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A member registered Mar 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Actually we both handled code, Sephy (the other collaborator) made sure we had movement + jumping and a earlier draft of the dash - as well as the resource management and the UI (and UI interaction) for that. I finished the dash mechanic, and we worked together in iterations of a lot of different stuff. I did all art, music, sfx, level design, animations and wrote all code surrounding those aspects!

Actually, Celeste was not top of mind when starting this but others have noted the similarity, and I can see it myself and I also started replaying Celeste yesterday because of it :D

The idea for the game is actually a very boiled down version of something I have an idea for, which would be more of a metroidvania where your abilities and health and so on would all require the same type of resource. So you could have your double-jump enabled, but maybe you're not able to take a single hit from enemies or something along those lines. When the theme was robots, I felt like we could make something on that same idea but very slimmed down - and turn it from a metroidvania to a platformer, having the pods/pickups be single use.

And you are correct with the music and SFX! The pickup sound was meant to help a bit with timing of jumps and dashes, and it's in the same scale as the music to fit in together. Had even grander plans of making the music modular and react to different things but after 8 hours of not getting the music to work and jump around different patterns I scrapped it as there was a lot more things to do.

One of my favourites so far, that last level was a doozy.

It was a bit too easy, until wave 10 heh.

Fun idea, I always enjoy resource management and upgrades. Good job :D

On your game-page here in itch, in the top left you have a dashboard where there is a "Edit Game" button that allows you to update the description of the game so it says Z instead of X. Probably smart to change there so people figure out how to play the game.

Very creative idea, a bit janky but hey! It's a gamejam for us beginners :). Really liked the idea, and the music was nice but could have been longer - got quite repetitive when trying to figure out how to finish each level.

I love the low spec, zero anti aliasing 3D-graphics - and the music and SFX where for sure the highlight for me.

The AI and speed felt like a mismatch, mostly me and the AI driving around in circles trying to get a punch in. I was also unsure about how to gauge how much HP the enemies had left - i think a classic healthbar that shows missing health (instead of just shrinking) would have been more readable.

Great job nontheless!

This is very well made, fun music and crazy snowball effects when enemies explode and trigger other enemies to die. 

Very fun and chaotic :D

Didn't really understand what I was dying to my first couple of rounds, but then I figured out that the second enemy type shot out a spray of bullets and I was just to close.

My high score was 2413

Fun idea! Would have liked to see more levels where you explore the different pickup-abilities, didn't even have to use the one on the third level hehe.

I've played through this twice now, a very clever puzzle-game! Could really have used some SFX and music but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

haha one of my favorite ideas from the Jam so far. Very un-intuitive way to move, but I mean that in the best way possible.

I would have liked some sort indicator of where to go, or if I'm by the correct place. Wouldn't have to be a minimap or a blinking arrow in the right direction - but I drove past the post office without seeing that it was the post office - maybe some indicator/sign/whatever just outside of each building?

Thank you! 
Didn't intend it, but noticed it as well during development and kind of like it at as a feature. It allows you to finish levels earlier but also requires a bit faster and tighter reactions

Very cool idea, and feels extra thematically to have to instruct your character before starting a level.

For some reason I didn't get any music until I clicked outside of the html-player :/

As others have noted, it would have been nice to keep your instructions placed after pressing reset, got tedious to find a solution for the first part of level 7, have to remember exactly where you placed stuff and then try with further obstacles. Or if instructions snapped to a grid/showed a expected direction/velocity if hit.

Again, very cool idea and something that you could probably keep polishing for a fun timesink!

At first I felt the music wasn't very fun, just a single guitar? Turns out it's just me who's trash at the game - when I finally got somewhere (as in, not just going all out forward and taking a couple of pauses here and there) and the other layers started coming in it turned into a banger - very chill and skatey! 

I also really enjoy the art style, just casual tilted skyscrapers in the background while a cool ash ketchum hat wearin' mac breezes along. Great job!

Art-style, and idea-wise super fun. I liked the sound and highlight in the "how to play" menu, nice touch!

The game was very hard, and while I like the idea of a capitalist oppressor surviving all but half a second against a worker uprising, it was not very fun to experience personally. I did read your note on this and that holding down space while moving around did work, the SFX-repeat was not kind on my ears. 

But a very fun idea, very pretty gameboy aesthetic and for sure something to keep working at!

Good job! :D

Love this idea! Really liked the speaking sfx, somewhere between simlish and animal crossing - just wish there would have been more sound and music (shame about that breaking before the deadline). 

Also really like the artstyle, though it was a bit unreadable whether or not soil was fertilized - and when the shriekers where done growing (I expect I was supposed to hear when they were grown up rather than seen).

I think this is something you could keep working on and release as a perfect "a bit too long of a bathroom break to skimp out on work" mobile game.

Beautiful game, and beautiful music. Really like the minimalistic color palette, and the white on black theme. I was thinking in my head that you would need some sort of checkpoint system because the trek back was a bit tedious, and then there it was! Also fun with a boss at the end, and nice with clear telegraphed attacks. I feel like difficulty has been very hard to gauge (my game turned out way to hard) but yours feels pretty well balanced.

Some things that might have been nice is to maybe outline the scrap with a tiny lighter hue, didn't understand the scrap was the thing I was supposed to pick up until a couple of platforms in when I finally noticed the prompt. 

Also, on a "if you were to continue on this after the jam" note - On my final stretch on the third floor I found a bug where punching the air where you've killed an enemy it keeps dropping energy indefinitely. So with that energy resource management becomes a non-issue.

Very good job!

Pretty fun! I liked the size of the map and the ability to slide against wall. The jumping mechanic didn't really work for me, but I see from other comments you've replied to that it might be something with WebGL causing this.

I also noticed that the hitbox for the spikes was very generous, so could find a bunch of corners to stand on which made some platforming that probably were intended to be hard a bit easier. I think with my games too big hitboxes, and your games a bit to small ones we should try and aim for somewhere in the middle for whatever next game we make ;)

Good job!

Creative idea, I liked the hint to Super Metroid speedruns! Also really enjoyed the look and animation of the robot. As others have noted I think sound is a crucial thing to add, felt very empty without it. I also don't know what I was supposed to do after my darts where gone and my saved animals where uploaded? 

Nice work! 

Didn't understand that I could also shoot as it wasn't mentioned in the control-scheme, and I did not get what the gameplay loop was - but after I discovered this it was a lot more entertaining.

Keep it up!

Finally a strand type game in the gamejam! I had a lot of fun with this :D

I really like the music and art style! The parallax backgrounds was a very nice touch and something I wish I had enough time to implement in our game.
I would propose thinking about how to make your hazards readable, the sawblades? bubbles? stuck to walls basically blended in to the background for me and I died at least once to each and every one because they didn't pop out enough - at least for my tastes.

Pretty fun! I really like the artstyle, like a cross of creepy claymation and pixelart.

I dodged the speed-boosts for the longest time because to me they looked like something harmful (I guess the "speedlines" of the object to me where to similar to tendrils or spikes in the direction of the player).

Amazing models, very good job! The control scheme with the isometric view felt a bit wonky as others have pointed out but didn't take too long to get used to it - apart from some times where it felt like the character got stuck.

Was it supposed to be possible to move diagonally? When I discovered that was a thing all challenge disappeared from the puzzles. Was a perfect balance of difficulty (if aiming for 100%) when just moving in four directions.

Very good level design, you actually made challenging puzzles! Music was on point (Was that Boston i heard on the third level?), loved the animations (hacking, spikes protruding when hitting them and death animation). Last level was a bit frustrating  with the spikes in between the two buttons that I for some reason always forgot just as I was getting the third robot back after getting the challenge star.

Overall an amazing job!