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Post here for last minute ratings/feedback

A topic by Late Panda created Aug 10, 2019 Views: 1,748 Replies: 123
Viewing posts 1 to 56

Hey all, 

If you want some last minute ratings then post here and/or our comment section on our rate page after playing Head Ache

We are doing one last push over tonight and tomorrow morning/afternoon to play as many games as possible. So if we have a collection build up until tonight we can power through as many as we can as quickly as we can.

Here's the one my team did!

Votes and ratings are great, and feedback is really appreciated!


Your team did a nice job with that one, I think with a bit more work you could make something much more engaging.

Thanks for checking it out and the feedback! We had several things planned for "if we have time" that we just couldn't get to, including several more scenario ideas. We're planning on fixing some of the immediate issues and then seeing where to go from there.


Yeah, that is the nature of game jams though, trust me!

For our game we wanted to have SOOO much more but just plain ran out of time and had to go with what we had. 

Regardless, you have plenty of time to update the game later to make it more enjoyable, that is certainly our plan.

Awesome. I've added your game to a collection so I can keep an eye on it as you update it!


Appreciate any last minute ratings/comments. Thanks!

C'thulhu Rises

Boss Fight

That was really fun, from your screenshot I thought it would be a boss rush type game but now I understand why you put "Boss fight" at the bottom XD


yes please.


I think my comment on your rating page speaks for itself. 

I'll keep an eye on you, make MORE!

Submitted (1 edit)

We have only 9 ratings on our hardcore morse code strategy game. Any feedback would be very appreciated!

Playable in browser, best enjoyed in fullscreen mode, with sound (beep) on :).


Getting a short beep was such a difficult task for me at first :D


I was check/rated your RPG,  it is Cool!

Please check our too:


That was a fun game, getting through the final level was difficult kept getting stuff between two of the books XD


Hi! You can play mine:


I thought I recognised your name :P 

I played your chess game about three days ago, thought it was very interesting take on chess. 


Oh yeah. I recognise your logo. Lol. Thanks!


Go on then! Here is mine -
I'm working my way through some more games too :) I'm also playing anybodies game who plays/rates mine and leaves a comment!


Loved it, very well polished nicely done!


Here is ours! 

Is a 8bit roguelike were all the values of the game depends on the same stat 

Have fun!


How could you make me do that to those poor robo-dogs!

But seriously, nice game :P

I do like how the stats are using the same value makes it very interesting. 


My Game a horror game where you control a robot through text commands -


Very well done, haven't seen many horror games during this jam and thought this one did a really good job.


Hello ! My game is Sweety, if u want to look at it :)


Had to skip to you because Dead Command was still downloading :P 

Very well done, and super adorable characters :D

Submitted platformer where you can only use each block / platform once, thanks! :)


Keep developing this one, I liked it loads!


Hey just played and rated your game!

Try ours if you want :


Wow, that felt like full game. I hope you plan to continue it and release it.


space arcade game. its pretty hard but rewarding


That was fun, but I couldn't get much of a high score in it. Very well made, I just suck at these types of games XD


Beat'em up where you can only look once at each level.


That was an interesting take on the beat em up genre. 

Very well done :D


Check out my game! I worked hard on this one and I think it came together nicely. 


Very well done Kevin, I like I said on your page, I can see the love you put into this it is great.


Hey! My team and I overscoped for the jam, but I'm super proud of it and it would mean a lot if you were able to take the time to give it a play and rate the game!

MICROVANIA - A One Screen Mini-Metroidvania with a Twist!

And a few notes to help you play it! (The Game Jam build has a few bugs and quality of life issues) 

- It works with Keyboard OR Gamepad 

- You can view the controls in the menu (Esc or Start) 

- The Player has 3x Health but will be instantly killed by Dragon Fire 

- If you die twice, you should close and reopen the game (it breaks more and more with each death) 

- There are two Winning Endings (You Kill the Dragon, or You Give the Dragon What it's Looking for!) 

- There are 5 secret Gems hidden throughout the game if you can't find the last one, keep looking!


You must've been up for the entire jam to get that quality of our your team XD


Haha, it was pretty tight! Thank you so much for playing!


7 ratings, we would appreciate if you find some time to check it out. :)

Playable in browser.


That was an interesting idea, haven't quite seen something like that. 

I was going to say don't look down on 7 ratings but now you are 12 so well done on that. 

Regardless ratings are not everything it is about the quality of ratings. I know I will be saying that sentence a few times in this forum because a couple of games after you mentioned their ratings. 

Still your game was good quality you will still get a decent ranking from the number of ratings, it is based on your average score rather than your total votes, or something like that from what I can see with previous GMTK ranks.


Hey, please check my submission, I'm only at 7 rating and I really want some feedback


I liked that game, however you shouldn't judge smaller ratings, that isn't the entire criteria for ranking. Some lower rated games have ranked high in past GMTK jams. 

Just saying :D


yeah you're right,  i think my brain is obsessed  about seeing number go up.


Yeah, I was the same way for a while but then I found the forum that spoke about how things are rated and started to care less and less


I and a friend of mine made this little puzzle game where you control the knight only! It's chess inspired, but kinda different!


Nicely done, animations are very cool make the game feel more alive than static chess.


Thankyou :))


Here is another one of "7 ratings club" games as I can judge by the people above me :D


It is the quality of ratings not the number that gets you a high rank and from what I played I think you have a high ranking game there chum.


First try in godot.


Really fun, 199 highscore and just loved bouncing the axe around was great


Would love some ratings and criticism of your game! You only get one tool to defend, escape, and interact with the world, the light from the lamp on your nightstand.


Nicely done, would never have thought of making a game about a lamp for this jam. 

Quite a random idea XD

did art in time aswell have fun!


Omg some of those guys move FAST, also my highscore was 1119 you can let me know if that was good or not XD

decent score the idea is you to build up you multiplayer;)


Please and thank you!


I loved that game, I wish you had more levels in it though. 


My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page:


Played it three days ago, thought it was really intense. 

You planning to continue development after the jam rankings? 



Would you rate our game too?


Still here and happy to play :D

Gave your game a try, struggled with the gameplay a little but I think you have promise. The concept is solid just a tad more work and you could have a much more engaging game. 

Deleted 5 years ago

Got your game downloaded, will play tomorrow morning, thanks for posting.


That was a fun game, didn't manage to get very far into it before I died and don't have time this morning to keep trying, quite a few games on the list now :P

Still I liked that game well made. 

Submitted Have you tried picking some flowers in the kings garden yet?


Got your game marked to be played tomorrow, will get to it early.


Your "picking some flowers in the kings garden" got me interested in this last night.

I have to say that I was not expected that XD


Hi. I am going to play/rate your game. Hopes rate for mine as well. Appreciate. (•̀•́) و ̑̑ 



Going to play your game tomorrow morning, I'll let you know what I think.

Thanks for playing our game, appreciate it. 


I felt super bad in that level when I had to kill those guard :'( 

Good game though, feels polishe

Submitted (1 edit)

Thanks, that is me going to bed for tonight, but please if you come across this forum feel free to post a reply with your game. 

I plan to do two more passes one in the morning and afternoon then another last ditch attempt tomorrow night right before the deadline so if you want some feedback/ratings please post it here. 


Thanks for setting this up, here's my game for one last time : Cheers!


Happy to help, I would like to get people some ratings and it's easier to see who is still looking if you let them find you :D

I had a lot of fun with your game, once I figured out the controls :D


Cheers! I will check out your game very soon :)


Hey, try out our game about smashing enemies of your tribe using only one spear'o'hammer (you have to pick it up after throw)!

Here is a trailer


I liked this game, there are a few one bullet games for this jam but I think yours stands out on its tribal theme which I thought was pretty good.


Alright, Ill be checking out your game! Here's mine, You have One Shot:


Loved it, you gotta work on that some more, pretty up the assets and go for a full release :



Fun game, posted some feedback on the rate page for what I think you could add should you take it further. 



My game name is Room.

It's a desktop puzzle game where you need to use the clues from the computer to escape the room. You got only one chance to do this. If u fail solving the puzzle the first and only time... The application won't open again.


I was scared to play this game, I'm not great at puzzles, thought I had the solution but NOPE :'(



The sounds, graphics and controls all look and feel great plus the game play is fun and energetic. I'll be keeping this installed and waiting for my partner to play it with me soon.  :)




Here is mine 

it's about playing three games at once by only using the spacebar key


The traffic one threw me off every time :D


thank you! here is mine:


The second last one had me in a stump for a while, couldn't figure it out for ages but was happy when I got it :D


hey ply check my game I'm rating many games but nobody rates mine lul... not so lul actually


That was a nice short game, I liked how you got the theme of the jam into the game.

Very interesting concept, keep going with it and maybe add more level variation.


Dropping my game here to try to pick up a few more responses. Please check it out.


Maybe tone down the screen shake by quite a bit, I'm still feeling a tad nauseous :D


Hey! Please check out my entry, Backpackless - a roguelike where you have only one item slot:

Here's some gameplay gif:


That was fun, its hilarious that you forgot the backpack before going in the dungeon. 

Sounds like something I'd do XD


Yeah, that kinda thing always happen to me when I'm forced to wake up too early :D

Submitted a platformer with one jump.


Yeah, played your game yesterday remembered it as soon as I saw the logo :D 

Had a lot of fun with it, it was pretty hard but still liked it.


Check out my fun clicker game


I loved that new take on Tetris, you should follow up on development.

Clicker games like this do very well on mobile so.... just saying :


Hi everyone. Due to some errors, our game only got published on Wednesday, so we were late to the ratings game. I would appreciate feedback on the design.


I thought I had already replied to this post, but yeah I found your game an interesting take on a mechanic I have seen in this jam.

I wouldn't worry about the number of ratings it is more able the quality of the ratings you get, which based on your game I think you will do ok.

Submitted (1 edit)

I'm not going to play anymore games past this message until later tonight, but please continue to post here. 

I want to try rate as many games as I can all the way up to the wire. 

I've currently rated 148 games, the more I can get through the better for everyone :D


One mind.
Two bodies.
Two plaforms that you need to get out from using the same movements.
One action, countless possibilities! Take advantage οf the environment around you and lead our hero-(es?) at the exits! 

Too easy?
Want more?
There's also an editor to build your OWN levels to torture yourself and your friends.

Please share your creations with us. We’d love to import them into the game and name them in your honor.

Now, split your brain in two, and we hope you enjoy our game


It is awesome that you managed to make a level editor for people to create their levels. 

I wish I came across this sooner, I would've loved to try make some levels for people to play on. 


Good Day! Would you mind checking out my game for a moment? Maybe provide some feedback since I'm gonna continue developing it? It's an endless runner where you try get as many of the correct items while dodging items that aren't desired. All critics and feedback are highly appreciated!


Very good, I think you may have to work on the jumping mechanic a little. I found it difficult to hit the ones I wanted and those that I didn't even just a double jump would make it easier to avoid and hit the items I required.


I wanted to add a stomp but I think a double jump would be a great addition as well! Thank you c:


A stomp was something else I thought about but even just the double jump would free up a bunch of movement. 

If I'm honest I think either works fine for the circumstances, both provide a bunch of potential control of movement.


Try this: and give me honest feedback so I can improve it :)


That was a good game, a tad more work on level design and mechanics and you could potentially create a full game with this concept.

I hope you get the motivation to continue development of this game, I'd like to see it complete.


I'm super last minute on this, but hey if anyone has gone through ALL these posts or went to last I got a game!


I see, play, rate and give feedback on all games posted in my forum, and I'm very glad I played yours. 

Card games usually don't interest me at all but the one card is very difficult to play it but makes it way more interesting. 


wow great work on the forum, and thanks you!


A 2D platform puzzle game, where your goal is to escape from a (sometimes depressive) square room, which is full of lasers and gravity changers.

The point is, that you can use every available key on your keyboard only once per a level.


Quite difficult but once you get the hang of it the game is a bit easier to play.


Any feedback very welcome 😊


That was quite unique for a game jam project, well done with that.


Hello, I'm a solo dev and I made a game inspired from metroid 2, please rate & review my game, thanks.


That was very good, love the art style makes it look very spacey if you get my meaning :D


Not many people have played my game, have fun :)


That's a very interesting game, you could work on that a bit more and publish that as a complete game :D


you won't


I did