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A member registered May 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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The concept is good, but the wording of the instructions is a bit confusing.

Also, the game's logic for determining how the blocks "unstick" from the player is pretty unclear. Why does pushing a block directly into a wall detach it? Things got even weirder the more blocks were attached.

I do like the idea, having to "break off" the blocks from the player makes for interesting puzzles.

REALLY interesting mechanic, a bit more polish and I could see a full game built around it working quite well!

Some sort of visual indicator when the cube or its shadow teleports would be nice, rather than it just teleporting. It takes a second to understand what's going on when they just teleport.

I really like the idea, the visuals are decent. The controls are very clunky, but if you gave it another pass I actually think this could be very good.

I got soft-locked when the game wouldn't let me push or pull the block anymore for some reason, even if I reset.

The idea of dragging around a massive burden that feels like a huge hinderance, only to drop it on your enemies heads is just inherently satisfying! 

I like the risk vs reward of dashing TOWARDS enemies to get stronger briefly. That mechanic is a solid core for an arcade shooter! If only we had more time lol

Nice, simple concept, impressed at the variety of puzzles you managed to make with so few rules and such small spaces. The difficulty curve was perfect, the last few puzzles were very tough lol

Thanks for the feedback ^^

I agree, the rules arent shown quite clear enough through the gameplay, that was one of the things i ran out of time on, heh

Same with the difficulty spike on that level, it IS possible, but the previous levels didnt prepare you for the timing and precision required, which im not proud of,l. Gotta leave more time for playtesting next time!

Thanks for playing !

I love the art! 

I love this concept, dead simple but surprisingly complex! If you expand on this (more enemy types, node types, etc) you could have a really solid game on your hands.

2 Main issues, sometimes clicking on stuff felt a little unresponsive, mainly after shooting an enemy, like there was some sort of hidden cooldown, that was a little frustrating. Also when you try to shoot more than one enemy at once (since you can hit your own nodes with your shots) it only kills one enemy and the death sounds plays on a loop REALLY loud x)

Got to level 16 before I lost my last node, most of them were friendly fire >.>

This is a good first attempt at a first person controller, I love me some wall jumps. The movement did feel a bit floaty though. some feedback when you kill an enemy would be nice, and the music resetting when I died got a bit annoying.

Keep at it!

The size of the spikes vs the size of the player made certain jumps very frustratingly precise. I do like that each level is constrained in size, it makes each level feel beatable. The visuals are simple and cohesive. Good job!

Solid gameplay loop here, I love it and the slow motion while aiming is a beautiful touch. This would probably work really well with a touchscreen, too!

Only issue I have is that its hard to figure out what my next move should be when I can't tell whats off the screen, made me rely on trial and error.

Seriously, this is a really promising game idea, good job!

Good start to a simple runner game, physics felt a little floaty and wall jumping was kind of finnicky. I like all the mechanics here though, some tuning and they could work together well, keep it up!

Great amount of things to focus on to make for tense and interesting gameplay, found myself forgetting how hydrated I was most of the time! just like real life...

Took a second to figure out what to do, but I like the idea. There's some issues with blocks being able to fall further than they're supposed to, sometimes clipping with the ones below it. Some audio and a little visual feedback would do wonders for the game, especially since the visuals are so consistent. Nice idea!

I really like the interface and idea, I don't think I figured out everything that I could do, which is actually a great feeling. The atmosphere you managed to set up with just a computer terminal and a couple screen names is impressive, good job. I'd love to see how a game like this evolves.

I like the concept, but such a challenging game is annoying to play when it takes so long to restart when you die. I like the  cutscenes, but some way of skipping them or speeding them up would make it less of a chore to play. Even the gameplay could be sped up a bit, like making it so you can turn the firewall quicker but the enemies move faster too? Also the minimap was reversed left to right.

Great concept, execution could use some tuning, good job ^^

Fun game, though once I figured out I could spam attack with no real penalty it got too easy... 

Also its a large map to find such a small hotspot in.

Satisfying to kick the enemies though! And all the art is great. 

Killing enemies feels almost impossible, maybe I'm doing it wrong?

big fan of wall jumps, and the presentation is fitting, though. 

Dang, the enemy ship being constructed out of modular pieces is really cool, I love it and it has so much room for expansion!

My main issue is that the background visuals clash too much with the gameplay, I couldnt tell what  was killing me for a while because the bullets and bombs just blend in with the stars and stuff in the background.

Oh also I thought that I had to dodge the debris from the ships I destroyed... it doesn't hurt you, but maybe it's worth considering making it so that it does? It might fight the "junk" theme in the title x)

really clever gameplay hook, good job!

(1 edit)

The core gameplay here is solid, but improvement of the visuals is key. It's a test of reaction time and precision, which I'm all about! I wanted to keep going but I actually couldn't see my mouse cursor so I couldn't really tell where I was aiming. The mouse was pure white on a white background. The sound effect for shooting was pretty satisfying too, not gonna lie ^^

Unfair visuals make games unfun.

Satisfying visuals and sound effects make games fun.

I really do think if you had solid visuals this would be a real addicting entry! Good job for your first project, keep moving forward!

This was really fun once I figured out that the "Next level 50/40" text was a button I was supposed to click, I thought it was just telling me how many points I needed for the next level so I wasnt sure how to progress! >.<

Using the mouse button to grab something when you dont actually need to be hovering your mouse over it is a bit weird, A keyboard button might be better for that. The physics for grabbing things is really fun to mess around with though, even if it was a bit janky. I liked tossing the messages off the screen from afar to maximize my points. 

Speaking of which, displaying your current points and the amount you need for the next level while you're playing would be nice.

Fun game, I liked the music and the art was cute ^^

I like the "lunge" mechanic and I think it could be expanded upon; It's a  risk vs. reward decision,  but right now there seems to be very little reward for using it. Sometimes it can be helpful but most of the time I was better off just moving and not using it. I've seen minigames that work a similar way before but none of them had a mechanic like this, I like it! Its also an opportunity to add some unique and satisfying visual/animation to the player.

It's kind of difficult to differentiate the sprites for good and bad. Also a more satisfying sound effect for collecting a good post would be nice ^^

Really simple and addicting! I like the music, and the gameplay is surprisingly complicated. 

The art and atmosphere was great, though I played through it twice cause I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a time loop or something >.<

Hard to critique gameplay for an atmospheric horror game, so my only critique is that the art was kind of static. And I know firsthand how hard it is to animate on a short time budget--I just mean that some more layering/parallax in the backgrounds or lights flickering would have been nice additions to the atmosphere, some more dynamic graphics code work would make that beautiful spritework really pop.

Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the ending. Good job!