Thanks! I was a little worried about the web build since I’ve had a few issues with love.js before, but it seems like for simpler things like this it works really well.
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The graphics are all really good. I especially like the robot models and the exploding effect when you lose/self-destruct. I did seem to have some performance issues, which made playing a little difficult, but I think that’s probably just a problem with the PC I had to use. I think limiting the number of jumps was a good idea. I feel like I always chose bad times to use them, but it adds some strategy to how you maneuver through the maze. Good job!
This part of Paradroid looked confusing when I watched gameplay, but after figuring out how it works, I had fun with it. I think the explanation of the different gates helped a lot. It’s definitely on the easier side, but I think that also helped as I was learning the game, so if you wanted to make the game harder, I’d also leave an option to play it this way too. Good job!
Thanks for the feedback! I would have actually liked a little more of the maze visible at one time, but it was pretty hard to balance the sizes of everything to give enough room to avoid crashing into the walls all the time. I’m glad you liked it this way, though. The collision handling could probably use a little work in general, but I still haven’t figured out the best way to debug that.
I really liked the different sounds used here. I can hear some of the PS1 and DKC inspirations. I’ve always really liked the soundtracks for those games and I think it’d fit in pretty well, especially the flute and piano parts. The flute sound in particular sounds kind of familiar, but I’m not really sure where I’ve heard it before. Really good track!
I liked the jazzy feel this has, and I think the rain and water sounds added some nice atmosphere to it. I do think the droplet sounds were a little loud and maybe needed some reverb to kind of mesh with everything else better. I do like the track overall though. Makes me think “looking for clues at some ruined building in the rain” or something like that.
Thanks for the feedback! I can see what you’re saying about the guitar. I think something as simple as changing a few notes or more variation in volume might work. I would have liked to record a real guitar for that part, which might have also put in some natural variety, but I couldn’t find a good time to do so. Either way, I’m glad you enjoyed it overall!
Thank you! But yeah I don’t mind at all. It’s toki pona, which I’m still in the process of learning actually. I can see the resemblance to Hawaiian though, not that I really know a whole lot about that haha. But anyways, the meaning is something along the lines of “City of Resting Spirits”, though with the way toki pona is there’s probably a few other ways it can be interpreted.
I’ll get that description fixed. Sounds like I’ll also need to check the collision shapes for the house and fix the music’s audio settings. Thanks for letting me know!
But yeah, I wasn’t able to get everything implemented in time. The items and monsters don’t really do much of anything at the moment, but I’m working on getting that all working for an update some time after the jam’s over.
Thanks for playing! But unfortunately no, you can’t beat it yet. I was trying to keep the gameplay fairly similar to the original game, where you need to collect the 3 pieces of the urn before leaving. I plan on adding some more rooms and floors to the house. As of right now, the doors aren’t set up to go anywhere until I get those ready.
Nice game! The arc on the spears take a bit to get used to, but I think that just adds a little challenge. I liked the level editor. Some undo/redo shortcuts would be nice, but that’s not really a problem. I figured out you kind of need to wall the bats in if you want them to stick to a certain area, but really I wouldn’t know a better way to handle that. I also liked that you kept the armor flying off on hit from the original, which I always thought was pretty funny.
Fun game! Kind of reminded me of Hexen, which I liked. The pumpkins felt kind of annoying to hit, but weren’t too bad once I got a better feel for the scythe’s attack. I also couldn’t get the secondary attack to work consistently, but I might just be missing something. Either way, I think it’s pretty good overall.
Also, killed myself once with a kicked skull. Definitely not a problem, I just thought it was funny.
Good concept for a horror game, I think. I liked the idea of having to close your eyes to protect yourself, since it seems like that could set up some pretty good scares. Is there any way to make it through the night, or does it continue until you lose? I also think changing up the sound a bit for the jumpscare could’ve been good.
Nice game!
Cool game. I kept dying fairly quickly, but I'm also bad at these kinds of games, so I'll have to keep trying until I get the hang of it. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
The volume setting didn't seem to work, and I had a hard time figuring out how fast I was going or how much damage I had taken, but I think that'll be fine once the HUD is finished.
Good job. Think the concept is pretty funny, and trying to find secrets in the map is always fun.
The weapon switching felt a little awkward, but I think that's more my brain kind of defaulting to Doom controls. The time limit also felt really strict, but I don't think you could raise it too much without losing the challenge.
Thank you.
Definitely agree on the walls and their triggers. I'll have to try a few things with them to see what looks and feels best.
As for the spiky walls, I'm assuming you mean the ones at the entrance to the rooms? I probably should've just made those a normal gate or door type graphic since they don't really do anything but show that it's blocked off.
Otto was intended to be unstoppable like in the original game, but for that to not feel unfair he would need some changes. I'm also thinking maybe it could some kind of difficulty setting, where on normal mode he could be stunned or something like that, and leave the unstoppable version for a harder difficulty.