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Moon Hermit

A member registered Mar 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Loved this game at expo and the fact that you made this resource publicly available is amazing!  Can't wait to read through it. 

I adore this gem. Played it at expo with my Dad who doesn't know a dpad from a joystick and yet he was able to pick it up straight away and have fun.

Hard but I love the idea. 

A fun little game, really enjoyed playing it. At times it was hard to see what I was shooting at so moving the bow down a little might be a good idea. Also, I think if it had some juicy sound effects the game could become really satisfying. 

I enjoyed playing it a lot. It was fun dealing with the different enemy types and something about the player's walking animation just made me laugh. 

The combination of crafting and rouge-like gameplay was really interesting and unique, something I hadn't seen before.

I did encounter a fairly major bug where I couldn't craft or collect anything because I filled my inventory will wood and stone with no way to dump it. This seems pretty major since the presence of a  crafting system does encourage players to collect resources on mass(Fallout 4 duct tape style). Items would still get collected but as far as I could tell they got deleted which is a shame. 

Bug aside it was really fun playing this game. 

Well, that was terrifying... Love it! 

Just finished playing the first level and it was really fun! Love the idea of the Powerwash simulator meets Luigi mansion. 

My in no way biased review of this game. 10/10 game of the year. 


Fun fact: I've got an updated version of this game somewhere in the unknown depths of my PC that uses inverse kinematics to drive the tails and tentacles of the enemies. I just forgot to upload it haha!

This is a really interesting puzzle game I had a blast playing it, I think the visuals could use a bit of work and the lack of any audio is a bit of a bummer but I found the game-play it's self really enjoyable. I really hope you continue working on it, I want to play more.

That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure it would work considering how fast some of the enemies travel they'd probably just self destruct before getting to the player. I might make it so the enemies can damage each other. As an example if a Squid hits some Rays while charging then maybe the rays could be defeated, this could also help to prevent the player from getting swarmed.

Yeah there isn't much in the way of player feedback. Defiantly a point to be improved upon.

I really like the art and animation for this game. It generally feels very floaty and I think it would benefit massively from the removal of the anticipation frames from the jump animation. I love the sound design especially the music, it sets the tone really nicely.

This is really funny, I love the art style and sense of humour. 

This is really interesting and I had a lot of fun playing it, I love how the player is forced to think fast so that they can find the best rout thought he level that.

This is way to fun. Having trouble pulling myself away.

(2 edits)

This is brilliant! It feels grate to play and has really good presentation.

(1 edit)

All the mechanics work as you'd expect them to and I enjoy the balls rolling into infinity. It's a shame the only the gun get transported when the player collides with the white areas and it would be useful to have a cross hair. Over all I had a good time playing it though you kight want to fix the download and pun compressing issues.

Both the Gun and Health worked without a problem and the pause function worked like a charm. With pickup for some reason when I dropped the cylinder it would sometimes fall to the side and the UI was a bit to close to the centre. Overall it's a really good tool box with only a few minor bugs. 👍

I think I've eliminated all the bugs. PROVE ME WRONG!

If possible play with a negatively 1920 x 1080 display due to relation issues with the main menu.

The last shooting level was really fun, I really enjoyed the reloading and mechanic and the target health display. The most prevalent bug was the AI mounting but that count become a feature no?

The teleport mechanic was really fun and seemed to have use in many situations though I found the health display to be a bit weird  because it included decimals. Also the damage object fell over and rolled away when I walked in to it.

I didn't see any bugs whilst playing this and it was fun to player, I'd say the only thing that trough me off was that you can't look up and down in the maze.

I think the mini challenges for each level are really cool and that the mechanics them self's. The way you've demonstrated the pick up behaviour is really cool. I did find the camera sensitivity to be extremely high but that may be a problem on my end and for some reason in the maze level the gun didn't seem to do anything ageist the enemies.