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A member registered Oct 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nice game to think about life, because you forgot to set the music on loop, so after around 10000 points it was only me and my thoughts.

Just kidding. It was a very simple, but nice entry for your first Game Jam. Congrats!

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, the controls are a bit rough, but as I played more and more I got used to the gameplay. May I ask you: did you tried playing in other browser?

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

It really is a bit difficult to see the smaler objects. My initial solution to that was adding the DOF effect in a Physical Camera in my World Environment, but I discovered that the "Compatibility" render did not render this effect, so I (poorly) made a shader to make my own DOF, but as you got higher, the effect goes off, and I couldn't fix that in time.


I took it as a challenge to make all the assets myself, so I didn't had the time to make some of the SFX that I planned.

Thanks for playing!

Haha, those are cinder blocks. In my idea, this was a building in construction, and the Void is sucking in all the construction materials, so I modeled some itens that make sense inside this idea, and to make the game harder I made it in "levels", so each level the materials get smaller and it is harder to pass.

And about the issue, you tried holding space while jumping? I never found an impossible jump while testing.

Thanks for playing!

I tried adding lerping to the movement, but the character was very "floaty", and not precise. I know the movement needs polish, but I run out of time for the jam submission :(

Nice! Now try to beat my time :) haha

Thank you so much for taking some time to play and write a feedback!

Yeah, I saw the similarity too. But my game lacked the options to adjust sensibility and the camera movement isn't as fluid as yours. Thanks for the suggestions!

About Big N, I'm aware that they are after me, but they gotta CATCH ME FIRST CUZ I'M SO FAST!

Ca-ham. I mean, thanks for playing! :)

(nice high scores btw)

Gr8 review, professional gamer journalist. Thenx!

Thank you so much! :)

(2 edits)

You can see when the results will be live in the main page of the jam, right here:

Yes, it will depend on public voting. I don't get that, since the other jams I participated are rated only by participants, and I think it is more fair that way.

Great game! It needs more votes! So underrated.

Very simple. There's not much to say as the core mechanic didn't add much diversity. Could be fun if you add more variety.

May I ask why you did it in only a hour?

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

I used Mario sounds because I was imitating Cat Mario. The sound effects are from Mario, but the music is from Cat Mario.

Thanks again for playing and leaving a feedback! When you finish, post a screenshot with your scores! :)

Ok, I finally got the 1, 2 and 3 ending.

Very nice game! The atmosphere feels nice, the audio and the visuals are so good!

The gameplay is solid, very fluid camera and movement. The platforming feels great. Every button press feels unexpected.

Great work, congratulations!

"Don't be sorry, be better" -Kratos, God of War.

I'm sorry if I was harsh. I written after finishing the game, while I was angry. I do think that the game has a lot of flaws, but for your first game it really was good. I hope that you take my feedback and build upon it, get better and then have success with your next games!

Very good! I liked the dialog, and the story is pretty fun and entertaining! The visuals are very cool, every character has a shape that matches something in the level. The music fits perfectly with the game. Great entry to this jam!

Thank you!

Yeah, the controls were hidden at the first level. It was a choice of mine, but after the jam ended I thought it may not have been the best choice. I should have put it in the player's line of sight.

At level three you could avoid being chased if you are fast. In level 4 I don't think that's possible. The best strategy I found was running in zig-zag while jumping on the platforms without releasing shift to go faster.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you had fun! :)

Oh boy, where do I start...

Platforming games needs solid and precise controls. I don't like even a little bit of the gameplay. On the contrary, I must say that I hated it, because I was raging so hard at the second level.

The good: The player model and the graphics were good. The audio is ok.

The bad: Everything else.

The controls are so bad. When I jumped while walking it jumps lower than when standing still. Sometimes the jump goes high, sometimes he doesn't even jump. I noticed that when the body parts of the player are glitched inside him, he jumped higher (probably some physics bug).

The level design is very bad too. A lot of times I just died without knowing why. The camera is too close to the player, I couldn't even see the platforms that I wanted to reach. The enemies spawning over the player, the areas where the player just died without warning, the moving platform physics, I was so angry at the end that I didn't even care about the story.

This was supposed to be unexpected, not random, rage inducing and frustrating.

Without spoilers will be tough, but I'll try: I liked that last part. I got lost there, but I liked the mechanics in the red walls. The jumping inertia was fine, but as I said in my other comment, it was a little weird. I think that lacks a little polish, it seems that some flickering were happening, but I couldn't tell exactly what is lacking. Maybe pushing the player off the wall when he jumps would have made it better. The math puzzle was ok, I found the answer in my first path (lucky, I guess). Overall, it was a little confusing, but maybe that was the objective, I wasn't bothered by it.

I did the same thing, and the error popped up too. I thought of putting the duck in the table first to then pick up the sunglasses.

The cool duck was the most innovative thing I saw in a game since the first game with 3D graphics.

Very nice game, I would like to see more levels someday.


33 rated. I call it off for today, tomorrow I rate a couple more before the end of the voting period.

(1 edit)

Very nice! I really liked what you did with the visuals, I'm impressed.

The unexpected factor is similar to my game (check it out if possible :)).

The gameplay is pretty smooth, the game just have one bug (which I had in my game too), which is when the player stays in the ledge of a platform, the gravity keeps accumulating, and when you get out of the platform you fall very quickly because of the gravity.

The audio is pretty cool too, the sound effects when you jump, win or lose and the atmospheric sounds fits perfectly with the game.

I just didn't understand the ending. It shows the game's name and then I stay in the level, but the enemies are gone.

Also, the level with the planes that don't have meshes/collisions on both sides are really frustrating.

Overall, really well made, I enjoyed playing it!

Nice, this is pretty fun to play. The events are cool, I was smiling while playing.

Suggestion: If you will work more on it after the jam, you could add more variety of enemies, like ones that don't die in one shot and others that shoot back.

The game is pretty. The visual effects are pretty cool too.

The movement was really imprecise and weird. The camera FOV on the last level was very confusing.

Cool cutscene at the end though.

Simple and fun game!

I liked the gameplay, it was pretty original. The graphics and audio are ok. I just didn't get what was meant to be unexpected.

Overall, pretty original and cool game, I enjoyed playing it! Congratulations!

I don't get it. The morale didn't change anything in the game. Also, when a pawn is promoted, the queen loses its relationship with the other pieces.

Very simple game, but it has some interesting ideas.

The platforming is a bit weird, needs some polish, but I liked it still.

The visuals are Unity default 2D shapes, the music are  very simple.

The unexpectedness is similar to my game, which is cool :).

Very nice idea!

By itself, this could be a full game. It starts a bit slow, but the end was really unexpected.

I would really like to see this game improved and used in schools to teach simple math to students.


Dude, what the hell? 100 hits to kill the boss? I could understand it if it was a RPG or something, but that was a really bad choice. And the reward for beating the boss? The game closes.

I'm sorry, but I really didn't like your game.

Although, it wasn't all bad. The wall jumping was good, and you could have expanded upon that, and focused more on the platforming. The jump sound effect gets repetitive and the graphics are ok.

Some suggestions: 1) Don't make the enemies "bullet sponges". Make them jump, shoot, dash, change directions. 2) Play test your game. I don't think that you would like to play a game where you have to lock the enemies at the border of the level and hit him 100 times to kill it.

I'm sorry for being harsh, but I hope you take my criticism and improve yourself upon it.

Did not work. I suggest that you try to download and run your game after you published it.

Did not work. I suggest that you try to download and run your game after you published it. You published it 2 days before the deadline, so I think that you had time to test it, just didn't do it.

For your next game, @tanatb explained how to publish it correctly. I'm sorry that you missed this jam.

(1 edit)

I don't get it. The only things it responds to is "Hello" and "Baldi". I tried some "real commands" and it happens nothing.

You could at least added a "Help" command where it tells the player what commands it accepts.

(1 edit)

Does the game has an end?

The idea was good, but the gameplay is not well explained, the graphics are ok, the audio is non-existant and I don't get the unexpectedness.

Well, that was... unexpected.

Great story, graphics, gameplay. Overall, I was surprised of how good it was. Congratulations!

The game feels weird. The movement and the camera aren't good. The game idea in general is a bit too repetitive, like there's not much to do, just walk around the level (and I think that I didn't liked it because just walking around was bad because of the controls).

I think that the problem with the camera has something to do with the smoothing/acceleration. It seems that there's a "max speed" when you move the camera. That makes the game not fun to play. If the controls were better I really think that I would have had a good time with it.

Nice game!

It's fun to play and *spoiler* kill each hero. The hardest one was the thief, as he moved really fast and his attacks does a lot of damage.

Very well made for only 2 weeks!

The graphics are really good, the audio too.

The unexpectedness is the kind I don't like: randomness. When the blue enemy changes the actions, you can take a lot of damage at the same round. I think that if the player's life regenerated one point at the end of each stage the game would be less frustrating, but that was your design choice. Also, the cards come random, so sometimes you can't move, and other times you can't attack.

But that makes you think a lot more at your strategy, like trying to kill the blue one first to not let him change the order of the actions.

Some problems I had: In my ultrawide monitor the UI goes off the screen, so I had to play in my laptop's screen. Also, if I click into a card, I cannot cancel my action (also, a design choice, because when I select an action the enemies also decide their actions).

Nonetheless, this game have a lot of potential! I really liked it, and would be happy to see that game evolve and turn into a full game!


Hello everybody!

I am taking today off to pick a lot of games (especially the ones with not much votes), play them, rate and leave a feedback!

I rated 17 games until now, and hope to double that till the end of the day.

If you all think I'm worthy, play and rate my game, and leave a feedback too! I'll make sure to check as many games as I can until the end of the rating period.

Here's my game:

Thank you all, and good luck!