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A member registered Jan 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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This is a very nice moody game!

I love the graphics style (greyish drawing), the animations and the (x-files) style music.

A pity I did only see it after the jam ratings were closed.

But congratulations!

(1 edit)

I am positively surprised. This is a nice game, enjoyed playing it!

The 80s arcade style is very fitting and it is cool to have the references to other games ... actually Mario and Angry Birds, any other?

I don't think it is hard ... see comment below about ghosts.

I hate mushrooms ... no I hate even more ghosts ... and red pigs ...

Controls are solid. I wish I could jump a little higher, a little more control in the air, but the implemented style is very 80s, so ok.

Some small feedback:

  • Hard is good, but the ghosts are just unfair by appearing at random without any alert
  • There is a lot of stuff on the UI ... is any of this really needed? I did not refer to it at all, except for the number of lives. If time is important, then maybe make it the only thing, and more prominent.
  • Exit is always at same spot ... strange feeling, it felt repetitive to me.
  • Mushrooms did hang several times on the blogs, in the air, strange.

I like the very different graphics style!

I had a hard time with the controls. I did not know how to get into the doors. I did not know how to fix things. I think I pressed every key on my keyboard, but except left and right there was nothing. Tried with mouse and only shaking the tool in my hand.

Pity, I would have liked to play it.

Wow. It is addictive. I like the idea with stacking and each of the stacked guys and girls to help shooting.

Controls feel stiff, but I normally play controller, not keyboard, so it might be me. 

Cool, short intense entry!

A pity I could not play. I only have laptop and no numpad. Was looking forward to play :-(

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Yes, i think for an updated version I have to make the UI (what the dice are etc.) and the mechanics a bit clearer in some intro rooms.

Thank you for playing the game. It was a version just before releasing to the 7DRL game jam.

Fabulous presentation! I love the clean graphics, the abstract decoration of the rooms, and (!) the tilting of the rooms!  And controls/ feel is nice and smooth!

I had a hard time killing monsters without getting too much damage, not sure if there are weapons later on. I would have liked to be able, after a while, to kill a monster without damage or to have some food to recover or so.

Overall, congratulations! A very polished/ complete game, especially for a game jam!

Note: The game crashed in browser when I got to a question-mark and at the same time a monster moved onto the question-mark.

Thank you for playing and for the positive/ constructive feedback!

Thx for feedback on the keep mechanics, I as well think this is important for more depth. Yes, I have to add some splashscreen or more intro rooms/ step by step for the symbols/ tiles/ mechanics. I did it this way, thinking that roguelike means as well exploring and not having any info, but I will add in an update. Yes, I am thinking about adding some more traditional roguelike tropes/ items. Specifically some special abilities (teleport, shield, create block at any spot, ... all collectable and only usable once).

Thank you for playing and for the constructive  feedback!

Nice you felt that the music created the right vibe. Yes, for me, as I played it a lot I as well feel like it takes off too slow. Interestingly, there are several comments which feel the opposite/ they'd like more intro. Classic problem. I am thinking of having "two paths" in an updated version: one with step by step intro and one for people who want to jump into the "action" and explore. Yes, 12 dice is too much lookahead! And looking at feedback, there seem to be some people who think this through and take away the pace. I myself play it very much just looking at the possible target positions. But looking at 3 or 4 dice in special situations.

Thank you for playing and for the postive and specific feedback!

Yes, I think that in an update I have to better/ slower introduce all the tiles/ symbols and mechanics. For the game jam I tried to visualize the behaviour with the animations (numbers/ dice moving from event to the food/ score ...). But it is only clear when knowing. I did not have much time to choose the music, nice you felt it made it moody. Yes, with just ASCII characters/ tiles and the mechanics it tends to be "dry".

Thank you for playing and for the positive/ specific feedback!

Yes, I think I have to make some intro rooms which slowly introduce all symbols/ tiles (allowing to jump over for later runs). And, yes, I struggled to make clearer when the player dies, what the reason is ... I am thinking of adding some slow motion just before and focusing on the event. Nice you liked the dice-based movement.

Thank you for playing and for the positive/ specific feedback!

Nice you liked the look-ahead-and-planning. I think it can be played without in the first rooms, but later on it is essential. Probably, not as many dice as currently, but something like 6 dice lookahead might be good.

Thank you for playing and for the positive and constructive feedback!

Thank you for pointing out that he music/ other contributing elements (animations probably and other) are important. Else I think the game would be very "cerebral".

The UI too sophisticated. Yes, and I normally hate such overloaded engineered UIs - I prefer little or none. Here I did it for time constrains (easier to add than to minimize to core) and it felt more old-stlye-PC-rogue to me.

Thank you for playing and for the positive/ specific feedback!

Nice you liked the movement system. As there were several people who liked it, I think I will further explore/ perfect-ionise the mechanic.

Thank you for playing and for the positive/ informative feedback!

Yes, I think for an update I have to make the start/ intro levels better, so that the mechanics/ symbols etc. are clearer. Nice you felt the sound effects on-point and responsive, I was not aware, implemented them last minute.

Thank you for playing and for the positive/ constructive feedback!

Yes, I was pulled forth and back about how the first levels should be. For an update I will make easier rooms/ which allow to explore the mechanics step by step. (but allow to jump over these when replaying or for people who want to start difficult)

Thank you for playing and for the positive feedback!

Yes, I think for a game jam game I should have made things more explicit in the description and less "play an hour to find out everything yourself".

yes, Megadrive Shoot’em’ups were (still are) great! Thunder Force III being my favorite (played it on Maniac difficulty)

Very nice graphics!!!

Unfortunately, as I have  a Mac I cannot play it.

I like the clean graphics! (Just note that there are people who are colour blind, ... or are the blobs all the same independent of their colour?).

Solid controls and fluid gameplay.

I like that the ... green stuff/ fungus/ magic green slime/ ... that stuff is growing!

I like the monsters and their colour palette.

Level generation is ok, I did not get stuck. But green dots (?) appeared at hole at bottom and I could not get them. That said, I did not really understand how to get to the next room.

Controls: I am a game controller player, so I had a hard time with WASD and space, does not feel fluid to me, but that's just me.

Solid game.

I love the graphics!!! This is a cool idea to give the character based grid more texture.

And the game is very rogue.

Nice! Even I am not good at it. 

I like the mixture and the 2 phase approach: wordle then rogue. And cool that the not matched letters are the enemies.

Nice, really!

Nice! Different to all the others.

Slow calm pace, having to read the text. I am impressed by the generated texts, not far from what some humans write.

Unfortunately, in Browser with PS nor XBox controler worked. I used keyboard arrows, but there no A nor B .. I could not take items.

But I like what I have seen ... mean read!

I love the visuals and atmosphere ... just from looking at the screenshots.

Unfortunately, tried running three times in (Chrome) browser and when clicking start it crashed badly. Had to kill Chrome processes.

:-( And I'm on Mac, download does not work.

Great!!! I love the fusion of roguelike and match three!!!

And this very nicely packaged into clean nice visuals!

Intuitive gameplay, except for the hearts/ life. I think I understood, but not sure: you die if there are too many broken hearts bellow or if you overfill a column. But once or twice it felt, like I died without this being the case, not sure.

Overall: one of the best I played in this /DRL (Played 24 so far)

A real rogue. I like the graphics, but they are tiny, it feels like I am far far far away and not immersed, especially with the small lighted area. Difficult. Classic.

(1 edit)

I love the game. It was fun, played it three times, getting close to the top room, but not enough steps :-(

The visuals are neat, fitting, and fitting music.

Very cool mechanics idea!!! It was fun moving around and trying to make the enemies blink. Blink is essential, just with pretzels/fries/ ... what was the third, ... I don't remember, getting old. Whatever, the blinking is important, as you see I did not remember the order and what beats what. And same here, as mentioned below, I would have preferred NOT to move onto a beaten enemy but stand still, just feeling.

One of my favourites of the 20 I played from this 7DRL!

Heavy visuals, crazy, cool. Like it, but if playing longer it is too much for me. Money equals life is very capitalistic :-) Solid room generation.

Controls were difficult for me, but I am generally playing with controller, seldomly keyboard, so maybe just me.

You game has a cool mood, I like the very pixely graphics and the color palette, together with the music it creates a dungeony feel.

I don't know if I understand the mechanics: select steps, which reduces hearts, but reaching berry bushes (?) recovers or reaching scopions allows to hit ... I fell that there is a cool mechanics, but I did not really get it. Strange, it felt after a while intiuitve, but then I died and died and ... ah, yes it is a roguelike.

Even not complete. Playing it feels complete. And it is very much a roguelike!

I love shoot'em'ups, playing them since 1988 (Armalyte, Io), played a few hundred since them.

And yours felt fresh!!!

I like that moving back allows to scroll back. Controls are tight and good. I got into the flow! I like the map with the changing difficulty the more tiles I move. Very mice aesthetics! The whole package felt fresh, its not one single thing, just the package.


I like the clean and consistent graphics. The mechanics are nice and you created some challenging puzzles with it.  Music does fit very well! The game feels very calm, that's nice, no time pressure.

The controls are ok, could be a bit streamlined (less clicks, less exact click to fire, ...).

I'm happy it was not with permadeath :-D Two later levels took me several tries.

Wow complex concept. Took me long to get it. Impressive for a 7 day game jam!

Nice graphics! Very roguelike.

One little thing: Having to switch between mouse and keyboard did not feel good. Just mouse or just keyboard would be nice.

Very rogue!

I love the "graphics". The font/ the color palette/ the animations/ the lighting are great!

The controls are nice: very fluid movement.

Feels modern and cool! ... I mean hot, ... lot of lava and big Dragons.

I think I killed a dozen ... green blobs, but was not happy about it, as I had to hit again.

I like your game! Great procedural generation: different levels, increasing difficulty, challenging, aesthetically. Balancing feels good, feels like with some playing I get to hole 9 (got to 6). Controls feel a bit fiddly: tiny points to click, the direction line moves very fast.

Overall it was fun playing your game!