Yeah, it happens! These jams are always a toss up for getting what you want done haha.
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This was crazy good. So lovely and charming :) The music.. the cute bees on the cards.. the simple but clever mechanic of balancing bees per mission. Scaling up for greater scouting missions and greater rewards. Bees everywhere by the end!!! Truly get the sense of scaling up your hive. Really well done. My favorite of the jam! I don't usually play the games for very long, but stuck through this to the very end. Not gonna lie, I was pissed I beat the dragonfly just before I got 1000 bees.
Definitely one of the most cohesive entries in the game. Such a well polished game for the limited timeframe. I'm super impressed. I love the UI, the slight grittiness of the art, atmospheric music, the camera shake, all the various upgrades you managed to slot in.. You've basically made a prototype for what could be a commercial game.
Now because it's very good and perhaps the best game of the jam, I will chime in with my criticism >:) I agree with Dave, I think SFX was the weakest part and the game ramps up too slowly. I want more bass on those bullets, more feedback on hits. I love when wave games go absolutely bonkers, and when the upgrades are visibly OP. The upgrades in this game feel subtle, and hard to notice. For a game jam I think it's important that you showcase the potential of your gameplay as soon as possible, even at the risk of creating balance issues. Examples: Make bullets much larger, make bounces noticeable via trail effects, add more contrast on the black hole and ya know what make that thing bigger too. More enemies with stronger upgrades to offset the increase in difficulty.
Now here is where I have to remind myself that it was literally a 72h jam. There's only so much you fit into that timeframe! On some games I may omit criticism, because I see how the timeframe affected them.. but for yours it's so good already that it's easy to forget you did this in a weekend haha.
Cool concept! I really like the idea of a chef defending a big ol' pot of grub. To echo the sentiment of one other person, I did find it difficult - due to the radial nature of the spawns in conjunction with the move speed and collider on the pot. It felt like you couldn't physically keep up even if you tried.
Cool concept. I felt like a bit of a block janitor. Those blocks are adorable.. and the little sound they make when you place them. Aww. At first I thought it was going to be some kind of tetris mechanic where you have to assemble a shape before it drops to the ground. That could also be interesting. I think it would be fun if you had to assemble smaller more recognizable shapes - like a whole animal based on the required limb set (e.g. head, legs, torso).
Those names haha - could've been cool to code some kind of random clown name generator. I liked the color palette and art :) Regarding the gameplay - it takes awhile to pick up momentum and when you land you kinda sputter out and lose your velocity. Tis the nature of jams, but dont be afraid to really amp up the speed. Increase the jump height and impulse velocity, increase the gravity.. etc. There are some quick tweaks you can make to the character controller that will get it feeling much more satisfying. Saw your response to Kaishido, so I know you're likely aware of this stuff already, just wanted to chime in.
The clouds really draw you into the game. Funny that while presentation and composition can be complex, arduous aspects of a game, that sometimes a single element of that design can provide incredible mileage and allow you to then simplify it to an extent that you aren't breaking your back meticulously crafting endless supplies of art assets.. Reminds me of how mesmerizing the clouds are in nidhogg. I agree with SirRana that the gameplay was a little repetitive. I think if you decreased the enemy hp, sized up those projectiles and slapped some camera shake on that bad boi you'd have yourself a well oiled machine. Regardless, well done :)
I liked the very minimalist 1 bit style alongside the color shift when the time was ticking down. Had a hard time getting to a few of the cogs - some of the pathing requires you to backtrack more if you make a mistake. Fun platform challenges utilizing the gravity/wind shafts. An aesthetic like this is dying for some retro beep boop synth music, could really up the atmosphere with a simple chiptune loop or somethin.
The cutscenes and voice acting were quite charming. I really liked the character portraits. Game was pretty fun, though a bit too meat-spongey for me. Found myself walking and kiting for longer than I'd like. This was most apparent the second stage where the bullet spread enemy is introduced. I still had little damage output and its burst forced me into a more cowardly kite pattern (or I suck). The ranged upgrades were underwhelming in comparison to the can opener, or at least that was my first impression based on the immediate burst from the can opener. Did love me some can-opener - who knows... I've never been good at meta-gaming so if there's a more busted strat for stacking I'd probably miss it. Was just more fun to charge in instead of kite. It was entertaining to attach a plethora of items and become a monstrosity! Not sure the dash made much of a difference. The change in music and environments was a pleasant surprise to keep it feeling fresh throughout. I can tell a lot went into this :) Great job!