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A member registered Aug 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback!

Interesting concept and good game! I almost never succeeded to create the shape without using too many squares... There's only one issue - when you restart the game, you have to go through the whole intro again. That's pretty annoying. Otherwise good job! My high score was 57 (written after 3 tries).

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Brilliant! The game is hard, I won it for the 4th or 5th attempt and spent more than an hour playing it before I won. The game has an appropriate length and difficulty - it's enough long and hard to bring me an experience, but not too long and hard to dissuade me from playing it. I only know about one bug - when you fail the game and immediately restart it, you automatically lose some health in the very beginning. But that doesn't spoil the game too much. Well done!

I considered adding a tutorial into the game, but I changed my mind, cause it would be too complicated and I didn't have much time. I don't understand the last sentence - what do you mean with "leave level mechanic"?

Great job! I like how big the game is and how many minigames there are. They all are fun! It's also good that there is a car that you can ride all over the map, instead of just a menu with buttons like "go to bed", "go to work", "go to the bar" or "shoot wizards". The graphics are brilliant (except for the trees).

Even though the game is super, there are many things to improve, like the trees (they are the only piece of graphics that doesn't look well), the audio (there's no music when you're outside and riding your car) or the resolution (the rule is broken in the junk shooting minigame - the Earth and the pieces of junk are rotating and creating subpixels).

Excellent! Continue creating this game and then release a not-jam version. It would be a pity if you wouldn't. If you improve it (and fix what I wrote in the last paragraph), the game can be successful!

I didn't like that there was no action, no story... It seemed pointless to me.

Honestly, I didn't really enjoy it. If it was longer and had some kind of a story, then it could be a great game. But this... It was a bit pointless. The music is good, anyways. If you continue creating it, the game can become good!

You aren't the first one who says that it was hard to understand that you need to switch between the two minigames. I know that this is probably the biggest problem of my game...

Thanks for your feedback!

Amazing! The idea is good and the game is fun, the music is well-made and the graphics are good as well. The only thing that I didn't like was that the window was small and there was no fullscreen option. Apart from this, the game is great!


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Good! I like that you need to make up a strategy and plan your defense. However, there are a few things that seem stupid to me. Firstly, there is a too long distance between the void and the position where you can leave an orb. Secondly, playing on the Normal difficulty, I survived for 1:50 when I tried to survive as long as I can, but when I decided to die as fast as possible (and didn't place a single orb), I survived for 1:40 - only a little shorter time! Thirdly, Eclipse is only a bit harder than Normal - I survived for 1:50 on Normal and 1:30 on Eclipse. Except for these issues, the game is well done and can keep the player for a long time!

Well done! The game is simple and simplicity is nice. I must say that the game is addicting. The music is nice as well. The only thing that I don't really like is... the graphics. They aren't very good. But I understand that this is a submission to 1-BIT JAM as well, so I understand it. Good job, overall!

By the way, my best score was 48. (Written after 15 minutes of gameplay.)

I understand that the instructions on the itch.io page are long and quite hard to understand. I considered doing what you suggested - adding a tutorial into the game. But I didn't have much time, so I didn't do it in the end. Thanks for your comment!

(2 edits)

I'm glad that you liked the need to switch between the two minigames! Many people told me the opposite - they were confused because of it and didn't understand that they have to switch.

I agree with that the unhacking minigame can feel unfair. I also minded when there were no matches for a long time and considered changing the randomness system. But I didn't do it, cause I ran out of time.

Thanks for your feedback!

I experienced an enemy disappearance by the third boss. Yes, he absolutely disappeared, he wasn't visible at all.

Great! The idea is funny and the gameplay is entertaining. The game is pretty hard - my best score was 5 nights (written after two tries). It's nice that you can grow not only offensive and defensive flowers, but also equipable weapons. There's only one problem - instead of enabling fullscreen mode on the itch.io website, you implemented fullscreen into the game settings. Fullscreen on the website would be definitely better... Otherwise nicely done!

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Well done! The music was quite good and the graphics also aren't bad. And the dash-crash attack was nice! I only know about one big problem - the controls. Firstly, moving forwards and backwards by Up and Down arrows and rotating by Left and Right is everything but intuitive. People (including me) are used to moving to the left and to the right by Left and Right arrows. Secondly, it's weird that the cannon shoots to the sides. It's usual for the cannon to shoot forward, it was difficult to get used to shooting to the sides. Next time, make the controls intuitive and don't try innovations. Except for the controls, the game is awesome!

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If you wanted to create an incredibly hard game, then you succeeded for 200 %! The game concept is good, however, I think that you exaggerated it with the difficulty. I understand that you wanted to create a hard game, but this one was too hard. I also don't understand why the game's name is Duelling with a Shovel - for me, it didn't seem like I was holding a shovel! That's probably caused by that the graphics aren't very good. I'd recommend you to make better graphics next time. And the probably biggest problem is about the bugs - there are so many of them! When enemies can't damage me, then it's bearable, but when the enemy disappears... that's catastrophic! However, I liked the music - it goes well with the game!

I'd like to know one thing - how is the final score counted? My score was 118.

I know that it's hard to understand the game... I hope that you had a nice time playing it though!

Well done puzzle game! It's a shame that it's so short. The last two levels were pretty tricky, but sorry, I won. The music is good for puzzle games - on my opinion, it was a good choice. If the game was longer, it would be amazing!

Quite good! I like the music and the game has an appropriate difficulty - neither too easy nor too hard. However, there are two problems. Problem 1: the tutorial isn't well done, it took me a long time to understand how to play. For this reason, I died yet during the tutorial in the first run. Problem 2: when you die, the screen freezes and you have to reload the site to play again. That doesn't make a good impression. Next time, don't let the screen freeze when the player dies. Instead, add a "You are dead!" mini-cut-scene and let the player restart it directly from the game. By the way, on the second run, my score was about 1700 (I don't remember it exactly). Except for these two issues, Space Candoot is well done!

Thanks for answering me! Now I can be calm, because I know that I'm not a noob. :-)

By the way, I use Linux and played it in the browser (I used Firefox). It worked! Nothing was glitchy, everything was OK! It's not true that it works only in the Windows browser...

Well done! It's definitely a good idea that the player can hide by crawling, without that I might never have finished the game... The graphics and the music were quite good. I have one question - are there multiple endings? (SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't played yet, don't read on.) When I played it, it ended by that I got imprisoned in a room that was impossible to flee (or maybe I didn't know how to do it) and The Dark caught me there. I'm not sure if the game has to end like this or if I just lost it and there is a way to win it. Thanks for your answer in advance!

I'm glad to hear that you liked the pressure to jump between the two minigames, because I worried about the opposite - I thought that many people may not understand that they need to jump between them. And some of them truly struggled to get it, as I found out from earlier comments.  Thanks for your feedback!

Great horror game! I belong to those people who don't like being afraid and are scared of horror games, but the one that you created was OK for me! Recursion was creepy, but there was nothing to fail (in the difference from most horror games), for this reason I managed to finish it. I was scared, but I knew that there's nothing to fail, so I wasn't so scared to need to leave the game. I praise the tutorial, you made it interesting by setting it into the storyline (calibration). Good graphics and good music. During the whole game, I didn't understand why the game's name is Recursion, I understood it in the very end. Well done!

Good endless game! I played the game only once and achieved 516 m. The stones are a good idea and the game mechanics are generally well made. The music is quite good. I only know about a small problem - I played Bitty Dig once and liked it. But I think that if I played it more times, I would quickly get bored. Next time, I'd recommend you to make the game either finite, or adding some motivation for the player to continue playing, for example collecting trophies after some depth achieved. Well done, anyways!

Oh, thanks for the hint! With your hint, I was able to break the second passcode level (error) and to finish the last level (where I got stuck previously). But I still have one problem - I didn't figure out the third passcode (what does NN; N=; num locks mean?).

Good job! Your game is simple, but not easy. I like that you can upgrade your helicopter. The game is quite hard. I've fully succeeded in Wilderness Camping and Electric Ground, won without saving everyone in Bear Tooth and Inferno, never won Raccoons Fear and UFO's Festival. (I wrote this comment after 20 minutes of playing.) Cool!

Amazing! You created a quite long platformer (I needed more than 1 hour to finish it) and stayed within the 64x64 resolution. The music is well chosen, the graphics are good... Great job!

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Your game has potential, but the passcode riddles are too hard. It's irritating that I mostly have no idea what the passcode could be. "Action levels" (those where you mustn't get killed by enemies) are fun, but I didn't like "riddle levels" (those where you only have to guess the passcodes) and I skipped them. But then, I met a bug - in the level on the picture, the PgUp key didn't work and the PgDn returned me to the previous level. Please, could you help me? What's the passcode on the door that I'm standing in front of?

I recommend you to make the riddles easier next time. Otherwise, good job!

By the way, the lack of music in the game isn't a big problem because it's a sneaky game, so the game can be silent. Don't worry about that you didn't put any music into CyberHack 63!


Thanks for your feedback! I worried about that someone might not understand how the game works and that you have to switch between the two minigames... I also understand why the unhacking minigame can be a little frustrating. I'm happy that you liked The Hacker Invasion though!

Quite good! The game has a good concept and it's relatively fun. However, there are two problems. Problem 1: the game doesn't have any music or sound. Problem 2: The explanation of gameplay on your game's site isn't enough. When I started playing, I didn't understand how it works. When I figured it out, my high score was 9. (I wrote this comment after 7 minutes of playing). Overall, well done!

Nice to hear that! Thanks!

(1 edit)

It doesn't surprise me that you got hacked. Almost everyone gets hacked at least once. :-) I'm glad that you liked it!

A new turn-based strategy game, set in a fantasy world, is out now. In Nerhidia, you're the king of a kingdom that was attacked by its neighbouring country. I'll be glad if you give it a try!

Link to the game: https://frankenstein7.itch.io/nerhidia

I was already afraid that the Kaiju has too many lives and that I can't defeat it, when it suddenly died! I won for the second attempt. I think that there should be the opportunity to repair the blue building. Otherwise good music and good game!

I know that the Attack mode is hard. Thanks for your comment!

I defeated 2 bosses.

Good game! It is really hard, the music is good, the bosses are well designed... Maybe it's too hard. Well done!