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A member registered Mar 26, 2013 · View creator page →

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I mean, it kinda had stopped for a while – I wasn’t able to devote a lot of time to it. But I’ve been trying to change that over the last couple of months.

The version you might’ve played is written in LÖVE. It’s an open source framework built on top of a bunch of open source libraries. You write code in lua. LÖVE doesn’t have anything built in, you sort of have to find libraries that do what you want or write them yourself.

I have links to (nearly) all the libraries I used here: https://drhayes.io/games/gemini-rising/technology

I’m very strongly considering switching to Godot because v4 is pretty awesome. I’ve already transferred all the art assets and a lot of the sprites, just making sure I actually know what I’m doing in it first.

Haha, holy crap! Hello there friend. Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I had absolutely no idea you’d posted this. Whoopsie.

Here’s an in-progress image from the game:

I’m still working on it, just moving very, very slowly. Thanks for the petition!

I hand-drew the GEMINI in the title in aseprite and stuck a gradient on it, no predefined font there. It’s meant to look like this ancient font I used to use on Impulse Tracker called “kana”, I think.

Check out this person’s fonts, they’re similar to the vibe: https://electrickeet.com/fonts/

These are so frickin’ killer, man, I’m looking around for excuses to use them because they’re so great. You’ve outdone yourself with all of these.

Thank you very much! I wish I’d had more time to explore them but time was getting short.

It helps that I’m on Linux. ;)

This game was great! I like the mechanic of switching back and forth between ghost and human and placing lights, very clever. The polish is pretty high on this one, too: transitions! levels of difficulty! cat-based achievements!

Thanks! I wish I’d implemented a circle showing the light, some feedback for when it intersects the monsters.

That was awesome! I totally overused fireball, wall, and the agility buff. Darn those red wizards. Was there an AoE effect in there that I’m missing? I might need to play again. Keeping those spells on screen somewhere would be neato for people like me who can’t remember anything.

This would totally benefit from some terrain. I liked the spell casting system a lot!

The cat art was super cute! I died a lot in the beginning before I read the instructions. So, yeah, read the instructions, folks!

Got to 19 feet in a few minutes before dying, was pushing my luck too hard.

This was fun! I dug the sound, especially. The witch’s cackle was delightful.

But seriously, this is a lazy witch – the mushroom spawned right next to her face and she can’t get it?

I liked the art and sound effects, some variety later in the game would’ve been nice, like different weapons? But yeah, if you’re just starting out with Godot that’s a fantastic first effort. I think my first Godot game mostly crashed on other people’s computers. ;p

Some instructions at the start might help, took me a bit to catch on what was going on. I dug the little blob graphics, super cute!

This game is hard! Or I’m too much of a scrub. Took me a while to realize that where I put my mouse matters for those staff jumps.

Thank you!

Very kind words! Thank you so much, I wanted to add more (levels, mechanics, feedback) but was running out of time.

This game taught me so much about what games could be. Thank you for making it!

I think the grandparent means a link the the PDF of the rules system, if it’s available.

Wow! This reminds me of this old Impulse Tracker font (I’m old) called “kana”. This is just beautiful!

Thanks, I love this kind of deep-dive into the nitty-gritty details!

This is fantastic! Is there a way to zoom the UI, like 150% or 200% or so?

This is incredible! So creepy and cute!

You’re welcome! Thanks for letting me/us play.


Yeah, I can see it. I like that a lot, the striving for simple controls, making sure the interactions work without a lot of control fuss on the part of the player.

That’s weird because that’s what I wanted it to do, but now that you mention it, yeah, it’s totally rotating around 0,0. Dammit. Oh well, bug for v1.1 I guess. Thanks for pointing that out!

(1 edit)

Linux. ¯\(ツ)

When you stop! Ah, gotcha, that explains it. I was basically always moving, trying to reach that next missile. I was using WASD for what it’s worth.

Definitely a compliment! I thought it fit the vibe of the game, kinda minimalist and a little dissonant. Something about the repetition, the simple sounds, the 5-3-1 patterns… I dunno, just made me think it was being generated based on what was happening to my sub and those poor fish.

Neat game! Everything showed up really small on my screen, making some of those jumps hard to judge. Lingering on the death a little bit longer might help me figure out how I’m dying next time.

But overall that was pretty fun. :)

Very, very nice. I’m addicted to platformers so this was right up my alley. Glad you got your fixed version out!

The controls felt a little fiddly, but that might’ve been me on a keyboard. Gamepad support would be very welcome on this.

I half expected there to be a stamina bar on climbing. :)

I liked everything about the graphics, how her hair blows around? Neat. Should there be double-jump?

I dig it! Heh, I’m funny.

It took me a hot second to realize how to play: move cards around and jump them to score points! Stack them for more points! I think it’s because I didn’t know I could click on the pickaxe to move it around.

Good game, good execution!

Wow, I’m really bad at your game. :D

It took me a while to figure out that this was a rhythm game and not just me smashing buildings. I really like the monster graphics, but maybe more rooftop contrast?

When I was able to hit things on beat (heh) it made a nice counterpoint to the song. I dug it. Nice play on the theme, too.

That was great! I loved the graphics and the font and the music!

I totally got stabbed by those spear guys a lot. Took me a while to figure out what left-click punching did vs. right-click smashing. The right-click wave effect was really cool, I dig it a lot.

I had the 1 soldier left bug, too.

I’m a Dig Dug fan and this felt like it was Minecraft in 2d, which is a neat idea. I think it’s the ground I’m supposed to be fighting against when those darn quakes destroy my homes.

Instructions would be good! I didn’t know what I was doing. Hitting Z digs, but also puts blocks back sometimes? And if there’s not enough room around me if I pick up a chest I can’t place it back? And sometimes I disappear? I was a little confused.

I thought the worm was an enemy but I think it gave me food. I put the food in my house. Then a quake destroyed everything. Stupid quakes.

What a neat idea! I definitely made a little too much constructive interference more than once and blew up my city. Whoops.

A beginner mode might make sense to ease people (like me) in who don’t know what they’re doing.

I don’t know if it was a rhythm game or not (BPM?) but I was just trying to line up my waves with the other waves. Some animation around the output might’ve been neat, literally seeing the waves added together or something?

Some of those curves were flat out impossible to get, like four kicks happening simultaneously on both sides – my animation didn’t straighten out fast enough for me to get both and I think I ended up making things worse. Maybe powerups to fix the city or something?

The sound effects were hilarious! I really dug the little emoji on the people, too.

It was really hard to reach everyone. The instructions were kinda hard to read, maybe dimming the background a bit would make that easier.

By the end I was running around slamming my spacebar like a maniac and I think I woke up my wife. Anytime I forget what I’m doing and get sucked in is a good game. Good job!

This was fun! I really liked the guy’s faces as the beam went out of balance, that was a nice touch.

Is there supposed to be audio? Or is my system being a jerk again?

Sorry, I’m on Linux and can’t play your game. :(

Yeah, here I was just greeting fish (shout out to Betsy, hey gurl) and then…!

I dug the visuals, and the music sounds procedurally generated which is cool?! I wasn’t clear on how I charged my arc cannon; it’s moving around, right? I wished I could choose when to fire it – sometimes it seemed like it should’ve fired but it didn’t.

Yeah. That’s probably why I lost. Not cuz I was overwhelemed with missiles from evil missile shooters and couldn’t handle my sub.

It’s running!

I dig the graphics and music, holy geez, it looks really good for a jam game.

But I can’t see the build wheel on right-click. It might be my weird-ass ball mouse and re-mapping setup or something, not sure. But I could walk around on the island and get attacked by baddies, so that’s pretty cool. And I think it connected to the server too.

Holy hell, a multiplayer jam game! Good job.