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Duck In A Top Hat Games

A member registered Mar 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that's fair. I spent more time getting the 'squish' to work, and that kinda suffered a bit in retrospect. It's the only one that doesn't end immediately after you do the task. Instead, it has to stay squished until the level transitions, then it counts the point. Probably would've been better to do something along the lines of after it's squished once, the level is passed and the transition starts, but hindsight is a thing and I already had to redo the 'squish' twice so I was kinda done with it at that point. Probably gonna be added to the post-voting to-do list

Thanks! Wario ware was definitely an inspiration, so glad that came through. (I felt so proud of that idea, then went back and saw it was in the theme announcement video so almost didn't do it lol)

Music is definitely on my post-voting to-do list, I just 100% forgot to do it the night before it was due and wasn't feeling good at that point so just turned it in early. More games is also on that plan and I did wanna get more in before it ended, but same thing, so it didn't really end up happening. 

Controls menu was something I 100% forgot about and wasn't even in my to-do list, so I'll be sure to get back to that and add that in to make it a bit clearer. Thanks for the feedback!

I said no to the audio cause I fully forgot it. Whoops.

Thanks! I didn't really get around to making an algorithm to ensure everything was beatable because there wasn't really time for it, but glad to hear it worked for you. It can 100% just generate impossible levels sometimes, and my quick fix for that was letting the player be able to reload the scenes and change the numbers on the goals if it was impossible. 

Thank you! And yeah, the labyrinth level is kinda just a straight shot to the goal once you see the path. RNG mode makes it need a bit more planning because you have to land with a certain face up, but even then there's a loop at the end that you can rearrange yourself at. Probably could've done more with it (like putting some of the 'barriers' that require a face up on some of the paths), but it was one of the last levels I made, so I was in that 'time limit's coming up, need to finish' mentality

Thanks! Glad to hear you liked it!

But also to be fair, sometimes levels are actually impossible in the RNG mode. Like, there's no AI checking the nearby tiles to make sure the same numbers don't spawn directly next to each other, it just chooses a random number. There's a reset option in the menu to reload the level incase that happens, but sometimes the levels are actually impossible.

Yeah, I definitely agree that moving the camera would make it a lot easier to help keep track of all the faces. I couldn't really implement that for this Jam because of the way movement works. Like, currently, if the player rotated the camera to the other side then pressed left, the player would go right because all the keys are locked to go in a certain direction. A camera system is on my list of things to do if/when I come back to this for a future build, but there was a time limit so I couldn't really do it for this build.

gamer moment

Yeah, there's definitely a lot more I can do with this (make the puzzles / the swap world mechanic more clear, let the player change direction without moving, boss fights to both worlds,  etc), and there's also definitely still some bugs that I need to patch out too. 

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, that's something that a lot of people are falling into and I should probably make it more obvious that swapping is a think the player can do. And even then, you pretty much only need to swap once to get all the items, then just finish up and go back. I probably could do more with the idea and add in more items, etc, but the initial concept was only made in ~9 hours, so I didn't really get to expand on it.

A lot of people are also reporting that glitch where the player disappears after beating it, so that's definitely something else I need to take a look at. It's 100% not a commentary and you're supposed to be able to keep playing the games over and over. 

Thanks for the feedback!

There's still no way to restart/quit with controller and that makes me sad. I think gems also start disappearing a bit too fast if you don't immediately collect them, but that might just be me. Overall, pretty swag

Thanks for the feedback! The selected weapons thing was something I knew about then straight up forgot when patching things for this jam. Someone else reported the character disappearing at the end, and I have no clue what's up with that. At a guess, the camera's returns to the starting room everytime either game is beaten, but that's 100% something I need to take a closer look at later. It's not really good when your game's supposed to loop and there's a bug that makes it impossible. 

Thanks! Yeah, I probably should've added in a system where you tap to change direction and hold to move. That's one of those hindsight is 20/20 things where it was kinda annoying when testing the levels, and I should've fixed it before uploading. Same for making it so you can return to the title too. Don't know why I didn't include that. Candles aren't really set up like vines / walls, You're supposed to be able to walk into them, but I probably should've made it so you can't for the sake of cohesion. No idea why the girl disappears at the end, but glad you got to play it!

Unity is just wack sometimes I guess. Either way, there's a windows build and a mac build up now.  Windows works fine for me, but I have no way of testing the mac build. Let me know if there are any more problems.

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Oh shoot. Never ran into that. At a guess it's taking awhile to load because it's your first time running it, but I'll try to get a downloadable version up later today.

Thanks for the comment! I should probably give the context that this game was made originally for the Giga Trijam 2021, which had the theme of making 2 games and a time limit of 9 hours, so a lot of the art style choices were made in a rush / used from different asset packs I bought. I'm also more of a programming guy and not really an art guy, so I tend to only focus on art and style towards the end of development.

As for the 2 unlit candles... Since the original theme was 2 games, I made it so there's a shared inventory between the two. So that's the hint you get for that puzzle.


Thanks! Glad you like it where it is. I'm probably gonna come back to it later and add some more stuff to it (ai, more writing, etc), but that's a later down the line thing

Yeah, stuff like reigns and sort the court are some of the most under rated games I've seen. They're simple and fun, and the writing just makes them better. 

Thanks! I kinda didn't work too much on the theme and just focused on the requirement, so glad to see I somewhat did the theme too

Yeah, I 100% get the repetitiveness. I think there's only 36 interactions + 8 endings, and a lot of them have similar dialogue. Plus there's not really any AI in the game at all, so it just loops the same cards over and over as long as they weren't in the previous 5. I have ideas for things to do if/when I come back to this, but it is what it is for now.

I know this is probably about a month and a half too late, but I just posted a patch that (should've) fixed the mines (make bats less terrible and stop the poles from rotating when walking into em)

I've been meaning to get back to this game and patch it up specifically because of this comment and I finally got around to it plus some other stuff. Sorry it took so long and thanks for the comment!

Thanks! There are definitely some bugs that I know about and will probably patch out later but yeah, time was up and I had to submit

Yeah, that's a bug I need to fix. If you walk up to a wall it'll slash in the right place, but if you push against the wall it'll put the hitbox in the player. Knew it was in there, but didn't really have the time to fix it

Oh wow, Thanks! There are definitely parts that can be super cheesed by abusing certain mechanics. Like, right after I uploaded, I realized there was a bug that gives you infinite jumps if you shoot an arrow at any point in the jump before you fall. But I already uploaded so there wasn't much I could do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I don't even wanna patch that out tbh because it just seems like a cool mechanics exploit. 

Thanks! Yeah, I forgot to loop the music and I feel real sad about that. Once I can edit again, I'm gonna post a patch to fix that. The jump SE does get repetitive after awhile too, so maybe I can do a random SE every jump, or just change the effect so it's better. Either way, that's another easy fix when I can edit the game again.

Yeah, there was probably a better configuration of buttons to use for controls. I'm used to wasd to move, so that's just what I default to when making games, but arrows to move, z to shoot, and c to jump or something like that would probably have been better. I didn't really notice because I was using mouse to jump / shoot while testing. Will probably make a patch later to add in more controls.

It's so good! If I had to nitpick, the controls start feeling a bit slow when you start being thrown up at 50 miles/hours, but literally perfect other than that. Very Good Job!

Thanks for the nice words! The week before the jam started, I was rewatching old let's play's of Uprising and listening to the soundtrack on repeat (God, I would sell my soul for a new game in the series). I got the idea to do a Kid Icarus-like for this jam and everything just kinda fell into place. I even broke out my 3DS to play through the original again on virtual console for reference. 

Thanks! The last jam I did, I got torn apart for my controls being too slippery. I spent the first day and a half for this jam just making sure the controls were actually good this time, so glad to hear that actually payed off!

I forgot to make it loop, that's so sad. Whoops.

That was exactly it. Don't know why I didn't know that was a thing until now, but that has now been fixed. Thanks for the tip!

No idea how I didn't catch the bats pushing you into the ground / gates not falling correctly, so thanks for pointing those out. I took a look at those, and have a patch for those ready to go, but can't upload it until after the jam. Enemy feedback and the players hitbox are things I should probably work on once I can update it again. 

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, that's another one of the things that's I wish I could've done better. Each level is its own scene, so the music loops every transition. Wish I could've figured out a way to make it not loop within the time limit. 

Multiple different endings would've been cool, but I was just focused on getting in one for a 48 hour jam. I know I wanted to have an in game timer that changed the ending depending on how fast or slow the player was (sunrise for fast, sunset for medium,  nighttime for slow), but levels would've overall been the same. branching paths might definitely be something for later though Also, yeah, the jump physics were done in a pretty weird way. I know if you hold jump, the first jump is always shorter than other jumps and I have no idea why. 

Thanks for the feedback!

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Thanks! This was my first 48 hour jam, so I was pretty focused on keeping it in scope, so glad to hear I actually did. I probably should've done another level or two just for showing what the different robots did though. Thanks again for the feedback!

Yeah, that's like, the one thing I'm bummed about for this jam. Camera was fine in the editor and jank in the build. That's definitely something I'm gonna try to patch out after judging is done, but it is what it is for now I guess

Played through it for a bit, but got softlocked when talking to the person immediately after getting the bow. He kept repeating the same dialogue, and I couldn't move away from them while talking. Also, you can jump over the room transition hitboxes for some of the rooms in the beginning which makes you need to quit out. Seemed pretty fun other than those!

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It's pretty easy to clip out of bounds with the teleport. I ran into a kill plane for one of the places, but just got stuck in the wall in  another place. Art style is pretty cute, and the music is good