have a path I can just find which pipes are needed to traverse it and then rotate them randomly and fill the rest of the board with random tiles. 

The board is just an array of integers that represent that pipe connections with 4 bits (1=top, 2=right, 4=bottom,8=left) so once you map the values to the different pipe graphics it's trivial to query things like "give me a pipe that connects the top tile to the bottom tile" with simple bitwise operations. This actually already works with other pipe shapes like T shapes (i.e. a value of 7 is a top-right-bottom pipe) or cross shapes but I decided eliminate those in the end because it was creating too many levels where the path is too easy to find


Thank you for the in depth reply. 

This is why I love game development, it's so satisfying to combine a series of instructions to create a gameplay mechanic. And once again, I really enjoyed your game, best of luck with your future games!


Good puzzle game, very polished for 2 days !

Great work :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

cool game that to made in pixi... Awesome sound effects.. 
one doubt how u used / for what area of game u used the React..

is there a pixi + react + typescript  version available ?


Thanks for playing and for the interesting question! To be honest I wouldn't recommend using React at all, it's more of a self-imposed challenge. But if you really like the idea of declaring your game in a sort of html-ish way, it's pretty fun and there's a good pixi-react integration  with typescript support at https://reactpixi.org/ . In this game everything is a React app, but I had to write a ton of custom "framework" code to add support for basic things like loading/accessing spritesheets in a sane way,  camera/viewports, audio management, etc. I also integrated matter-js for physics that I didn't end up using in the end. Meanwhile the game logic is handled in redux and it works really well for things like game state as you can probably imagine. 

Submitted (3 edits)

thanks for explaining..

while back trying to use pixi for rendering and used html5 + css for ui..  started react for ui , but the project also went to hold

Is it possible to use pixi + matter.js  only for rendering and react for UI ?  may be like creating level editor with react only for UI


Yes you can absolutely use React to create an overlay of UI while keeping the canvas on the background where you use just pixi + matter to run your game. You just need a layer of communications between the 2, nothing fancy, custom events would work fine for simple games


Thanks a lot  for explaining


I can't think of a better use for these assets than in this classic formula, complete with cheery music and oh so perfect sound effects. Impressively well polished for a 2 day Jam!

Great work! :D


Solid level design and a classic gameplay.


Great idea and fun game! I think your cover icon is great too and made me want to click.

I think making the rotation faster and snappier would make it feel better. And the sound of them kinda reinforces it feeling slow (although I get why you picked it!). Overall fun though, well done.


Thanks for the feedback! I agree that the rotation should feel faster, I'm thinking of scrapping the rotation animation altogether (or make it really fast) and change the sounds to something more game-like


Ah, that takes me back! I really wish the water pressure/time limit mechanic was there, but it's still a very neat game. I loved the sounds as well. Really nice job on the polish too!


Great job! Good use of the theme to make a pretty classic game mechanic. 


Well done! The entire experience is pretty smooth,  can't see any issue except the pipes we suppose to fix. xD


Thank you! I'm glad that even if it's a simple game it comes out as a smooth experience for most


Everything feel smooth and use the good old plumber game, i didn't think of this game when brainstorming haha.

The music is nice, but I can't stand the sound effect so I had to mute the game sadly! The game is already hard enough, not sure you need to add a time limit at all.

Nice execution overall!


Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I'm going to try and improve the audio, I tried to limit myself to Kenney assets for the sfx but I should've probably used something from the UI sfx pack instead of realistic sounds

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