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A member registered 68 days ago · View creator page →

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You know I didn't think of that lol But now that you've said it, it's the only way I can view the tracks. Thanks for that!

Thanks! Yeah the delay on the strings was intriguing to me/a happy accident and I enjoyed the idea of just heightening the fullness of them throughout the short track

Thank you! I appreciate the kind words and the attention you gave to the tracks :)

Thanks! Buiding the Kingdom is my favorite too ;)

Thank you very much!

Love the vocal slices in the second track!

Damn these tracks are cool.  Fav: Find Myself

Really enjoyed the guitar part around the 3:30 mark!

Love the bass in Deeper Waters ;)

Loved it! Each track is unique in their own ways but uniform. Made for an exciting listening experience

Enjoy the unique headspace these tracks put me in. Well done!

Really loved reading through the track descriptions as I listened :)

Really great!

Love it! Really enjoyed your descriptions of the tracks too. Favorite track: Welcome to the Dream

Awesome! Enjoyed the tracks and like the cover art too

Great stuff! So lush :)

Awesome stuff!

Really enjoyed all the different flavors that evolve throughout the track

Great stuff! Love the subtle outro

Hell yeah. Games need more jungle

Really liked these! Love the left hand around the 1:10-1:20ish mark of Shore of Forgotten Memories

Awesome stuff. Love the droning followed by that nice spacey outro. Love it. Perfect pic to go with it too (makes me feel like I'm in a Tarkovsky movie)

Beautiful!  Short and sweet. I could listen all day 

Really enjoyed it! Nice and mellow vibe that I enjoy when gaming