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A member registered Feb 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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I dont love, that the scrap gets taken away for good. In my case got to level 6 with only three thusters and then i wanted to make some adjustments and ran out of scrap and  basically ended up with an  unfunctional mess^^ I think it takes away from the the experimenting nature of the game. I could imagine the scrap to be taken after you successfully reached the goal. But besides that its super impressive how you achieved this modular system and the mechanics are great, i just want to experiemnt with the parts more. Very good game :)   

Nice Pixel Art und funny theme :DI can only punch with J, K & L dont work. Do you have to unlock them?
I dont get very far, because dodging enemy attacks is very hard, because you have to stand still to hit. A 'walking aid dodge move' could be fun?

My favorite shapes are definitely triangle and diamond, their special feels significant and add a nice twist to the gameplay. Hexa was my least favorite, because surviving was not really my issue. The stats from the upgrades in the lower right felt a little underwhelming, like I put all my points in damage and attack speed, but i need the same amount of shots to kill. Thats just a balancing issue though and I know thats hard to nail and takes a lot of time. I like the minimalistic aestetic and overall enjoyed the game pretty much. I'd say its a good base to build upon :)

Love the synthwave theme <3 Also nice UI yo :D
The gameplay is nice, but i was a bit put off that evolution can be negative or positive. I'm not quite sure how that mechanic works. I wanted to make really fast, really tanky people and they just got slow as hell. The concept is great though!

Thank you very much <3

waddayamean the yellow square was not helpful?
jokes aside :D thanks for playing, I will treat the UI well in the future :)

Healing defenitely gets on my to do list. The upgrades either change your gun or your projectile, but its not very well communicated. yet :D
Thanks for playing and the feedback :)

I can never reach so much score OMG

I love it! The theme is spot on and the presentation is very funny. Made me laugh several times upon evolving :D The beginning is great, the lategame a bit lame. Overall very enjoyable :)

Oh man I didnt realize that the Instructions had a scrollbox. Yeah that makes much more sense now ;D

Thanks for clarifying! The upgrades actually are very nice and useful. Still hate unknown substance :( 

I think it would be nice to have some more options to save the little dinosaurs from running into the rex. maybe every now and then you can click one to change their trajectory? 
Besides that you got an impressive simulation going on here! :)

Sometimes the enemies spawn so close to you, that you have no time to react. It would be nice if they had a minimum distance to spawn. Also it wasnt quite clear to me that you have to stand in the big red blob to evolve (I think?). After playing a couple of rounds, I got the drift though. Got killed everytime by the unknown substance :(
A nice little game with pretty graphics, gamplay could use some polish tho :D 7.5/10

Very good job on the graphics, i like the style. The game feels polished. Would defenitely play this on my phone if there was more progression, like bosses and more enemies. Good job! :)

The atmosphere is cool, pun intended. I like the music and soundeffects! I found the die but from that point on I wasn't sure what to do next. I wanted to throw the knife in the bear trap, but i couldn't pick up the knife nor get even close to the trap. Is there more to the game?  

Thanks for the feedback! is your mouse rather slow? I'll try to emulate it and add a mouse sensitivity option!

Thanks :)

Thanks for the comment! I was able to fix the hover issue. Did you also find the physics annoying? Did the game run smoothly for you?

Thanks :)

i cannot find it in Discord either

Thanks, i had somewhat fun with this game :D
Would play more levels of this

Its a nice idea, yet the current state gets repetitive very quickly, because you are always slow and just scaring them away isnt very satisfying. Some upgrades would be nice, like a fast- plant pickup  or maybe additional moves with a pitchfork. The base of the game works very well and all it needs is some more depth. Good Job overall :)


I like that put some effort into the writing, your game has a lot of charme through the artstyle, music and dialogue. You could improve on the platforming parts a bit. Sometimes i wasnt able to see the next platform, maybe adjust the camera a bit so that the character is more on the left side, since you are always  going right. The Overworld was a bit weird, because you always got send to the start after a level. Then I somehow managed to softlock the game and had no more objects to interact with in the overworld, after i spoke to the guy in the black coat and gave him the energy core. Anways good job, it was fun :) 

I got somewhat confused with the colors sometimes. First I thought i should carefully plan out which color to pick up or not because i thought i could only traverse the blue walls as blue slime, but in the end it doesnt matter. Also it was a little bit tedious to pick them all up before you get to play the actual part of the level, especially once the boulder was introduced. You could easily add a slime, that gives you that whole amount directly, or start with more basemoves. Or in the best case, distribute them in the level, so that it actually matters which one you pick up (like in the first levels). Non the less you made a nice game in such short time and it was one of my favorites. Would like to play a more polished version someday :)

(1 edit)

I think it already helps, if the camera is not in perfect 45° but 40° angle, so the player can figure it out, if he needs to, but you keep that isometric feel. Also you could have the floortiles become brighter, the higher up they are to make depth perception easier.  One last notch i recommend is syncing the particle effects with the beat of the music. All in all the game has a good foundation of ideas and i enjoyed it a lot, well done :)

This game has great atmosphere and the art and music really round off the gameplay nicely. Only the dog bark gets a little annoying, maybe use some more samples for that. The Combat is nice and responsive, also appreciated the checkpoint. I think you can just add some more enemy types and bosses on top of that to build upon. Nice Work :)

(1 edit)

Mountain > Bigfoot. The ultimate strategy. Also a running feature would be nice, maybe with stamina to balance it out

A nice little challenge. I could see that there was some text on the bottom of the screen, but i couldnt read it, because it was cut off. Also a nice quality of life change, if the camera zoomed out a bit quicker. I lost the egg a couple of times, because the ships were faster than the camera. Good Job :)

same :/ 

I love the game! Very satisfying to control and to look at. I think the connectors should only be visible maybe in the first level and from then on be disabled. I noticed you put an option for that in the menu, but it doesnt get carried over to the next level. Anyways a lovely experience :)

Thank you very much! i appreciate the kind words! :) On the other hand it is a pitty, because i put so much work into the final section. With at least 5 coins collected you can destroy yellow stones. You should be able to see one, when you start up the game...
In case you try again, let me know how you liked the finale :D

You are too kind sir :D Thank you

Thank you for your feedback! I think a map would really have been helpful here  :D After beating the Asteroids you could go left, where you collect the coin and go into a cave. In the cave you can go up again through a little maze. Since I fear more people are struggling to end the game, here is a little spoiler: After collecting at least 5 coins you have to return to the starting area, but if you manage to find all coins, there will be an optional upgrade

i think it is not functional on PC :/ i can see the trade and cut wood option, but i can't cut any wood

I like that you did a grappling hook, but the controls need some more work. It feels quite uncontrolable at times and the left right movement speed is very slow on the ground. i got until this point, and then did not find a way to get over the obstacle

the controls take a while to get used to. Is it intentional, that you can hang on platforms with the umbrella? it helps you get up sometime, but also sometimes it prevents you from reaching the next block. Once i got stuck between the umbrella and a wall and had to restart. I'd suggest using overlaps instead of collisions for the umbrella. Good Job anyways :)

Very enjoyable Game! It is very difficult, but in a good way. You kinda have to learn the level a bit and after a while you can really run through the parts, you have memorized, because all the elements in the level have well scripted movement. Maybe decrease the motionblur effect on respawn, it was kinda heavy on the eyes after a while. Nicely done! 

This was a very fun experience, also a good challenge! took me 20 minutes with 39 Deaths. The Controls are amazing. I got lost in the skymaze a bit and some areas were lacking some sort of visual guide where you have to go. The Ending was epic! Also the other scripted events were very nice to look at. Nice Game :)

Very cute animation and graphics. I like how you have to manage a tidy ground und still having to react fast to keep it going. I would wish for a more complex level with maybe platforms or gaps. Well done :)

Very fun to play. I agree with all my prewriters. When i had to get the guy from the roof, i wish i could just have jumped off the roof  :D