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A member registered Aug 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art looks fantastic! Really impressed with how much you've managed to make in two days.

Really cool art style!

The dice rolling seems a bit redundant since there's no cost to re-rolling, other than that it's a blast to play and the art looks fantastic. I can't wrap my head around how you've managed to do so much in two days.

Love the artstyle! I'm quite impressed with how much you were able to add in the time given.

menu theme slaps

Really cool game! It's very polished as far as game jam submissions go and the explosions are very juicy. Only problems I had is that the crocodiles stopped spawning when I got to 3100 and it was a bit hard to distinguish alive crocodiles from dead ones. Other than that it's definitely one of the most fun and well made submissions I've played.

Fun little game, reminds me a lot of sumotori dreams. It would have been cool if rolling different numbers with the dice had some significance, but besides that it's quite enjoyable.

I think the game's concept is pretty cool, but I'm not to keen on the red dice. Their randomness mean they can really get in the way. Besides that it's a fun experience :)

Cool art style, reminds me a lot of flash games. I feel like the rolling mechanic didn't really add much game play wise. Since there's a delay between drops anyway there is no incentive to not press the roll button, you might as well spam click it. Other than that it's a fun short experience.

The artwork for the tiles look very nice! I did find a couple of the sections to be a bit hard to get through, it took me longer to finish the game than I think was intended.

The concept of increasing your chance of a six is pretty cool, and it adds a bit of risk reward if you roll before the combo meter if full. On top if that I love how the dice character displays it's value on the top of it's head. My only issue with the game is that the black crosshair can be difficult to see on a dark background.

I can definitely see this as a prototype for something more fleshed out, if you'll excuse the pun, but I personally found it difficult to figure out what exactly I had to do.

I gotta say, the music is a banger! The gameplay is a bit simple in the sense that once a turret is upgraded enough there's really no need for the dice rolls anymore, so maybe some harsher difficulty scaling would be interesting. As a short experience however, it's quite entertaining, and the intro's a nice touch.

I'm very impressed with the amount of polish to the game. A lot of submissions don't feature a tutorial and the alternate camera mode was very useful. It's one of those things which you take for granted until you play submissions of similar games that don't have it :) I did encounter a bug where I fell off the map and the level didn't restart, other than that it's really well made.

I'm really into the game's concept. The dice aren't used in a particularly unique way but the rest of the ideas and mechanics that were built around it are quite interesting. Sadly the controls weren't very clear from the game's UI and it took me quite a while to figure them out, which is fine for a game jam, but it would have been nice to see a short explanation on the game page.

Although similar puzzle games exist, the dice are a fresh spin on the formula and of course they fit the theme perfectly. I encountered a bit of a bug on level two where I tried the same thing again and only the second time would it complete the level, other than that it was good.

Very impressive how much content you were able to add!

Thanks for the feedback! I agree it would've been more fun if there were more features, but since we only had a week to make the game we can't exactly pull a cyberpunk and add more :D As it stands, the game would be more suited for mobile, so we might port it at some point, and who knows, we might add more content along the way. (Also quick note, growing larger does increase you're hitbox. It becomes more difficult to move backwards since you die when you fly into yourself, but you can also protect your head from arrows a bit more easily)

Nicely done! I'm especially impressed with how much content was added, not something you see often in a gamejam game.

I'd say it kind of depends on the mood you're going for. If the game's supposed to be fast paced some action music would be good but if people are supposed to take it slow and strategize something else would work better. I do recommend using chiptune or something retro, to fit with the artstyle. Good luck!

Thanks, really appreciate it!

Really cool game! A bit of a shame there's no sounds but the art style is amazing and the grabbing is very satisfying.

Really unique concept! Most of us interpreted the theme as playing as the villain, but you gave it a different spin.

Cool game! The level is perhaps a bit large for the time you have but I did like how the music stopped just when the timer did, that's neat.

I like that you added the knight and the fact that people run away as a twist to an otherwise ordinary game of snake! As a point of critique, it did still feel quite like snake. Keep pushing yourself to put your own spin on things to make your games worth playing!