thanks for the feedback! Yeah I ran outta time to do any sort of actual balancing lol, need to totally overhaul how the story integrates and provide a better onboarding experience
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all good points! lol I forgot it was due today. Had to scramble to implement. Definitely too long on the story intro and needs to be broken up. I plan to put a tutorial play level in after a few lines. Love the return to tower idea. I know it needs to be more slowly given out over a longer sequence of plays.
Thanks for playing!
Art direction and creepy feels were great. I died so many times to that darn thing. I think the biggest piece of feedback is making sure the robustness of the detection of the physic / switch and some others are improved as it felt like I was fighting it to make it work which made me question if I was doing it right.
Definitely some places to go though with this game.
Thanks! Still a big work in progress :) I am using C3's hierarchy system to lay it out and dynamically building all the skill tree data and upgrade computations based off the info in the instance variables so I feel like it will be pretty extensible to update and maintain / improve for future rounds.
Thanks for the feedback! Short answer is I ran out of time to reduce the friction for onboarding a new player and other items. This game is inspired by nodebuster which has a similar mechanic of your attack being reflected back at you for a certain amount of damage. While you could in theory just dodge until the boss, it will stop you from progressing very far as you need to farm materials to upgrade or will not be able to beat later levels.
Hope to increase the polish in future rounds.
Thanks! I didn’t have time earlier but added some clarity that a lot of the art and sound are asset packs I had access to. The look and feel uses a technique I developed using Blender to render out 3D assets with various shaders and compositing.
In this round I focused on building out the upgrade tree and various systems needed to manage all the upgrades in an extensible way. Was a ton of work to get it all working. Enemies use a flood fill and repulsion for separation.
I do have a feature planned to possibly let the player tailor their attack sequence. I imagine the skill tree will get a lot of work and balancing in the coming rounds.
Thanks for the feedback and playing! Will give yours a go tomorrow.
Added 1.1 to support normals export!
Requires "Normal" to be enabled under the properties tab -> View layer -> Passes -> Data -> Normal.
Then in the compositing window, you need to add a File Output node and connect the normal from the rendered layer to the File Output node.
Select the File Output node and change the label to 'Normal'. This will let us find and edit the output path which we will set dynamically with the python script.
The above is already done in the downloadable blend file.
I tested and found the issue / reported to Kindeyegames / Mikal. It should be fixed now in the latest release just posted:
You can simply credit the artist I commissioned this from for the collection: David (