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A member registered Feb 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Game looks interesting, but dialog are quite slow and game has no tutorial so its kinda hard to know how to finish a room when you dont even know how to move. Good luck on you next projects. :)

Its not bad game, i like idea but its unpolished. Interactions are sometimes kinda janky, enemys start to deal lots of damage quite fast, but reward for killing them stays the same also repairs are unique but they cost quite a lot and when enemies start dealing lots of damage you have problem.  Replicator needs lots of time and  resources, which made me not wanna invest into other upgrades. Sometimes text is glitching, graphic is unfinished and there is no score. Generally good idea, but it needs some polishing and making game easier. :) 

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Cool and polished game, i find it fun to build and expand the village, my problem is than even when im net positive on something it doesnt mean i can just let it be, because i can still lose. For example i had prestige +3, but i still lost because farms made it go under zero for small moment, i think building should be on one big 15 sec cycle, where all of them get activated at the same time, other than that good game and good job. :)

I like the idea, as mention on page i lack some music or sound, controls were bit weird and for some reason i couldnt max my scale meter other than that i had good experience. :) 

Thank you for your feedback, yes some upgrades are in need of balancing, I believe picking offensive upgrades at start and later trying to stay as small as possible is the way to victory, still i understand that some defensive upgrades should be +size and some offensive -size. Once again thank you for your feed back and  i hope you had overall good time. :)

Good game, i feel like it deserved more love with graphics, maybe some music but good game. :)

Great game. I love the art style, music is quite charming and sounds are well done. I think minions should come back to you when they are done with any task you gave them, otherwise good job. :)

Cool game, i like the idea, sometimes controls fell unresponsive mostly because you let the entire animation of walking play and not just cancel it when not moving.  Game also have very strong gravity other than that great game and good job. :)

Game is quite good, graphics need little work and i lack any sound or music, also some puzzles feel like a chor where you know the solution, but you need to work for it for like 3 minutes of box pushing. Other than that good game. :)

Very cool game, only complain i have is restart level button, but other than that you made very impressive game, good job. :)

Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Graphics look great, I lack sound, music and i dont really know where to go or what to do. Good job. :)

As said movement isnt anything special, I also thing graphics could use some work, but music was quite going. :) 

Cool i like the concept, and general vibe of the game. Music and sounds were quite good, but enemies dying got quite annoying. Overall good game. :)

Great game, i like the concept and its very polished experience. Im missing some credits or something when you actually finish a game, but other than that good job. :)

Very interesting take on the theme and you made good game. :) 

I very much like the idea, graphics are also very charming, sounds are also quite good. I lack any music and controls are bit janky. Good job. :)

Cool game, i like the idea. Good job. :)

Cool game, sometimes camera is bit janky, and building are nice, but there isnt anything else, which is why i think 2d version would be better anyways, CAPITALISM FOR THE WINNNN!!!

Very good game. Movements were smooth and music was going. Camera and banana map was sometimes buggy but other than that good game and good job. :)

I really like the game and although i saw very similar game, this is probably the best take so far. Good job. :) 

Hey thank you for your feed back, yes upgrade balance isnt the best, that said i think you will have much harder time without any reds, still balance should be better. Im sorry to hear that you had some issues with boss, I played game now and everything worked as intended, hope you at least enjoyed normal levels. :)

I think this could have been quite good game, but its to short, basically it cuts off when it start to get interesting. I think scale up and down should be two buttons, you have A, S, D to do all sizes, while you could just use Q, E. Very short game, but it has potential. :) 

My life is changed, im leaving to Himalayas to became monk or something.

Graphics and music are great, sadly when music finished it never returned. As was already said movement and camera being on mouse isnt the best idea. I think it would help if you could use camera only when you press something like scroll-wheel, or make camera top down stationary. Choices were original and quite fun, but i think there should be punishment for not having any coins/army, maybe adding 3 stats - popularity, army, money, where you would try to balance them each choice forcing you to sacrifice something but getting something in return and if you are unable to balance them you would lose. Good game, love the visuals, you did well. :) 

Thank you for your feedback and im glad you enjoyed the game.

1) There actually is invincibility after getting hit. Maybe i should extend it from 0.3 seconds to 0.5 +- seconds, or show it with something like shield. 

2) From other comments re balancing enemy spawn would help. They probably should spawn around level 5/6 and not at level 3.

3) Should have added check if they can spawn, hopefully it didnt ruin your run. 

4) I didnt think of that, i have notebook monitor so i can see them well and im glad you pointed this out for my future projects. 

5) Yes more upgrades would help and some re balancing should be done, but i wanted to have some busted upgrades (like fire rate) so you can feel diference when taken. Interesting idea with max health and ye it would probably be better.  

Once again big thanks for this extensive feedback. :)

I like it, its similar to superliminal. Scaling objects felt kinda janky sometimes, which made some levels harder than they should be. I also think that more positive atmosphere would help. Other than that i liked the game. Good job. :)

Game was quite fun and unique but controls are confusing, i thing second character should use arrows, because i constantly checked where is my hand to know move the second character, otherwise good game. :)

you need to press enter

Great game, idea is very creative, but i lack any sound or music. Great game. :)

Very good game, with interesting  concept. Good job. :)

Cool quiz, i disagree with cats thou, because one will climb the book shelf and punch the other one  from it making loop, where they never climb the book shelf. Good job. :)

Great game, i like the concept, but i lack any sound or music and at least on hard dif, at later stages i was just running around not really killing enemys, other than that great game. :)

Good game, controls were little confusing other than that great game. :)

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I like the game, good polish and puzzles also i think if you die you should return to position right before you died, like in snake bird i understand this is not possible for final level but i think it would do fine without big chase at the end. Great job. :)

Good concepts, but controls and bad feed back when fighting make it kind of difficult to play. 


This game slaps, only minor nitpick i can say is that start is kind of slow, but other than that game is great, cool floors, nice atmosphere. I also love "legendary" floors which deactivate resistence.  truly good job guys. :)

Good game, graphic could do some work, also i would say the smaller you are the better and didnt really find need to get bigger, score should go up only when you pick up coin, not just by time survived. Maybe add multiple sizes of coin and if you are too small to eat it you cant, that would give incentive to became small and big. Overall good game. :)

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Cool concept, i like the idea  with weights, but i think lack of sound or music isnt good. Overall good game. :)

Good game,  its satisfying to play. Good job.