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A member registered Feb 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice little platformer, the visuals are bit hard to distinguish what's background and what you jump on.  Seemed like a fun story! 

Visuals were really cool!  Sometimes I didn't get the happy "ding" sound when taking pictures and I don't know why.  The sensitivity was super low but I also use a weird mouse so that's maybe why.  Could be very fun if the concept is expanded! 

Couldn't quite figure out what I was supposed to do.  Kinda seemed like it might be survival-crafty but all I managed to do was blow up some chickens with my magic xD.  Could be a very interesting and cool game if you continue with the project!

Art and music was really cool.  Gameplay was unique, loved it!

Intro was funny and had cool art but some of the word choice and flow made it a bit hard to understand.  Art and music is cool.  Gameplay feels mostly polished and interesting.  The glowly light that kills you isn't obviously a danger, I thought I died by hitting the fan.  I think it was the third bat room but I somehow got the box stuck in a spot where I couldn't move it or get past it and had to reset, but good on you for making esc a level restart so I didn't have to replay anything.  I tried talking to the bat again after completing it's level and it said something new, but I accidently skipped past it, and then any further talking just sent me back into the level.  Maybe a confirmation option on if I wanted to go into the level would've been good.  There's a delay in throwing on the monkey level, makes it a little harder to time but maybe that's fine.  I wish I could claw in the air for this final level, hard to beat the clock when boxes are falling on top of my after attacking a box in front of me.  Overall pretty cool and cute!

Really cute and music was great! Scientists in the background were funny.  The balls were a bit stressful to dodge since I couldn't tell when they'd speed up or slow down.  I love the furry sonic-like ball when you jump! xD

Really cool idea with switching position in the world to do different abilities! I found it a little bit confusing to call it "Backward/Forward" since I thought of "backward" as left and "forward" as right, since it's a sidescroller, but I eventually figured it out!  It could've used some more clarity on when I should switch forward or backward but I did like the freedom of switching whenever.  I eventually fell into a sewer and died to a seemingly endless wave of enemies, not sure if I was supposed to win, switching didn't work I don't think(?), felt a little abrupt.  Really really cool idea though!

Really unique idea and well made!  I had trouble figuring out what the 'tell' was for the difference between chameleon and bomb rat, but I could figure it out for the rest.  Very fun idea, I made it to wave 10! 

The big full screen laser beam indicators are really intense to look at and hard to dodge.  The variety of things coming at you is cool though!  Would've been nice to have a bit of background music but not a big deal.  I wish I had more than 1 hit before death but cool idea either way!

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Pretty challenging!  I think I got all the tuna but there wasn't a indication on if I missed any.  The only part that felt unfair and annoying was the first time you find a moving platform it shoves you into a spike wall, just a falling platform would've felt better there.  Music was a banger!

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The animations and art are super cool! Might've been cool to have things that look like a cat to trick you while searching.  The dark levels and bright transition screens clashed a bit, but that's what I get for playing in the middle of the night xD  I don't know why Whiskers is summoning a demon but I will happily be the sacrifice o7

The effect and noises when dashing into a wall are amazing xD. Controls feel a little awkward to me, I would've preferred something like spacebar for both pick up and throw.  Menus seem really polished, good sound effects overall.  The rushing through a door thing is funny which I like, but unexpectedly takes control away which I don't like, not sure what a fix for that might be.  I could easily see this being one of those hectic multiplayer overcooked like games!!

Music is cute! Love the low poly art!  Hilarious how everything shatters into pieces, including the burgers xD.  It felt a little too long doing the full 10 sets or whatever considering how long a throw can last.  Very fun idea!

Lore on the catgirls is hilarious.  Seems pretty hard but I also forgot half the controls after they showed up xD  Very funny and unique game! 

Cute, professional feeling intro!  Love the art! Having trouble figuring out how to add the water that appeared.  I think it might feel good to do that thing some platformers do where you can jump up through the bottom of a platform but not fall through it.  Definitely could be a lot of fun with some polish!

Love the little models!  The music is a bop!  The hammer exploding Manny into bits was hilarious.  I died to the rat at the end, not sure if I could've survived but I'm satisfied with the ending either way xD

I really love being able to tell where the next enemy is gonna spawn from!  The number of enemies felt a bit overwhelming so I just hid in a corner to try and stay alive.  Maybe more space to move around or spawning enemies on a timer could help.  

The kitty may be stuck in hell, but the game's charming!

Love watching all the brightly colored objects fall down

The comics to tell the story were great!  The boss felt like it had too much health, especially if you die and have to start over.  Pretty interesting little concept, vaguely reminds me of metroidvanias which could be an interesting way to expand this

Art was super cute!  I'm not sure why but I couldn't seem to use the scratch button.  It could maybe benefit from a shorter timer or more things to knock down

Could be pretty cool with more polish! Look and feel of the guns is great! 

Pretty fun trying to run from the huge crowd and convert more people.  I did run into an issue where one person spawned inside a fence and I couldn't get to them.  Great otherwise!

Pretty interesting concept of switching into plane mode to defend yourself. The controls of plane mode felt a little too slow to shoot the helicopters and switch back to dodge missiles.  Music was great.  I think the ability to move the camera in ball mode and maybe changing the controls a bit for plane mode and it'd be pretty solid!

Love the art and animations!  Would be interesting to see some more of the old lady AI.  Like, maybe she checks under furniture sometimes, or patrols a certain area, add an element of planning instead of just a mad scramble for the kittens.  But mad scramble is fun too so idk.  Add some vfx and it's pretty solid either way!

Music fit the vibes so well!  Had 3 enemy types and a boss! Phenomenal! Felt very fast and DOOM-like, I might only want more attacks from the boss (Although the one you had was pretty cool!) and smaller, tighter levels with more variety in the space.  Not as in the visuals but the places you can go, jump up on, hide behind, etc etc.  Make the space more interesting to move around in.  Really fun overall! 

Art and music is great! Movement is unique, but does feel a little hard to time jumps.  Might've felt better as a separate button? I'm not sure.  Very cool though! 

Getting knocked out on hitting light posts doesn't feel good cause it's already a lil hard to control.  But I do like the unique control scheme!  Fun to move around and avoid the people, and the music is great too!

Nice and simple, love the audio!

Love the floppy ears on the kitty!

Pretty cool mechanic, sometimes felt a little tedious having to do platforming as cat and then redo as human.  Levels were nice and varied! 

I was a little dumb and it took me a while to figure out it was the arrow key to start game.  But it was cool after that!  

I always love treating my cats to their daily dose of explosion 

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Love the spritework and animations.  Would def be fun with friends!

Nice challenging lil platformer

Art is awesome, music is a jam!  It seemed like the cat face was trying to play an animation every note I hit but it didn't last long enough for me to tell what it was.  I loved it overall! 

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Cat got the trash zoomies woo! (Sorry if you got spammed with a bunch of notifications my comment wasn't posting so I clicked multiple times and then it posted like 5 times...)

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Fun art! Cool music! I don't know why little kitty is locked in the jar dungeon but glad to help him escape!  I got a lil confused on the buttons with symbols cause I thought they'd stay pressed in until I got wrong, where they'd then reset, but instead they pop back up immediately even when I do it right.  The candle puzzles I never quite understood how to solve other than trial and error, something to do with the particles that spawn but it wasn't clear.  Very cool puzzles and I love Flopsie! (Also mark your game as a game for Windows in the project page so it filters correctly and can be downloaded via the Itchio app!) 

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Art is super cute!  Had a really funny bug where the cat sprite got flipped upside down but I could still move normally xD! Add some audio, a win state, and more levels, and you got yourself a solid game right there! Well done! Oh and one other small thing to do with Itchio, I think you need to tick whatever box that says this is a Windows game, it'll help with filtering and allow the itchio app to download it if someone isn't downloading via web browser o7

The idea of a "run around collecting fish and avoid  enemies" could be cool and arcade-y. Unfortunately the AI seem to just walk around and deal no damage or anything.  I did manage to eat a fish tho!