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A member registered Nov 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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This is a fun action game with a great presentation. The art for the characters, the pickups, ui, main menu and dialogue are all very polished and make the game feel shippable tbh. The gameplay itself is very fun, and I enjoyed switching modes in combat. My go-to was using the aoe gravity move on shooting mode and then swapping to the sword to hit big groups of enemies for huge chunks of aoe damage. I also liked that exploring the map rewarded me with attack boosts. The final boss was fun to fight and had interesting and varied ways of attacking which was really cool. This was a fun game to play all around, great job!

This is a fun and chaotic endless runner type game. The modes are varied and interesting, and despite how many objects are on the screen I never lost track of my character or the powerups on the ground. I particularly liked Panic Mode. The setting and art style are cool and unique and give the game a cool vibe. The ending made me chuckle. Great job!

This reminded me of the mario bros pvp game but with the added layer of intuitively swapping modes by wrapping around the screen either vertically or horizontally. I think my favorite mode had to either be big or small mode, running around super fast is obviously fun and big mode felt like having an unlimited supply POW block. I also liked how I had to swap out of big mode to go down the level. This was a fun and polished game that I could see being at home on a mobile gaming store. Great job!

This game was very fun, and while it has a very simple control scheme the gameplay itself felt surprisingly deep. Collecting the floppies was difficult but gave a good reason to retry levels and never felt inaccessible. The art style is sleek and very readable, and reminds me of something like N+. Getting used to the grappling hook was difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it its pretty fun slingshotting yourself around. All in all a fun game that utilizes the theme well. Great job!

The game is very polished, with fun music and a nice and clean UI that felt responsive. The gameplay is fun and charming, and is more addictive than I would've expected. I could see this being a fun and addictive mobile game, especially on extra spicy mode. Great job!

Zipping around with the grappling hook and using it to Doom-style execute people and change color is absolutely great. Its a fun, quick game and very addictive. Would love to see this expanded on post jam with new guns and maybe even multiplayer, this game has some serious potential. Great job!

I thought this game was very charming and unique. The level art reminds me of old PC dungeon crawlers while the objects are very whimsical with many of them seeming like they'd be at home in a Candyland game. The gun itself felt very precise and had good feedback, and when I died it always felt fair. The ricochet trap works well, but I never found myself needing the recall trap. I played without watching the YT video and felt that the game itself did an ample job explaining the mechanics at the beginning. I enjoyed the writing and the endings a lot and wish there was more of it, but what was there was more than enough to setup tone and the endings. Great job!

(1 edit)

Game feels smooth as silk on gamepad, and the aesthetic is top notch. From the sound design and music to the art, everything is perfect for that arcade/SNES aesthetic. The fact that you made a game with functioning mode 7 is impressive enough, but doing it all solo is crazy lol. I would love to play more of this if you continue working on it or any similar projects. I would've really loved a high score counter or something like that, but found myself replaying it several times anyway just to get that satisfying win jingle. Great game and amazing job!

The myriad of modes adds a lot of variety and replayability to the game, and the modes are clever and amusing. The writing between levels in story mode was more interesting than it had any right to be lol, and kept me hooked as I tried over and over to beat it. Unfortunately my eyesight isn't amazing and I had a hard time reading the fonts quickly which made completing the story difficult, though I hardly blame the game for that lol. All in all a really fun and charming feature complete game. I particularly enjoyed the credits menu lol. Well done!

The gameplay loop with upgrading your crossbow and killing waves of ogres is pretty satisfying. I found myself jumping around in circles between waves wanting to take the fight out to the ogres rather than waiting for them to come up to me. The aesthetic of a calm forest outpost besieged by ogres is pretty unique and interesting. The ogre model and animation are great, we have an ogre in our game too so I can definitely appreciate that lol. I would've liked to have more than 1 life or to start at the beginning of a wave after dying since the sprinting ogre caught me off guard on my first attempt. All in all a fun and satisfying game, great job!

Very ambitious making a complex stealth game for a jam, and the amount of mechanics you managed to put in is impressive. I particularly liked the slingshot and the bananas since they let me clown on the guards lol. The aesthetic of the game is on point. For some reason the checkpoint system didn't work for me so it booted me back to the beginning every time I got caught, but I still managed to get to the end eventually lol. Fun game and great concept, good job!

I love the UI of this game. The menu, the ability to undo turns and reset the level, and especially dragging the coins into the powerups to activate them. Super unique idea. The puzzles feel like they're balanced well and as difficult as you'd want them to be for a puzzle game like this. Great job, well done!

(1 edit)

Fun game with a charming aesthetic. Running around as the little robot and utilizing the different modes was fun, and all of the menus and UI are great. The character handles very well on gamepad, and the gameplay is fun and addictive. I really liked the vacuum and kill modes, especially when you get to light stuff on fire lol. I got 5* on all the levels except the last one since the two socks and the shirt fall through the map at the beginning. Really fun game, great job!

I really like the art style of the game, the rat is very reactive and has nice animations (the different hit stun animations especially) and the game is smooth to play and feels good. Turning into the yoked rat to beat up the cyborg cats was great, though I really wanted another meaty animation for when you squish them. All around cool game, great job!

My cat stared at me like I'm a crazy person, 10/10 would ARGH again

Really fun platformer in the spirit of something like mario 64. I really liked how different the vibe is between each mode on each level. The music is great and having the mode variants added a lot to switching back and forth. The platforming was responsive and worked well, I particularly liked the ledge grabbing. I think my favorite level was the lava/poison swamp one, the lava and the chain link platforms definitely gave me bowser's castle vibes. Great job!

That ending is 10/10 lol. I really love the aesthetic of the game. All of the sounds, music, and models/sprites are great. I played on controller so the TV tuning wasn't an issue for me. The writing was charming and the atmosphere was great. I felt like none of the mechanics overstayed their welcome and everything flowed together in a really nice and cinematic way. Really fun game, great job!

Make way for the cyborg master race. I enjoyed this game quite a bit, it reminds me of old NES games like Burger Time, Took me a second to realize that the little frantic animation the creatures and robots have is me selecting them for harmonization, but after that tiny hurdle I was having a good time lol. I really liked swapping dimensions mid jump for the platforming, it added an extra layer of difficulty/complexity along with the timer. Great job!

I thought I was good at the game until the cross shape bullet flowers showed up lol. Fun bullet hell, I thought the way you used sound to communicate enemy hp to the player was really interesting and unique. Music and SFX were good, as were the visuals. The gameplay felt good and smooth. Good job!

I really like the way you handled the theme, super unique. It was fun trying to optimize my predicto movement to make sticko mode easier, though the difficulty was well balanced, especially considering you can instantly undo any mistakes. I also thought the menu animation being synced up with the beat was hilarious. Fun game, great job!

The only difficulty "spike" was the first time you get to each stage's pose mode imo since its a little hard to see the shape until its too late. Even then its not so difficult its frustrating or anything, just takes a second try.

That pose mode at the end is great, super unique idea. The game feels very polished, especially the menu and UI. I beat all 3 difficulties but it took me a few tries to get past each pose lol. Good job, fun game!

John Cloud 2024

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First of all the main theme has no business being that fire. Reminded me of DFO or Guilty Gear or something, so good. The gameplay itself is simple yet addictive, and i found myself purposefully getting hit by the new mechanics each level just to see what cool thing they would do to my character. Hitting the dog and sending it flying while it made that sad yelp made me laugh out loud. All of the little touches like that, the skid when you drift, and the different pictures for the different ranks are great. The last level took me a 2nd try but I ended up with Bs or As on all 6 lvls. Really cool game, great job!

This game is surprisingly fun for how simple it seems at first glance. Using the different modes was fun, and upgrading between rounds made me want to get even further. My only minor complaint would be that the upgrades (especially movement speed) make the game a bit too easy, and even then it was still fun. Great job!

(1 edit)

This was a really fun game. All of the art is super on point, especially the robots and the backgrounds. The platforming is challenging but not overly so, seems like a good balance. I really liked that when you hit your head on the bottom of platforms it doesn't kill all of your momentum. Great job! 

Edited to add that I really like the name P1NG for a cute lil robot lol

The different modes stacking together is cool, and the character art, animations, and particle effects all look really good. The mech itself in particular is really well designed and looks good in motion. Good job!

Solid puzzle platformer with a surprising amount of polish. The aesthetic of the game is great and I really liked all of the character art (especially the wizard), the bg, and the particle effect when you touch the wizard. The game was very responsive and I didn't encounter any bugs while completing it. I think my favorite part is the jump pads that allow you to keep gaining height by jumping at the top of your bounce - super fun. Great job!

Can't believe this was made in only two days - very impressive, good job! The movement feels pretty good and zipping around while changing modes was fun. The main thing I'd love to see is controller support. I've always felt that platformers are at their best on the sticks. Other than that your direction seems good and interesting for a puzzle platformer.

Going ape mode was fun and I enjoyed exploring the level and finding mysterious assets like the children stuck in tubes. Kinda gave me Grounded vibes in a good way. I also really liked the ape animations. Good job!

I really liked how cute the entire game is, and the three different animal modes were interesting and useful. I found myself mostly sticking to monkey and frog out of preference however. Fun game, good job!

This game has an interesting style and presentation. I liked the old school aesthetic and the character design is great. The game kind of reminds me of a cross between Myst and something surreal like LSD Dream Simulator (though not as overwhelming as that game lol). I guess what I'm trying to say is that the game has sort of a dreamlike vibe that I thought was really cool. Good job!

(1 edit)

Extremely creative and fun puzzle game. I am not typically a fan of most puzzle games but I thought this was very original and fun. I think what sets it apart from most puzzle games is the freedom of expression in how you beat it (see attached pic lol pretty sure this wasn't the "intended" way to beat the level). I beat all of the levels (even the extra couple in world 2) and was constantly impressed by how the mechanics were being utilized in interesting and new ways. Music is also a banger. Great game, good job!!

The phasing mechanic is super unique and interesting, and when you phase less than halfway through a platform you can use it to yeet yourself across the map which was really fun. The art is also really charming. Great job!

(4 edits)

This game was very fun. First run I got wrecked but the second time I cleared it. The difficulty and complexity were perfect. Buying additional dice and upgrading your dice and metals was really fun and satisfying, especially upgrading and buying more income dice. All of the interactions and sounds were very meaty and satisfying - I particularly enjoyed rolling the dice. Great job!

I mostly used the melee mode and just brute force took out groups of enemies by sacrificing 1hp and trading which was a lot of fun. The last phase off the boss was tough but I was able to bop him from above. Just the right level of difficulty imo. Good job!

Fun game reminiscent of auto chess. It was a fun kind of stress watching my one powerhouse mage struggle to kill everything by himself since his new teammates were always just fodder lol. The twitch style chat on the side was a funny feature that I liked a lot. Good job!

The cutscenes were cool and transitioning between perspectives was well executed. Looking forward to what you work on next. Good job!

Absolutely fantastic game, definitely one of our favorites this jam. The art style, sound, and especially the opening make it feel like a legit ps1 game in the spirit of Armored Core or Virtual On. Eagerly looking forward to future renditions of this. Great job!

This was a really fun platformer. All the rats are adorable and the 3 different sprites for the different modes are great. I really liked the car mode in particular, and mowing down rats was super fun. Good job!