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Hydride Games Studio

A member registered Aug 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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No problem.

Hey! Heads up! Someone bought a boxed cartridge version of your game from Ferrante Crafts, and the person who bought it didn’t receive the game.

Why does the music stop after a while? That’s really my only complaint, the rest of the game is pretty solid!

Not a bad little game. It reminds me of this other game I played years ago where you had to make phones with a checklist of parts.

Ditto. The number of asteroids felt overwhelming at times.

This is a pretty basic game, but its gameplay loop isn’t bad. Could use some more work, but good start!

Game appears to be a virus… Please upload a HTML5 version of your game(s) whenever possible to avoid this happening again.

Not a bad game, though an item necessary to progress fell through the floor once. Also the controls took a little getting used to.

This is probably just a ‘me’ problem (or my keyboard) but I found that when I let go of the charge button and arrow buttons it sometimes doesn’t register one of my arrow inputs… I did enjoy the game despite that.

It’s alright but there appears to be some kind of glitch with the boss that causes the game to lag more and more each time I die to it… It also makes the already too loud boss music even louder

As it is now, it’s way too short… I like the idea, but I feel like it could be expanded into something greater.

Reminds me a lot of Super Hexagon. Great game, though I wasn’t a fan of the music personally.

I thought this was a cute little experience.

Excellent game! I liked the exploration aspect of the level design.

Not a bad entry, just wish it was a little longer… Unless I wasn’t supposed to get the space ending.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I’ll use this to create a DX version of this game after the jam voting period ends. As for why the game feels kind of janky, it’s because it’s not quite finished…

You see, I originally had a 5 person team for this event, but our level designer got robbed and our composer left on their own, saying the project was “directionless,” leaving me and two graphic designers. From there the team kind of dissolved and I was left trying to find a new team midway through the jam. But I did, and we did the best we could to make this a worthwhile game. So I’d like to thank zacrous12, PureKnix and JaxxenCheney for their help with this game, it couldn’t have been done without you.

Not a bad idea, I like that it’s random each time you play.

Unfortunately this game does not load for me. I get the following error: Uncaught SyntaxError: illegal character U+FFFD

This game is amazing! You’ve got a strong chance of winning this jam! Reminds me of Kirby’s Dream Land 2 with its aesthetic.

This is an interesting game, but I don’t understand the controls…

I ran into a bug where the Witch’s sprite turned into glitched graphics:

This is a neat concept, but I keep dying for no reason. This game could’ve used a bit more polish. It also doesn’t appear to adhere to the 160x144 resolution very strictly.

(1 edit)

Reminds me a lot of Pokemon Pinball. Although I like it, there have been some instances of the ball going through the flippers… I’m willing to forgive this though. Bugs happen, I should know.

This is pretty good for your first jam game! But one thing I’d recommend is less precision platforming. Also, the parallax background doesn’t fit the game boy well, but that’s just a nitpick. Good job!

This game is an interesting take on the space theme. I like the idea a lot!

The game straight up isn’t loading for me. Which is a pity, I was looking forward to playing this one…

This game is a little iffy. For starters, when I run into a stage boundary, my truck gets stuck and I can’t move anymore. Also, I’m not sure how to end a level. I delivered the package but I don’t know how to progress. However, I like the idea.

This game appears to be broken…

Submitting an unfinished game is still allowed and encouraged.

Not a bad little game. And the coins were fun to collect. Also it didn’t feel unfair.

I’m sorry that you had a rough time with the game. Although it’s too late to change the jam version, I will use this feedback to improve the final version of this game.

Also, I tried to make it so that the X position always rounded to the nearest pixel, but I don’t think it worked…

Thank you to the 18 people who left comments and the other 12 people who voted. I’m thankful for your feedback and will use this for a potential sequel to this game.

I personally wasn’t a fan of the acapella music and sound effects. The game itself is solid, though.

I really like the use of colours!

This is a strong contender for number 1! Well done!

It was fun, but a little frustrating at times. Reminds me of Getting Over It a little.

Definitely an entry that deserves more love. Have you tried posting it on the Discord server? If you don’t have a discord account, then posting comments and rating others’ entries can help boost your rating too.

I should probably explain how the rank system works. You don’t have to beat the level within the time limit, doing so only increases your rank. In fact, beating the level without dying and beating the level with all of the trinkets also affect your rank. V is the best rank, with S being the next best, then A, then B.