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A member registered Dec 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for all the feedback! We've been having a lot of people report the soft locks, so we'll definitely take a look at that. The other issues were on the 'to be fixed' list, but we didn't have the time to do so. We'll push changes once voting ends. Thanks again for the feedback, and have a good day!

Thanks for taking the time to play it!

Thanks for taking the time to play it!

Yeah, we didn't have time to implement more portal levels lol

Great job on the 'build your character' thing though. It was a really fun mechanic, so in my opinion you should play into that. Fun game :)

I love the feedback on the colored doors! Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot! If I could fix anything it would be the controls. Sorry they're so bad lol.

Very hard. Took me a while to realize i had to take parts form other bots. Suggestion: add parts scattered around the map.

I like the fluid transitions! epic!

Nice game!

I loved the tornado effect! Nice!

the UI was pretty slick! Great job!

Nice mechanics! might want a better introduction to new kinds of shrooms.

Short, but fun! I can see a lot of work went into the art and story. Great job!

I love the funny comments from the weapon. Great job guys!

Fun sandbox game! Good job! :)

Fun sandbox game! Good job! :)

Great art! It really makes the game. 

Hard game! I enjoyed playing what I could get through, though. I'm sure i could improve at it  if I tried a bit more. maybe a slowly increasing speed, so new players start slow then it ramps up as the levels go on.

Might want to try and make it a bit more user friendly with the text wall tutorial, but the concept is really cool!

nice spread patterns! took a few seconds post game to admire the fireworks

Overall fun game! Player has too many lives, and they regen too quickly. try to remove a few and the game will get more fun as the stakes are higher for getting hit.

I liked the smooth movement. Good job!

Nice little game! you should make the tutorial mandatory, because I had no idea what the hell was happening the first half of the run.  I like the upgrade system as well. Good job!

Beautiful artwork, and great story! I'd be surprised if this game didn't get at least top 10!

OML i'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. It was a bad joke.  I sincerely apologize for that tasteless joke.  

Thanks! :)

I really like the indie feel of the movement.  It gives the game a unique identity. 

Everyone is confused about that, because traditionally, games have LMB be shoot, and RMB something else, such as drag. 

half of the time I couldn't tell what ability i was using. The other half I was wondering why I couldn't aim. good attempt, but I would suggest you let the user do more than boost the tower and watch the zombie attack, like place turrets themselves, or simply aim.

Like everyone else, I had issues with frame rate, but from what I saw, the slideshow was great. 

If you go into it more after the jam finishes, I'd suggest adding a customization tree, with certain abilities you get once you get a mutation. so basically if you mutate, you lose health, but gain an ability of your choice. the abilities could be anything like, your dash makes you impervious to damage, or anything else. Just a cool idea I had lol. Anyway, I think the movement is a bit irksome, but that in itself can be a good thing if its deliberate (ex: getting over it with bennett foddy). Maybe a bit more of a tutorial might have been good, but other than that I like it!

Good job! If you're going to keep working on it, I suggest you add a ranged attack, as dashing in and out might get a bit old after a while. other than that, the movement is pristine, and the animations are great!

yo saaame lmao

Fun little game! Might want to try to make it so its actually possible to get through the literal barrage of barrels lmao.

I'm currently tweaking them so I may release an update after the jam is over. As for the theme,  I was planning on adding more abilities for the blobs (and I plan to add ability trees sometime in the future), as well as a very minimal story behind the blobs that helps with the theme, but I unfortunately ran out of time. However I will release these updates in due time. Thanks for playing the game and for leaving some insight as to how I can improve it. Have a great day!

I'm definitely going to be updating it as time goes on. If you have any suggestions for different slime abilities, or specific areas of the game that I could polish up, feel free to let me know! I would love to hear your feedback.

That's two comments about the controls so far! I can see this is an issue. Thanks for your input, and I hope you enjoyed the game!

I really like the unique mechanic in the game!