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Throw Platonic Solid to DESTROY Succubus!'s pageGame's Take on the Theme
The boss spin, when you buy you spent spin no market as reroll, the platonics spin, spin for throw, I think everything spin include the UI.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Everything was created solely by me, except for the music.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I used Audio Library - Free Music and a single one.
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I think this game needs a tutorial to help the player better understand what they are able to do. Other than that, I think the dash needs a rework, as I don't think it works properly. I think the art was cool, you should find more music that matches better with it during the bosses.
doesn't work on my PC
This seems like a really cool concept, but I think it needs a good in game tutorial to really teach the player! I was reading all about how you can combine the solids and what each one does, scroll wheel to change the distance and such. However I couldn't figure out how to throw them and really do damage to the boss! I'd love to see this developed a little more and give it another go!
hi matt, thank you for the feedback
just -spin- the scroll wheel and release to launch it to the enemy
the game already have a update wich have training, back dash and new boss moveset
We love the aesthetic of the game! It reminds us of Catherine :D But we donβt fully understand how to play it. π€π»
Cool visuals, loved the VFX and psychodelic enviroment. But i struggled a little with the controls, dashing feels weird and I was unable to avoid bosses attacks. I think some improvements too UI would be nice too, kind of hard to read and distinguish the background with the information. Great job :D
thank you for the feedback!
the game already have a update wich have training, back dash and new boss moveset
Jail for that pun. Jail for a thousand years.
(I wasn't able to play because I'm not on Windows, I just had to express my appreciation (?) for the game's name.)
I quite liked the effort put into the VFX and lighting, but I really struggle to read anything UI-related with how busy all of the backgrounds were. Gameplay felt frantic, which would have been fun, but the controls felt like a bear to line up with how sluggish the movement felt compared to the boss pace. I think this just needs a little more time to bake and it can be top notch, especially with such a strong visual identity.
thank you for the feedback and yes the game should feel like old arcade games where they have to eat of your coins
love the visual efx and models sadly, i didn't get to see more of the bosses after 30 min,
the controls feel a bit awkward, at least to me, using any combination of jump, dash, scroll wheel and spin throw requires a good amount of timing and practice to throw decently constantly, also the small jump and dash aren't enough sometimes to dodge, the fact that you cant dodge backwards make it even harder to dodge incoming balls.
the randomness in the ball attacks of the succubus makes so some attacks have no gaps between them, and the
the boss seems to randomly change animations, i could be wrong but it feels like the only animation that matters is when she spins, but it doesn't feel much like
the idea of throwing solid platonics at semon demons is fun but getting to do it is a hard when they ball you down relentlesly.
this game strongest point lies on effects and visuals, do the ui is a bit hash on the eyes and all over the place
Hi! I loved the 3D models, animations, and special effects in the game, but I felt that it didn't fully align with the "Spin" theme. I would have liked to see more feedback when dealing damage to the bosses, but it's clear that a lot of effort went into this game. It's fun and has great sound!
This is one interesting weird kinda complex game you got here. It's definitely unlike anything else I've played this jam in terms of both gameplay and presentation. Creativity and a strong identity goes a really long way in jams this competitive so great job on creating something so firm in both those categories!
thank you so much for the words and feedback!
I struggled for a while trying to figure out how to fight the anime girls. Then I realized... why fight at all? π
Interesting game. Difficult, mostly due to the controls (movement felt too slow, and the dash didnβt help much), but still engaging.
you can just hold the platonic and kamikazeeee
its not THAT hard but yes the game have it difficult but if you build a good combo of solids you can make it quickly as possible
Hmm mixed feelings, the game felt a bit difficult to get around in, the movement felt slow and I often found myself getting hit by big balls to the face too often. Not that I am complaining if they come from a succubus.
Though I do feel the gameplay could be refined a little bit more since managing the balls and throwing the items and aiming can be a bit of a hassle. Having a faster pace can create a bit more intensity. I also believe the visuals could maybe be a bit more consistent, as to make the characters and world and UI feel more coherent. But I understand that can be quite an overtaking in terms of time it takes to make all of this on your own.
Cute girls though :3
thank you for the feedback! Yeah I thought about that but if it was just shoot the solid it will become another shooter game
Death by anime devil girl was not what I expected to experience during this game jam! With such a bold concept for your game I was really glad to see that there was a lot of style used when creating the menus and UI. It really reminded me of something I would see in the game Catherine mixed with Persona. The sense of style really got me ready for this boss fight.
After reading through the tutorial and selecting my platonic shape, I was ready to defeat the boss but really fell flat on understanding the controls. The tutorial mentioned that I needed to use my scroll wheel so I kept using that to try and launch the cube. Unfortunately I kept dying. For me, with a more refined control scheme or maybe better tutorial would help me alot.
totally that! persona, metaphor, katherine I am Atlus admirer.
you can just throw drag left to right or up do down, down to up, bowling, kick the platonic, hit a platonic with another platonic there is a lot of methods
thank you for the feedback and you are right the game could be better with a tutorial
Man this game was a trip. The visuals were insane but had a lot of charm. Keep it up!
thank you for the words!
As I said before I really like what you did here, the visuals you make are awesome and the concept here is good, i knkw with more time you could do a lot more but i really like what you did
thank you very much, it is so sad that lame games are taking the lead
I really dont know how are things, I have voted for some games but so far your game is the highest I rated as I really liked what you did. I dont know why games with less effort and possibly from people starting in this are getting more votes. Im not used to jams, but isnt there something we are missing here? because i noticed like in first day some game got like 70 votes and I was like... but i only got 3 haha i mean there has to be something they are doing that we are not aware of
99.999999999999% of chance this jam be a scam
It was a bit hard to figure out how to play, but overall I liked it!