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Record Breaker's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Our game features a spinning platform in the form of a record player, as well as rotating bosses when the song runs out.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
All of it!
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I like the visual style a lot really, its so well made, the aesthetics have a very unique style, the mechanics are solid and the game is fun, I like it a lot, really, well done!! Im sorry i couldnt check yur game before the jam end, I wanted to try but i didnt had time, its a cool game
Very solid game stylistically, and the theme is used very well here! Incredible to see / play.
The controls are also solid and overall it was a very polished and pleasant jam game experience, wonderful work!
Loved the graphics and style you made for your game! Also really loved those character designs you have! All very cool! I'd love to see updates in the future, had a fun time playing!
(P.S. If you're willing to I'd love it if you played and gave some feedback to my game! It's my first ever game jam and I'd love to see where I can improve!)
Really loved the artstyle and some pretty catchy music! the gameplay needs some work, there was a constant bugs where i ended floating over the vinyl and when i started the fight me and the boss had the life of my previous run (so I had 0 and the boss not full), hope it get fixed soon cus i really wanted to play more
I really like the concept of game and your artbook, eager to see the updates if you intend to continue!
Great character and boss design, the gameplay was a bit off, it was really confusing, not much visual feedback on what was going on, and a bit glitchy. The spinning record mechanic was really cool and creative, overall this game has a lot of potential. And I absolutely loved the artbook.
The spinning mechamic on the disc is great !
The game was a little bit glitchy and it was hard to dodge the attacks because they were too fast, but for a game made in one month its still well done.
On the other hand, the music is insanely good ! And so is the art !
This idea is really cool, and I want to play it more, but I had some trouble with glitches. After dying, trying again starts you with no health, so you get one-shot unless you restart the whole game. At one point I managed to glitch where I seemed to be flying, and the boss was just gone, and for the second boss I just disappeared. The story, music, art and concept are all amazing, it just needs a bit more polish for me.
Cool game! The art is beautiful, but it could use more transition animations and smoother movement (like additional in-between frames). Also, some feedback indicators for when the player takes or deals damage would be great.
I encountered a bug: after dying, the game restarted in the menu, but I began with zero health, so I died instantly. This kept happening on subsequent attempts.
Overall, though, the visuals, music, and gameplay left a positive impression!
A game that benefits from its art style. With improvements to the gameplay feel, it could be a very fun game
The art is veyr good and cover art for game is great. The use of theme is also quite good however found gameplay quite rougth and bit hard to enjoy at times. Think the idea is great and could definlty be made to work well
I liked the game because it have "breaker" on it and is the best word that can be used on a game tittle
I came in purely because of the cover. The artist is a master of his craft. The musical accompaniment and its variety are surprising. But the gameplay is crude. There is no impact from the blows. Bosses are not particularly different from each other. But the potential is huge.
Thank you!
I liked the idea of the game, it's really inspiring, but realization is bad. You just appeared and you suddenly has to dodge the projectiles, game is too hard from the beginning, especially without tutorial. Also it lacks of sfx besides the music (music is good actually). Also 2d sprites and 3d music box do not match together.
Great art and concept! Somehow the boss disappeared and the music stopped in my fist try.
This is an absolutely beautiful game, I love the style and artwork, the animations are fun and I can totally get behind the concept that this game is going for.
However, I genuinely think this game is not functional in its current state. When I first played, I was immediately flung out of bounds by the boss and had to restart the program. On my second try I basically ignored the fast forward and slow down mechanic and just stood on top of the bosses and mashed attack until they all died. I was also allowed to stand in the center of the record, which let me avoid all obstacles without worry.
I really love the concept for this game and the presentation made it easy to stick with the game to completion despite the issues but the gameplay really needed more time in the oven.
Gameplay was a bit confusing for me, but i DID enjoy the care and effort put into the art and sound design. Enjoyed the art book inclusion as well.
I absolutely Love everything about the style of this game. it is peak art. i soooo wish you had more time to make this. there are some bugs i came across like missing textures (at least thats what they looked like to me), and i also had a bug that made it so i restarted the game with super low health everytime i died. the movement feeling floaty is understandable since she is on rollerblades and also on top of a rotating object but it adds so much to the difficulty since parts of the game can get pretty fast. thank you for this game seriously. i'll be playing it a little more after this comment and try to beat it but please work on it after the jam i will be looking out for it in the future if u do. great job
Loved the art pick, also the controls are amazing, really smooth game