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A member registered Jan 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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It seems like playing in full screen was important to not miss any planes flying at the top. As a musician this game really speaks to me, very well done :D  Beautiful music too, the melody played by the player is really impactful despite being simple, due to your great composition!

The plot twist was 10/10, didn't expect that from fidgeting with the fidget spinner so much

Zelda esque graphics (and the pots!) 

I wonder what the hearts are for, I wasn't sure if it was a one hit death or if it just happened too quickly. Looking forward to seeing what it turns into :D

Fun game that fits the theme very well. I have a soft spot for Typing of the Dead 🤣

Loved the clacking sounds when typing!   The popups didnt always close when clicking the X, if I was just a few pixels off. I think the click to close concept would be better if it was easier to hit with the mouse (bigger area to hit) etc. Great job!

Very action-y game that is all about distraction. Fits the theme well. I liked that you can use the distraction even after getting caught - if you can set it up to work before getting spotted that is. Difficult but that's been said a million times already :)

Maybe the difficulty could be a combination of the amount of distractions you have total, how fast they recharge, their range and maybe even time until activation. The less spammy they are, the more tactics it would require to get through a level. Good job!

I didn't expect anyone to make farming simulators for Triijam, well done! With only  3 kinds of seeds it would be nice to see greater variation between them other than profit and costs, might I suggest the more profitable ones raise the frequency of bird pests or some other crop danger or annoyance to the player :) The birds were definitely distracting, I think they are hard to manage if they were either bigger in number, and too "easy" if they were too few. Spending gold on anti-bird measures might be fun and make it cross over into strategy / resource spender genres ;)

Certainly a different approach to rhythm games! I liked the silly story, and the concept of a rhythm game with distractions is very interesting, but to get it right I think its important to play to the rhythm and inputting from the player on the beat instead of before the beat is important to the genre. It really makes me think of how one could mix up the genre with different chaotic inputs. Like changing the rhythm from landing on downbeats to offbeat or just filling the space partially with noise like you did. Definitely points for creative thinking, though making a polished experience in just 3 hours is impossible for most people. Good luck on your next project :D 

Hey man, thanks for playing! Great suggestions, maybe I'll get the chance to finish it some time with some of your ideas. Catch you on another Trijam! :)

Very nice! It does a lot with less, a great idea and entry for the Trijam! Also I like Shelf-Help as a title :p

Might even be a fun mobile game as its a one button game with some drag and drop action!

Wonderful little game! I love the dog character circling around the bone when it's stationary, haha

I found myself playing longer than first expected. The weapons are varied and the dual energy systems allow you to explore different playstyles, even though it seems like certain weapons work better in certain sweet spots (high/low red, or low blue etc). Tons of fun just exploring how each weapon react with different upgrades.  It's cool there are actual choices between weapon upgrades and healing up - so if I play better I also can afford to become stronger. If I need it but don't pick health, it's a gamble on my life. Very tense!

Sadly I never made it past the boss, but this is very well done, and feels like a strong prototype for even a commercial game. Excellent use of simplistic shapes and effects, and great fitting music. Well done!

Very fun game! I love tower defense / mining stuff / base builder games. I found myself attempting 3 playthroughs, getting further each time but there are a few bugs that prevent to get as far as possible.  One being sometimes the kobolds just won't attack an enemy. And another that you can't select a kobold through the next of an ore for example. I died on the 1500 ore level due to these two bugs.

Nice pick of music for the type of game, very fantasy and kobold-y. I love that its only controlled with point and left click, points for simplicity :)

A good interpretation indeed! If Majoras Mask can have crazy fan fiction, then yours can too haha.

Hey you shoudn't be praising me on your own game site lol. I guess I'll be eyeing some good candidates for jams. But it's both good and bad they are time restricted: it keeps focus on point but it also has to fit into my schedule ;P

I like the concept, but like the others mentioned, the black hole is super fast and the game is sadly unplayable. I really really like your characters and the animations, they are very good. Keep it up, it looks like a ton of fun!

I'm happy you liked it! Thanks for playing!

I totally agree with everything! I feel its a valuable lesson for me in various way, including how people seem to enjoy it despite its obvious shortcomings :p

Great use of both themes! Difficult game with a somber atmosphere matching the slowly chasing nightmare. I love the art choices and execution of both graphics, visual direction and the music.

Gameplay wise, its very fun, and definitely had me going through many times trying to do better, but I think the finicky nature of the second stage monsters I find too difficult.

There were small funny things I assume were bugs, like projectiles changing directions if your character turns, and that you can shoot while jumping but not while holding A or D. This is most likely at least partially intentional, but wasn't clear until I explored when I could shoot and when I could not. Very good job to everyone involved!

Thanks, much appreciated!

The theme interpretations are very literal, nice choice on the edge getting cut so you become more "on the edge" as the "boss" intensifies. I'll admit its hard, I kept dying at the 32-33 hp mark, difficulty ramps up significantly once the third stage hits.   

Art wise, paper/doodle graphics are always a fun take on things, good execution on it and especially the boss design. Music is good but a little repetitive.

The "worst" thing is, there are all these cool power moves like speedy dives and quadruple jumps, yet none of it seems to be of any use in the actual combat against the boss. It doesn't seem intuitive how these abilities can be applied vs the boss, when the edge/ledge is so small in the end.

This just means your idea has potential and a fuller implementation could bring a lot of fun to a paper platformer with this boss guy at the end. Good job!

I felt the better tactic was to get a good core of factories in the center around the main base, then keep bolstering the death ball with more and more with the armored thingies. I experienced that also placing them out as far as possible gave each "turret" more time to deal with a smaller amount of enemies before blowing up. At this point in the game, the camera was skipping around and the main objective was no longer in the middle of the screen :p

I pretty much agree with your comment here. Great game, I lasted to level 20 in my best run. Clicking madness seems to be the limiting factor which isn't the most fun way to die. So a bit more strategy in the resource management etc, and a better way to build the base. I don't think it would be bad if it was locked to a grid and you could draw in structures, or something like that.

Fun game, good use of theme. Retro vibes all over!

And it's a tough boss fight! I only made it after countless attempts. The pacing is a bit fast, I couldn't keep my eyes on everything at once. For a "last boss" it would be acceptable to be so difficult, but the mechanics should probably be a little "smarter" and not so spammy. But I like it!

Thanks for playing :D I'm happy you liked the music! I didn't explain marketing very well for sure! It basically enables automatic sales of games (1 per second) from the first upgrade. On top of that, each level adds 5% sales value multiplicatively for the auto sell, while also "double dipping" with the "upgrade" button.  Which should work well in tandem for big stonks!

Regarding the music, I found it funny to combine some "office vibes" as part of the music, with rhythmic melodic telephone beeps and call tones etc. The game and gameplay itself had no reference to "the edge". Only the text, which is a big cop-out lol. I had bigger plans for it but life happens and stuff. I decided to wrap it with some silly music which is more fun to me, and finished the last meme poster (only had 3 when I had run out of steam)

I had fun playing this. Appreciated the story elements in the intro - I like stories that don't tell you a lot of stuff but it's just how it is. Do this to save the world. Why does the king hold the power? Noone knows. BUT I DID IT!  Also suspicious amounts of lava going on :D

I think you should lean into the time loop thing because time loops are great! Makes me think of classics like Majoras Mask and stuff. Each play through uncovers new truths and tips how to solve puzzles, and tips on how to get to those tips. It's like a match-2 memory game played out over and over until you know where everything is, and you can do the flawless run!

I actually appreciate the "no hand holding" puzzle. I recognized it right away to be that and tried to remember without writing it down, then ran over and I forgot, so had to replay that section again lmao.

Repost from the "comments page", itch confuses me x.x

I think the concept is super interesting! I'm a fan of "classics" like Typing of the Dead, and in an office setting that is just equally brutal, just being bombarded with mundane tasks on a timer!

Chill music, fun art depiction of the "corporate machine"!

I kept failing though for reasons I didn't quite understand. Even though I did well, I would still lose. And one time the right clicky menu stopped responding. I couldn't fullscreen so the text was very small.    But great work overall!

(2 edits)

No refunds, corporate policy! Broken or damaged fingers can only be replaced in special undisclosed circumstances. 


.. Thanks for playing! :D

I think the concept is super interesting! I'm a fan of "classics" like Typing of the Dead, and in an office setting that is just equally brutal, just being bombarded with mundane tasks on a timer!

Chill music, fun art depiction of the "corporate machine"!

I kept failing though for reasons I didn't quite understand. Even though I did well, I would still lose. And one time the right clicky menu stopped responding. I couldn't fullscreen so the text was very small.    But great work overall!

Not much to say that hasn't been said already by many others. But I'll throw a few words anyway!

Fun experience, cool design, few hiccup oopsies like the physics_process thing and the upper edge etc. Quick and easy fixes.  As a rock and metal guy I appreciate the choice of rock for the game lol.

The only things I'd personally want to see was more info (stats, tier?) on the guns, and not having to spam space for best performance. My thumb muscles hurt now haha.

I can imagine this game being a bit arcade like, where the player plays through a series of rooms (through different acts?), bringing a lot of variation in enemies, scenery and a new boss for each act.

Yep, pretty much what I knew it would be, you are absolutely right. Thanks for playing though! I'll keep your feedback in mind if I return to the concept of the clicker game again :) 

I wrote on the page of the game that there is no real game loop and numbers only get bigger with no end goal. I followed advice to upload "something" rather than "nothing", and ultimately feels like less waste of my time and energy.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing Vico! 

I didn't expect much fun out of this honestly, but you're not the first I hear enjoyed it regardless, so thanks for that :D

The soundtrack was made only using presets from the Vital VST from Vital Audio. The voice too, it came from the "Text to Wavetable" preset. Put together in Reaper :)

Solid choice of music, sound effects good, the animation is great (wolf walk is cute). And the color choice is otherworldly, reminds me of a level in good old Neverwinter Nights that took place in a kind of spirit world. Only comment I might have is the music is fairly loud but thats such a minor issue ;)

Thank you!  I definitely cut a corner on fixing the tile tearing, and should be something I remember to apply early and for every project. I hardly remembered to fix the aspect ratio and that would have spoiled some of the magic as the indoor rooms are quite near eachother and you could look from one room to the other if rescaling the window in the browser play hehe.

Short and sweet prototype, I can imagine this cool little guy bird thing in a more action based flying game. Good choice of music, nice art :)

Interesting mix of genres, it feels like the beginning of a final fantasy game meets stardew valley kind of thing :)  the main feature which I assume is the farming part, didn't really work for me. I could plant stuff but it never turned into anything. I'm very interested to see what you can make from this in the future!

Thanks! All critique welcome! Though I know I cut a bunch of corners in code and in features, but always happy to hear your thoughts :)

Thanks for playing!  I tried a meta theme approach, the relaxing game about making a guy relax. The humour part just crept in as I was thinking of more silly ways to have "dialogue" in the game, but how much can a man really talk to his sheep, or himself hehe

It's always sad when the software doesn't work, but you participated and added a submission, and I'm sure you learned something in the process. To me this counts for a lot. I think your art is simple while there's no mistaking what you're making the pixels represent. And maybe something about the software that makes it take 10 minutes every time lol. Looking forward to your future submissions in the jam :)

Very nice idea for a relaxing experience; although I was missing a more "locked in" feeling between the music used and the rhythm I should be pressing buttons in. I think a little more polish would add a lot to the experience. Great job none the less!

Interesting platformer meets a kind of visual novel storytelling combination thing. I can easily imagine each of the stops with its own little minigame in his path to relaxation. A minigame on the PC, zapping around the TV channels from the couch, and so on. 

Awesome concept, sadly my fish died without it seemingly needing anything. Guess even the fish's health was a demake or something :)