Wow, wasn't expecting this! Super underrated entry, loved the music and gameplay was super fun and engaging to play.
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Loved trying this game out! It was really fun getting used to the controls and exploring the environment, the visuals look great. Control-wise, the game felt very smooth, and I like how the camera changes position as you move around the map. Also huge props to the music and audio, I'm a big fan of it!
This one was pretty good! The concept was really nice, I enjoyed being able to make my choice depending if I really needed to get ammo/health urgently or not. I will say I wish there were more shops around. When I got to the boss I had to backtrack a very long way just to get some ammo (I couldn't even get it from other people because I ran out). Pretty good stuff!
Really nice entry the team got going on! The presentation was really good, and the concept was very neat. I do think that typing out the codes constantly started to get a bit tired on my hands haha. But from what I got, there wasn't enough time to add the feature, which is fair. Would love to see more of this expanded!
That last code though, bummed me out a bit. I'll admit it's very clever, but after spending a lot of time trying to get there, I wasn't sure if I was ready to discover that code by going back to the signs. Nonetheless, amazing stuff!
Very enjoyable game! At first, I was having a really hard time understanding how to get each tomato (at first I just thought they spawned at random) but then I understood you had to let them grow to the desired stage. The presentation was phenomenal, I really like the soundtrack and the visuals, they felt very fitting to each other. Great stuff!

I think the concept is a neat idea, but I'd have to agree with Zipyann on this one. I never really got hit and managed to get through the levels quite easily.
Although I think I found a bug because when I proceeded to the second stage, my health was -2. Not sure if I didn't die because of the spare enemies or not.
Good base for a game you got going on!

The fact that this game doesn't have any ratings shocks me! Maybe people judge this entry too early since it's not an executable file but a printable TTRPG. That didn't stop me from enjoying this game!
The quirky humor and story are really fun to go through! The game had a lot more personality than I'd expected. Just the fact you on purpose submitted the game late to break the rules haha. The last ending was super unexpecting and was the best one for me (even though I too would also fall victim to The Game...)
I will say I think the only thing that confused me a bit was the Chaos Actions. I understood that you could only do up to two of them per day, but I wasn't really sure if I also collected the amount of hearts in the chart of the action from that day AND from the D6 roll. I ended up doing that but I had a lot of hearts by day 3, so I'm not sure. Nonetheless, fantastic work you got going on here!
Interesting game! The different ducks made the gameplay more unique (my favorite one was the wizard ducky). I think some SFX and music would've made the experience more enjoyable (I end up composing a lot, so personally the lack of sounds impacts me a lot haha), but I understand that because of time restraints, it wasn't doable. I'm hoping you'll be able to implement that in your next game!
I do think jumping is a bit slow (or rather, the jumps are really high and can make the platforming feel slower), and reading the comments, I understood that it was intended to be that way since some jumps had to be longer than some other ones. I think one way you could've adjusted to this was with a double jump because that way the player can jump once for shorter jumps, and do a double jump for the longer ones.
Overall, not a bad entry at all! You got a good game concept going on here. Wishing you the best for your next entries/games :D
This one was a lot of fun to experiment around! I like seeing what outcomes I can get depending on what the game gives me. After trying to give the right judgment for around 6-7 days, I also tried seeing what would happen if I stopped using the red stamp. In a different run, I also tried just giving wrong judgments to everyone. Very well put game you have going on here!
I can see where you're coming from when you said our game had a similar concept, and I thought that was very interesting!
Pretty good stuff! Enjoyed the idea of a tower defense game, but I do think that the game becomes a bit too easy quite quickly. The sword tower really gets the job done for most of the enemies. I think I managed to spam the "enter" key to keep starting the waves from 40-100. At some point, there was a quick rectangular enemy that did manage to get by and killed me around wave 130. Overall, nice game!
I really enjoyed this one! I loved the charm that the game had to offer, and the gameplay was just as enjoyable too.
At first, I thought that jumping was a bit too harsh because of the gravity, but then I realized that it was probably intentional to motivate the player to use the rocket more often. I ended up dying on my first playthrough, but I really wanted to beat the game, so I gave it another shot and got all gems and keys.
Amazing work!
Hey! Another fellow Scratch user, how nice. I totally relate to how you feel in terms of this jam.
Although not my first ever jam (My first one was Ludum Dare 52), this was my first Mini jam, and I had an absolute blast with it. I loved looking at other people's games and being able to recognize them on the results screen. It made me feel like I was part of something!
I'm glad you took the time to make Lunar Memory, and I'm hoping you'll make more games in the future! If it's something you genuinely believe that you'd want to do for life, then I'd say go for it.
Pretty good stuff! I enjoyed how the gameplay was done with only the mouse. The implementation of the 10 seconds rule felt pretty unique too. I do kind of wish you could shoot at the boss with left click or right click as when I'm trying to move away from them, some of my souls gets shot away from them as well. In a way it made me have to move the mouse quickly sort as an "extra challenge", but having the choice to shoot whenever you choose to would've made it more clean in my opinion. Nice work though! The presentation was nice, I enjoyed both the visuals and the music.
Wow this one is super cool! I'll admit it took me a bit to understand what was going on, but I'm like that in general with card/tabletop games. After one round I understood what was happening, and was enjoying it a lot. I love the concept of tarot cards for this type of game, and the presentation was really pretty! I was shocked when the game opened and the background was transparent, since I didn't expect it, but it made the experience more immersive in a way, and I enjoyed it.
Overall this is really good, and I'm hoping you add more to it in the future! I think some sounds and maybe even music would add a lot to it. Amazing work!
That was truly, a very different experience! The intro reminds me of those good ol' flash games you'd see on Newgrounds for some reason, and I really like that. I think it was very creative to have different mechanics after each second on the stopwatch. I did find the clickbaiting one a bit frustrating (not because of the clickbait itself tho haha) but because my first 5 tries always placed the X outside of the map (atleast I think) and that forced me to either retry on click on the clickbait (the horror, I know xD)
Overall very unique and fun game the team brought. Hoping to see more from you all!
I enjoy puzzle games like this one, and I'm pretty impressed on how you built it! Presentation was really good, and I enjoyed the music as well. I do personally think having a bigger level would've helped on having more paths to reach the goal, and that way you could've made it so some paths are over 10 seconds long. In my experience I couldn't find a single path that took me over 10 seconds to go through.
Nice game! This is a really good base you have, and I think there's a lot of potential to build from it.
Was a very nice platformer! The implementation of the 10 seconds felt really well made in my opinion. I do think that the platforming section itself could be altered a bit, since the momentum made it kind of difficult to jump to the places you wanted to. Also there's a specific part where if you fall down, you're just stuck there, and you're forced to either quit, or force your character to die by repetitively hitting the electric ground. Great work!
Wow! I have no words, this one was amazing, and kind of shocked it was made in 3 days to be honest.
The presentation on this one looks incredible and pretty original. Gameplay felt super polished too, from the UI assets to the character's animation and the movement, it was great! A nice challenge that was not overly hard, but not super easy. It had a pretty good balance with the time and mechanics the game had.
Big fan of this one, and here's hoping to see more of it in the future. I honestly think there's a lot of potential in here!