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A member registered Jun 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ahh, got it, manage to get to the rook boss but died. Nice effort! There are few menu glitches where the cursor didn't show up making me unable to proceed. 

Hey Putra, just tried your game, I got stuck at the first area, I can't figure out where to climb out of x'D

This is very cute! Great effort! :D 

People need to chill in the comments, lmao, I love the isekai title and aesthetics of this game! Nice work!

This is pretty OCD triggering and I love it. xD

Needs some polishing, but I had a good time! :D 

Wasn't expecting a card game for this jam, but well done! Had a great time with it! 

Great style, great polish! great music! Very nicely done! I strongly suggest building it to web if you can as it'll make it more likely for people to try out your game. 

First hack and slash I've played in the jam! The camera movement made me a bit dizzy after awhile, otherwise great effort!

Very unique and wonderful visual style! I'm a bit at a lot as to what was happening after I select the upgrade, I think its supposed to be a base, which is the walking house? 

I love me some Kaiju yoga positions! Very entertaining to play! xD

I think there are some collision problem, fell through the floor at the exit at times, and others I got blocks by an invisible wall at the exit unless I jump,, otherwise great job! Love the wizard theme!

I don't quite understand how the economy works, but I love the idea of planetary orbit defense! 

My kind of game! Very creative and well executed!

Needs more polish, but there is great potential here! Love the idea of a Kaiju tamagochi!

Played this longer than I thought I would! Very nice graphics! Love the retro style announcer too! The enemy spawning in tend to get stuck, making it impossible to pickup the item drops, otherwise, well done!

Very cute and fun! 

This is very cool! I love the mechanic, i turns each level into a puzzle, nice work! 

I've learn, I'm not meant to work at a grocer playing this :(. Very cool idea!

Certainly nightmare fuel! Very interesting direction for the intro cutscene xD

Look at all the shirtless uncles! Great clicking fun! 

Very interesting take on the theme! Admittedly I'm a bit confuse by the changing of other notes after collecting some of them. I think mousing over the pitch will provide hints as to what the notes would change into? But I'm tone death xD

I was half expecting Bury the Light to start playing, very cool mechanics, and creative theme!

Great puzzle designs!

This is quite fun! Well done!

Cute slime! The idea fits very well for the theme!

There are some collider issues where you get stuck on walls, I love the idea though! Some very challenging puzzles! 

This is very well polish! Love the mechanics too, well done! 

Very nice use of scale! I love the trade off of shirking and speed vs large and able to shoot! The graphics start to hurt my eye after awhile, but I get what you are going for. 

Great vibes with this one, Nice work!

In a world of no elbows and knees, very interesting choice of art style! 

Nice simple and fun! Some stages were quite challenging, well done!

Very unique concept! Great work!

My kind of game, this is super fun, nice work!

Like many others, I'm not smart enough to complete the game xD. I think more information is needed to guide the players decision? or maybe I missed something. I love the idea it's going for though, slingshot the entire planet using gravitational force to escape impending doom. 

Very nice work! 10 /10 death animation

You made me hungry for sushi :( 

Nice work!

Very clever take on the theme! My brain couldn't process the later levels unfortunately, skill issue T.T

Love Art Attack! A bit hard to get the bearing at times, great concept! 

Wasn't expecting grade school unit conversion coming into this, but its fun!