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A member registered Jun 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah unfortunately that seems to be a weird issue with godot and browsers from what I was looking up online. I am not sure about any solution for that on my end.

I thought about the animated console case, decided to simplify the process though since it was moreso made to learn the Godot Engine.

Yeah basically just it being a high pitched screeching noise

Neat game, feels very early NES game. I have some annoyances with the physics and controls, but they really are annoyances that a lot of NES games have so in that sense it feels perfect lol. Game looks and sounds very accurate, though I do not like the sound enemies dying makes. Only thing missing that this type of games would usually have is getting an extra life after a certain amount of points.

Very fun, brought back a lot of memories of playing the chef minigame for hours. 

Getting that last stamp for modern modern super hard took so long but man did it feel good to get it.

The reward for all stamps was honestly better than I expected too haha.

Artstyle and mechanic are really fun. I find some frustration with the uncertainty of when you will be ready to do a dash though. A indicator would do a lot. I also am not sure I fully liked the way the poker chips work. I get what you were doing when trying to make it so you don't get affected by them as a die, but I think it made it feel less consistent as a result. It's expected to use them sometimes which means timing it really tight to not finish a transformation. I think it just working all the time and removing the being a die to avoid damage would feel better personally. This is still insanely well done for a game jam game though!

Neat art and I like the gameplay loop. at a point I didn't feel like I needed to change weapons a whole lot but it's neat for what it is.

One of the best I've played so far!

I think what makes this one work so well is that you can force the rolls if you understand how they work. Makes it a really fun game, only gripe is I think the window to shoot a boss is a little too small. I sometimes can't even reach every die in time.

Looks really cute and that works well. I think it ends up feeling a bit repetitive towards the end but that's a bit of just the concept. Main gripe is I feel like sometimes it would just actually be unwinnable? I fought a rabbit who could either do 3-9 damage or heal 4-8 hp basically every turn and I did a max of like 4 damage

Cute little game, a bit simple but fun can still be had with it.

Art is really nice and I like the setup for it. Main issues are not really being able to tell what the roll is, and just the reliance on randomness on the attacks. Cute looking game!

Visually really fun. I think the dice rolling mechanic doesn't feel as impactful as I'd expect. I didn't actually realize what it was doing originally. maybe if you could actually roll yourself it'd be interesting? Still can be quite fun though.

Neat little puzzle game. I got stuck on level 11, the -2 was subtracting 3 and other little weird things were going on. It's fun for sure though!

Fun little game. Works pretty solid for what it is, but I feel like it's a bit difficult to react to turning blue.

Neat concept. Simple but engaging to play.

Cool concept, Has a sort of little nemo/kirby vibe to it. Would be interesting to see what could be done if explored further. I also love the art, very cute.

Cute game, enjoyed it quite a bit. Controls took a bit of getting used to but once I got the hang of it it was quite fun. Only issue I had is at a point I felt like I was swinging around randomly to find a new spot but that's on me.

yeah, I guess what I more meant is since it didn't change up the timing or anything, that didn't seems like much of setback. Really cool game nonetheless, definitely liked what you made.

It's a cool concept, some issues with physics sometimes (i clipped through many walls to solve puzzles) But for a jam it works fairly well. Could see this expanded more.

It's fine, a bit simple. Works pretty well as a game jam game.

Honestly this is really impressive! It was executed really well and looks really clean. This is probably up there as one of my favourites from the jam!

Cool little game. I never really felt like there was much reason to do a normal click rather than the combo click, mostly cause that felt more interesting. Quite fun though I could see this expanded some more with the combo mechanic.

It's neat, I think the tongue mechanics needs a lot of work though. Even if it just had a better indicator for when you could use it it'd go a long way.

It's fine, would've liked some gameplay that tied them together as well. There's an idea here though.

Neat concept. I have an issue with how the boxes autostick. I'd often put them in the right place, but the rope snagged a box and knocked it all over. I wish it was on hitting space like how release is. Overall it works fine though, good for the limited time.

A bit of issues with balancing, but the idea is solid. Couldn't get too far myself but i like what i did play.

Cool how you changed the tower defense format. It's a fun way to make sure you have to be more active in the enemy phases. Cool little game overall.

Not bad, I think it is a bit too simple. I didn't really have much issues with it except at the end when there just was a lot of enemies spawned in. 

Cool little game. Many did the controlling two characters, but this works fairly well. Controls felt very good other than wall slides I felt. Was neat

Quite fun. Many sort of tethered character platformers exist but this is executed pretty well. looks very unique and is a good proof of concept.

Not much here. Not even sure what is the goal or what I am actually doing.

Neat concept. I find controlling the tadpoles a bit too difficult in a lot of scenarios but there's an interesting idea here.

I imagine you had a lot more you wanted to show off with this. As is it's fine. there's a start to a story here

Quite funny. Would be really cool with more conversion types but really fun overall and fits the theme really well.

A cool concept. A bit simple as is but could be expanded. Would be really fun if there were powerups or more enemy types.

(1 edit)

It's just a map editor so hard to really gauge. I think it's a neat start and I'm curious how you would've used the mechanics.

Quite fun, a neat little twist on the concept. Almost feels like trying to make a vacuum cleaner go down a track. A little hard to master, and I don't feel it's too useful to have so much control over the power, but cool overall.

I think it has a neat idea, only real issue is just the difficulty of keeping track of my balls. It wasn't uncommon for me to just lose them and I never know how many I have.

I like the presentation, though the gameplay is a bit hard to understand. I never really felt there was a good way to know what the output would be other than the color.  It is a impressive you've managed the breeding aspect in such a short time though

A good concept, with more time this could be interesting and even a good way to teach coding concepts. I think it's a little too slow as is personally but it's not bad