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Reply with Your game and I'll play it!

A topic by UltraSkull1000 created Aug 07, 2019 Views: 1,301 Replies: 99
Viewing posts 1 to 74
Submitted (1 edit)

I've been going through a bunch of games to try and rate as many as I can, but there are so many! Please post your game down below so I can at least narrow down the list of games that I'm going to play over the rest of the rating period.

In the meantime, here is my game, You Have One Shot, an FPS game in which you have to line up groups of enemies in order to shoot a single bullet through them, and earn a combo kill!


Edit: I apologize for yesterday's limited selection of games that I played. My internet went out because of a storm and shortly thereafter my power also went out. I will make sure to play plenty of games today.

Deleted 3 years ago

Really cool game! Played all the way through it and its a really cool concept!


Our game is Einnsámr: The Lone Warrior, a game about preserving your soul in a hostile world. We'd love it if you tried the game out :) https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463168?after=20#post-871093

If you do, leave a comment with a link to your game, and I'll be sure to play it!

Hey, just played and commented on your game.

I said it there as well but man, such an impressive level of polish for a game jam game. I'd definitely love to see more, but I'm torn between seeing your core mechanic in a puzzle game or some kind of cute tactics RPG.

As requested, here's a link to our game https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463168?before=32#post-871617

It's Negative Nancy, a conversation game where you only have one dialogue option; no! You have to choose when to say (and when not to say it) to achieve your humble goal of having the perfect day!


Thanks again! Omg I have to try this game it sounds glorious


Oh, you accidentally dropped the link to our game haha XD Send me the link to Negative Nancy!

Oh, sorry Neil! That's what I get for allowing my browser to become so tab-choked that it looks like a barcode.

Hera ya go: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462193


Yeeeah I hear ya there. Played your game and it was glorious haha!

Haha, glad you liked it! I was so excited when the team said they'd be keen to try some stuff with dialogue. I love dialogue systems and think there's so much room to do some more crazy stuff with them, but pretty much everyone I've ever worked with in the past adopts more of an 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' mentality.


Yeah that's great! Dialogue can be the entire experience if you really work with it.

Oh I totally agree.

I think a lot of people end up mistaking good writing for a good dialogue system, and I'm not convinced they're the same thing!


Just finished playing the game! Excellent puzzle/strategy game with lots of potench! ;)


My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page: https://mark-auman.itch.io/one-shot-in-the-chamber


Alright, I played your game! It's concept is really cool, and I had a lot of fun with it! One note however, my power went out in the middle of playing it xD so I had to switch to my laptop and play it over mobile wifi through my phone. Still extremely fun, although considerably more difficult with a trackpad.


Try puzzle-horror->https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462518


Hmm-- my laptop can't seem to run the program! When my power comes back on ill make sure to try and play it again. It's likely because you exported in a 64-bit only mode, because this laptop is only running a 32 bit OS xD. Ill make a note to try it again with my desktop.



here is mine! it's a tower defense where you play a teleporting evil tower.

I'll play yours tomorrow! i'm just checking the forums before going to sleep, haha


I went ahead and played your game! The one tower mechanic is extremely interesting and addictive, and overall the game is very fun!


Will give you a play and a rating :)



Finally got my internet back and got around to playing your game. It was Interesting, but i feel as though you could have made it a bit more fast paced from the start-- it seemed a bit slow at first. 


Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/459874

(make sure you read the IMPORTANT section in the itch.io description)

Off to play yours then,


Played a few rounds of your game against my brother, and It has an interesting concept, but I'm not entirely sure what's "Only One" about it-- the pieces change multiple times. Sure at the end you claim that you cant restart the game but all you have to do is close the window and reopen it... Other than that its kind of just chess with an added feature..? I don't know exactly how to feel about the game.


Yeah I know. I can explain how I got to the feeling that that's only one.

At first I thought about chess except every couple of turns,  you change all of your pieces to only one type. But then I thought that that would maybe be boring, and maybe you should choose only one piece. I thought about that again and understood it doesn't really work for most people only the morning after the end of the jam.


This is my game called One Enemy. Shoot the enemy as many times as possible and dodge it's bullets. It's my first ever jam entry and also my first finished game.



Alright! Went and played your game-- and it was Excellent! I had a fun time dodging and weaving around the enemy's attacks. My one gripe with the game is the almost nonexistent difficulty curve. The game seems far too easy perhaps, and from what I saw there is no actual end goal, you just aim for the highest score. Perhaps with a quickly increasing difficulty curve this game could become an arcade-like hit!


Thanks for playing! There is an increasing difficulty, but I guess I made it too slow. Many people have already said the same thing. The enemy speeds up after every attack, but the problem is that this first becomes noticable at a score of around 150. Thanks for the feedback, I'll probably increase the difficulty of the game in the future!


I will play your game tomorrow morning, the hype is there!

You can check mine if you want ;)


Multplayer where's Waldo. Avec colors. 




Alright, I played your guys' game and it was incredibly fun. I personally enjoy games like this a lot and had a great time with it! the one issue i saw was that a certain player had given themselves a paragraph on Adolf Hitler as their name so that it would take up a big chunk of the screen when you get into the lobby and while that didn't affect my score, you may want to limit your usernames to about ~16 characters

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks for the praise. The comment is not appreciated - the game is not actually multiplayer, that is our next level subversive approach to the theme. There is no username of this, go troll some other entry. If you saw that name, you entered it. If you did, you suck. 


Here is our little puzzle game : https://pondpiu.itch.io/cubeisland
If you like it or have a comment, feel free to give us a feedback. 
We're really appreciated. Hope you have a good time playing our game : )
Rate here : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462979


Unfortunately, your game wasn't loading on my browser ;/ It ended up just showing me a blank white screen. I can try with another computer later but I won't submit a rating until I have. 


Oh... sorry for inconvenience and thank you very much for visit our game.
We really appreciate your kindness.


Hey this is my cute little black and white zelda style game. A lot of people say its got a lot of content and really polished for 24 hours!  Each weapon has only one hit, so you have to find a new one every time. It can get pretty intense swapping in and out of combat whilst enemies swarm around you! I hope you play and rate! Thx



Rated it!

Submitted (1 edit)

Please check our game too:



Done! Rated.


We made a real-time strategy with only one enemy unit)



Done! Rated it! Awesome concept with a damn good execution.


Here is my puzzler:


Hope you enjoy! I will check yours out


Done! It was a bit confusing at first but once I got the concept it was extremely fun!




Here's a 2-player 1v1:



Here's our game https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462535

You have to dismantle a bomb in only 1 minutewhile using the manual. We have to warn you it isn't an easy game ;)

I hope you (or someonelse) finds some time to play it.

Thank you in advance!

Submitted (1 edit)

THATS WHAT SHE SAID Its a browser playable, quick game. If you like The Office you will like this one.



My game is called Backpackless, it is a roguelike in which you can carry only one item in your inventory: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460262


I made the game Lonely Platform, which is a platformer with only one platform: https://team-toom.itch.io/lonely-platform


Mine is a platformer where you have to survive as long as you can with just one platform.


To save earth you have to use earth's resources for defenses as the planet rushes through the universe.


Here is my arena top-down spear shooter. 



Me and my friend made this puzzle game inspired by chess, where you control the knight only! Give it a try!



Totally loved this one!


Here comes the TapTap!https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462703


My game is called Fly High, a one platform platformer


A game about throwing hammers to reach inner, or outer, peace :)



A DOS-ish platformer about a pair of platforms and most importantly......

some delicious cherries

hopefully you like it.......and maybe even get addicted to it :)

Rate : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461979

Game : https://vcp.itch.io/only-one-pair-of-platforms

this is our litle puzzle game:


is about pulling and pushing a snake into the basket and moving yourself at the same time with just one button.


And here's a puzzle game, with the strange take of going 1D. What will happen? Well things will get weird, and the puzzles will get interesting =)


We have a first person beat'em up


Hey! We made a game about dodging asteroids by powering your spaceship systems with the only power cell left! We're really proud of it!





Here's our top down shooter where you have to retrieve your projectile after firing. Hope you'll like it!


Off to play yours now.


 Hey !!!



Feel like Spiderman a ninja


https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461217 Heres my game, its pretty hard but if you like challenges then youll like this!

I have rated yours... try mine and leave feedback https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/431948


Here is my one dimensional puzzle game :)



Hello! Could you give mine a try? I've added yours to my collection and will be playing/rating it as soon as possible!



I made a sidescroller you control using only one button. Feedback is greatly appreciated :)


ok then https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462132?before=7#post-851500

Submitted (1 edit)

This is our game! We made a dungeon crawler where you can only recruit one member at a time, and only use their ability once per level.


Here is my game . https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461947


Our game is named Impulse. This tricky, single-level game will put your platforming abilities to the test. 

What's waiting for you in the dark? Only One way to find out. Be Impulsive and take a leap of faith. 

Good luck, and thank you for playing. 

Only One Sprite was used to make Only One Level, and you get Only One Pulse to help you out. 



Hey everyone!

My team and I attempted something quite tricky, but I'm super proud of it and it would mean a lot to me if you were able to take the time to give it a play and rate the game!

MICROVANIA - A One Screen Mini-Metroidvania with a Twist! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462198

And a few notes to help you play it! (The Game Jam build has a few bugs and quality of life issues)
- It works with Keyboard OR Gamepad
- You can view the controls in the menu (Esc or Start)
- The Player has 3x Health but will be instantly killed by Dragon Fire
- If you die twice, you should close and reopen the game (it breaks more and more with each death)
- There are two Winning Endings (You Kill the Dragon, or You Give the Dragon What it's Looking for!)
- There are 5 secret Gems hidden throughout the game if you can't find the last one, keep looking


My game is called Sheepherd Dog, it's a bit of a random game (:P) where you herd sheep into a pen in only one minute. I hope you enjoy it! Also make sure to play it with sound, it's half the experience! :)


I will also make sure to play your game :)



Play it if you have the time, I have no ambitions, although I'm proud and want some constructive criticism. I'll play your game when I get home. Keep spreading the positivity!


Check my game : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461770


I'll play yours now! I made an RPG game that takes place in only one room: https://adonisdevs.itch.io/one-room-rpg :)


Here is mine https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462538, I will play your game and give some feedback too!


Here is my game - https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462295


This is mine, a simple one life, one screen arcade :) https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460779


Try mine once you get the chance! It's an arcade shooter with a giant death beam, but you have to only get one kill per shot! Get more than 1 or zero and it's game over!



I played You Have One Shot yesterday, liked it a lot! If you're not overwhelmed with games here's another:


Submitted (1 edit)

Only One has to Score is a game in which you control ONLY ONE thing, gravity.


Thanks in advance! I rated yours as well.

Submitted (1 edit)

PizzaHero: Sear of Garbage is a one button, physics based, 2D platformer. 

If you ever wanted to play as the last piece of pizza left, this game is for you. You can play it directly in the browser, too.



Here's my game: Lights Out. You can only have one light active at a time which is meant to bring some interesting platforming mechanics!



asa dude : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461710


Enjoy my game :D

One truth with Mr know it all


Hey guys,

I will be more than happy if you find few minutes to play my game: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460800


https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461338 Pls check out my game! It's really quick and easy! Ratings are appreciated!


Horror platformer made in rpgmaker. Thanks! I've only got 3 rating so far.





I'd love to get some feedback on my game if you could! :) https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462213



ETTIN BFFs is a co-op game with only one controller and avatar.




I made a cute little black and white zelda style game. A lot of people say its got a lot of content and really polished for 24 hours!  Each weapon has only one hit, so you have to find a new one every time. It can get pretty intense swapping in and out of combat whilst enemies swarm around you! I hope you play and rate! Thx



Check out my fun clicker game https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460716



One mind.

Two bodies.

Two plaforms that you need to get out from using the same movements.

One action, countless possibilities! Take advantage οf the environment around you and lead our hero-(es?) at the exits! 

Too easy?

Want more?

There's also an editor to build your OWN levels to torture yourself and your friends.

Please share your creations with us. We’d love to import them into the game and name them in your honor.

Now, split your brain in two, and we hope you enjoy our game


Simple, colorful platformer)  I would be very grateful if you have a few minutes to play my game)

Game: https://bloodpirat.itch.io/only-one-rectangle 

Rate: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460625


Try this: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463579 and give me honest feedback so I can improve it :)